
Born of Betrayal by Sherrilyn Kenyon

covertocovergirl's review against another edition

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Kenyon has out done even herself , she's a master story weaver.. just WOW! .. I'm joyfully racing off to start Born of Legend... that noise you're hearing is me gleefully laughing with anticipation.. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ of 5

danni_faith's review against another edition

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ashesofabookdragon's review against another edition

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Loved this book and I like the new arc! Ready for the next one~ :)

theficster's review against another edition

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Loved this new episode of The League books by Sherrilyn Kenyon. The warriors and space pirates in this series are hardcore and softies at the same time. This one did not disappoint and I look forward to the next book

lili_darknight's review against another edition

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Milujem túto sériu, pretože skrátka milujem všetko, čo Sherri napíše, nakoľko absolútne zbožňujem, ako pracuje so svojimi postavami - ktoré mi už tradične v každej knihe lámu srdce. Táto séria ma baví ešte asi o kúsok viac ako jej Temní lovci, hoci netuším, či niekedy aj uvidím ten koniec vojny medzi Ligou a Sentellou (hoci všetci aj tak dávno vieme, ako to všetko dopadlo, že). Nakoľko autorka sa rozhodla nerozprávať príbehy postupne, ale v divných časových líniách, pričom viem, že minimálne tri knihy sa odohrávajú takpovediac v tom istom okamihu, iné o niekoľko rokov skôr či neskôr a všetky osudy a príbehy sa tak veľmi prepletajú, že sa mi z toho miestami točí v hlave. Výnimkou nebola ani táto kniha, ktorej vyčítam asi len to, že po dejovej stránke nedošlo k žiadnemu posunu, len sa tam objavil celý milión postáv z predchádzajúcich kníh a k tomu ešte aj nejaké nové. To, že sa mi vďaka tomu nezačalo točiť v hlave je dôkazom, že autorka asi naozaj vie, čo robí.

abookishheritage's review against another edition

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Fain and Galeen

wyvernfriend's review against another edition

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Entertaining read, though the cast of characters and the political situation is getting more and more complicated. I almost needed a quick guide to who is who to start.

tiggerreads's review against another edition

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4 1/2 out of 5

I love reading about Galene and Fain. This one didn't quite make it to 5 because Mrs. Kenyon didn't rip my heart out completely. There was a lot of over-arcing plot advancement, which I loved. The one thing that I love about The Sentella. They have done through love and friendship what The League has to do through fear and greed. Bring the Nine Planets together. And, as I finished the book, I recalled a quote from [b:Styxx|15767586|Styxx (Dark-Hunter, #22)|Sherrilyn Kenyon||21473047], "Just because you have it bad, doesn't mean that I have it good."