
The Blizzard Bride by Susanne Dietze

izmirlimelike's review against another edition

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Abby and Dash arrive in Nebraska in the winter of 1888 on the same mission-to find the son of a dangerous counterfeiter who also is the man who murdered Abby’s father on the steps of the bank he managed. Abby takes a job in the small town of Wells as a school teacher while she tries to identify who the son of the dangerous murderer may be. Dash is an agent for the government whose task is to find the counterfeiter, but first and foremost he wants to protect Abby who was his childhood sweetheart. Dash abruptly left Abby without a word of explanation six years ago when they were hoping to marry. Will Abby be able to mend her broken heart and forgive him?

Blizzard of 1888 is a real event that took place and it provides the backdrop in this inspirational story of heartache, love, hardship and forgiveness. I enjoyed it very much.

Thank you to Net Galley and Barbour publishing for providing me with an ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review.

joycerl's review against another edition

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Absolutely wonderful story of redemption and love.Abby and Dash have their unresolved issues as they travel to Nebraska under different circumstances.
The person they are looking for is right there under their noses.
My favorite part of this entire book was when Abby tackles the town curmudgeon.She sees behind his attitude to the hurt and sorrow buried deep.Really made me think of all the people I overlook because of their attitude.
Lots of romance,love,humor and adventure with a dash of real history thrown together.
Thankyou Netgalley for this ARC

ashley_a's review against another edition

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Another interesting and delightful historical romance! I found the setting and plot for this book particularly interesting with the secretive spy aspect and the mix of exes working together to take down the bad guy.

Dash and Abby were once engaged, but when he leaves, breaking their engagement, their lives go different ways, till they meet again in the present time.

Abby’s life has changed from a life of privilege to one of being shunned following her father’s association with a criminal and his murder that occurred after, with her mother dying later. Dash who had once been a poor stable boy now works in the Secret Service. They’re brought together to work in catching and taking down the bad guy, Fletcher Pitch, the same man behind the murder of Abby’s father.

Abby is, understandably, reluctant to work with Dash, who had left her without a word, and is bitter towards him. But they’re forced to work through their personal problems and focus on their plan. Pitch’s son is rumored to be in a small town, and he is suspected of coming after his son. Abby works undercover as a teacher, trying to discover who the son is while Dash works in a stable gaining information that way.

Abby and Dash work through their issues; Dash with his feelings of insecurity and not being good enough for Abby; and Abby has to learn to forgive which helps her be merciful to others. The story was brought together nicely with action, romance, and the overall message of God’s mercy and everlasting love.

academy252's review against another edition

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A little predictable and somewhat preachy for my taste but a sweet story. It reads like a western toward the end.

arrow_reads's review against another edition

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The Blizzard Bride by Susanne Dietze ⁣⁣
• historical fiction, historical romance, Christian fiction ⁣⁣
• publish date: February 1, 2020⁣⁣
This a inspiring story based on a real blizzard that hit in January 1888. There is an undercover operation involving a Secret service agent and a school house teacher that help find a man who has committed several crimes. ⁣⁣
The book held me attention and is full of suspense, danger, forgiveness, and a bit of romance. The Blizzard Bride is book 11 of Daughter’s of the Mayflower series. ⁣⁣

eressea's review against another edition

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The Blizzard Bride is the 11th book in the Daughter of the Mayflower series. It’s been written by Susanne Dietze, who is a brand new author for this series, so I was very curious how this book would turn out! And I can say, it turned out amazing! 

We follow both Abby and Dash, as they try to find a counterfeiter. Dash is with the Secret Service, and has been on this case for a long time, while Abby is a school teacher who’s father got murdered and she wants justice. When Dash finds out the counterfeiter is looking for his son, and knows which town the boy is in, but the identity remains a mystery. And who can look better for clues than a teacher? A perfect situation for Abby, and she wants to do her bit to catch the counterfeiter and protect the child. However, when she finds out that Dash is the operative coming with her, she’s not very happy about it to say the least, as they have a history... 

Oh, I just love a good mystery... and this definitely was one! I kept looking for clues which boy could be the one, all the while looking for the counterfeiter and also trying to discover what happened between Dash and Abby. It was an interactive read so to speak lol! Both characters were very likable, even though Abby has drifted a bit apart from God in her anger. I loved how she learned to open up, and slowly learned to trust again. Especially with her budding friendship with an elderly man, it just made my heart melt. And Dash is a wonderful man with absolutely no manners. Gotta love that. Their interaction was golden and made me laugh out loud, but they also weren’t afraid to tell each other the truth and have deep conversations. The spiritual lessons were also very good, and very subtly added to the plot without it being too obvious. There were quite a few subplots actually which enriched the story even more, with many fleshed out characters. And even though I had solved one of the mysteries almost the minute it showed up on page (yeah I’m keeping it vague on purpose), I still very much enjoyed reading towards the grand finale. All in all, I very much loved this book, especially with the touch of mystery added.

rjd's review against another edition

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Nice. This is the first book I have read by this author, and it was enjoyable. I will seek this author out again in the future. Interesting backdrop for a romance, the Children's Blizzard. But it was well done.
My only complaint with this is more with the series. It's supposed to be this single family, but every one that I have read has some major tragedy for the hero/heroine to overcome. What a great family saga, where you know the characters you just fell in love with will end up dying in some horrible manner. Again, I haven't read all the books in this series, but the ones I have all had this in common.

I received a copy of this book in order to facilitate my review. I was not required to leave a review, positive or otherwise. All opinions are my own.

cakt1991's review

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I received an ARC of this book via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

The Blizzard Bride has a lot to recommend it, including that this is yet another book I’ve picked up that this is another book that provides insight into a historical event I previously new nothing about, this one taking place during Schoolhouse Blizzard in Nebraska. While I’ve never been through a similar experience, I enjoyed seeing it conveyed through the eyes of the heroine, Abby, and how it helped her grow in her faith.

That aspect makes up the latter half, and there’s also a compelling mystery element, where she’s hunting for her father’s killer, who is also involved in counterfeiting. This brings her back into contact with her former love interest, Dash, who is a Secret Service agent and concerned for her safety. The romance is rather sweet, and I enjoyed seeing them ultimately come together, especially given there were some issues that separated them in the first place.

And a quick note about the series itself: while this is book #11, it is very much a standalone, with this being Dietze’s first contribution to the multi-author series, and as my entry point, I was not lost, although they do bring up a few of their connections to their descent from Mayflower settlers, a plot point for the earliest book, and I’m interested in trying at least a couple of them based on the summaries.

This is a pretty good historical romance, bringing to light what was likely a life-changing historical event for many. I recommend this lovers of sweet historical romance.

scarlettg12's review

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Thanks to NetGalley and Barbour Publishing for an ARC of this book! Release date - February 1, 2020

I must say I’m pleasantly surprised at how much I liked this book. It’s been hit or miss with me on this never ending series, and thanks to NetGalley I think I’m committed to reading them without being asked until the end of time. Luckily every now and then there have been ones I’ve quite enjoyed, this one included.

I was completely invested in these characters. They were likable, sympathetic, realistic, and I was really rooting for them, in both the romance aspect and the Secret Service, track down the murdering counterfeiter aspect. The mystery really was well-done. Despite the pool of suspects being pretty small, I was never quite sure who was Pitch or his son thanks to some really well-placed hints that had me changing my guess over and over.

I loved that the blizzard in the title was a real historical event. Previous books in this series have almost always been set during a war, so for the historical context here to be a catastrophic blizzard was clever and refreshing. The author’s note actually had me wanting to look up this blizzard and read more about it. Apparently it’s often referred to as the Children’s Blizzard, because of the 235 people who died, 213 were children. So making the main character in this story a schoolteacher in her classroom when the blizzard hit was scary and realistic.

So all in all I’m glad I read this book. The books I’ve enjoyed in this series are pretty great, clean, historical romances that are set around real events. And the fact that I enjoyed this one has definitely made me more favorably inclined to read the next one I will undoubtedly receive from NetGalley in a few months.

bellesmoma2021's review

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The Blizzard Bride by Susanne Dietze is a wild ride. I mean the kind of ride that leaves the reader holding her breath and clinging to the edge of her seat. These Daughters of the Mayflower novels are excellent, and with each subsequent novel, they just keep getting better and better. Just when I think, “Aw, that book was the best!”, another story comes out and blows me away with its awesomeness. The Blizzard Bride packs a serious punch in only 256 pages and is definitely one of my favorites in this series.

Abby, the heroine of The Blizzard Bride, has had a rough few years. The love of her life up and left her with NO explanation, her father was murdered, she and her mother lost everything because of his death — their finances, their home, and their social standing. Eventually, Abby’s mother dies from a broken heart. And, Abby has broken ties with God. If He is going to abandon her, she thinks, then she will abandon Him. In six year’s time, Abby has slowly become a bitter, angry, and spite-filled woman bent on making the villains pay. She has closed herself off — no God, no friends, no loved ones. Abby figures that if she is closed off from everyone and everything she will save herself from getting hurt. But then Abby meets curmudgeonly Mr. Yates and sees a glimpse into what her future will be if she continues her path of anger and isolation. So Abby makes the only choice she can — she befriends Mr. Yates. She recognizes that, like her, Mr. Yates has some serious trauma that’s not been properly dealt with, and so reaches out to him in an attempt to get them both back on the right track.

This subplot in The Blizzard Bride provides an excellent warning to us all — it is imperative that we deal with our lives with God, or we will end up alone and deeply hurting. This actually makes me think of Psalm 32:2-3 (ESV; my emphasis): “Blessed is the man against whom the Lord counts no iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit. For when I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groanings all day long.” When Abby stops and really takes a look at Mr. Yates she sees dark, deep pouches under his eyes, a permanent downcast to his mouth, tight, crossed arms, and stooped shoulders. Clearly, Mr. Yate’s anger, hatred, and alienation have worn him down and he is wasting away. Abby comes to understand as David does in this Psalm, that unconfessed pain and sin eat at us and hurts our physical and spiritual selves. Abby realizes that she must turn back to God, speak her feelings, confess her sins, and ask for forgiveness. Mrs. Dietze’s subplot beautifully points out that when we turn to the One who can truly heal, we find the real peace we need in order to move beyond the hurts of our past.

As I stated above, this book packs a punch. In fact, it contains multitudes. There are super endearing characters that I won’t soon forget. A winter storm that terrified me. In fact, I didn’t take a full breath for three chapters because the storm is that intense. The romance is sweet and the mystery is captivating. All in all, The Blizzard Bride is a great read I highly recommend. This book is another home run by Susie Dietze.

I received a review copy of this novel in eBook form from the author via her publisher, Barbour Books through NetGalley. In no way has this influenced my review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own.