bookmermaidx's review

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Really good!! There were a handful that I wasn't completely a fan of. but the majority of it, I did enjoy!

macthekat's review

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Great mix of very sexy comics. Some romance, while other fall into the fantasy and urban fantasy realm.

mara_miriam's review

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While this anthology was really fun, the lack of narrative made it less than compelling as a book; I would've enjoyed it more as a zine, an art exhibit, or web series. That said, there were none that I disliked, my favorite strips were "Easy" by Leia Weathington & Erika Moen, "Kung Fu Hustlers" by E.K. Weaver, and "Travesty" by Ursula Wood & Jennifer Doyle.

catapocalypse's review against another edition

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I found this titillating anthology very amusing and enjoyable! The stories vary in length and amount of plot, but there weren't any I disliked. My favorite of the whole bunch was Jess Fink's "Busking Beguile," both for its sweet story and her charming art. The contribution from Spike, the editor, was also very memorable for her beautiful art and the "ooh, she went THERE" factor.

A well done collection. I recommend it for any sex-positive reader looking for inclusive erotic comics.

mmelibertine's review against another edition

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This anthology is a perfect gem and a must have for fans of erotic writing and art. It's pro-sex, pro-woman, pro-sexuality of all types. Such a refreshing read. It turns stereotypes and porn cliches on their head and makes them legitimately interesting stories. Support independent artists and great storytelling, and buy this right *now*.

suvij's review against another edition

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Як це буває, ідея захопила мене значно сильніше, ніж виконання. Я дивився відео з виступу упорядниці, і досі (минув рік чи більше) під враженням. Антологія коміксів із порно поза жанровим мейнстримом, авторами якого є переважно жінки (за умовами, жінка має бути присутньою у творчій команді, але я не перевіряв, чи були учасники-чоловіки взагалі) — це формулювання звучить дуже заманливо.
Всередині різні історії. Про чоловіків, жінок, роботів, міфічних істот в різних комбінаціях (без міфічних істот і роботів у одному сюжеті). Іронічні, комічні, романтичні…
Було цікаво, але не зачепило.

gi99lepunch's review against another edition

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Fun, sex positive, lady friendly, ultra saucy shorts.
This anthology is everything it promises it will be!

qace90's review against another edition

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Some of these were really cute and fun, but overall not the most fulfilling smut. I like that pubic hair exists in most of the stories xD I did enjoy the diversity of characters and pairings. Just, not a lot of substance to most of the smut and substance and really add a lot to smut's enjoyment.

makz_marie's review against another edition

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wow, that sure is a big book of porn comics!
like most anthologies, a mixed bag - some will make you say "huh," some will get skipped right over, and some will feel like they were slid into this collection especially for your browsing pleasure.
it does make for an excellent coffee table book, if you have the right kind of friends. I left it out with the usual coloring books for my Dungeons and Dragons group, and I think it was a hit!

bbrown's review against another edition

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Awwwwww yeah...