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dakela44's review against another edition
3 zvezdice: "I liked it", ali ne više od toga.
Za početak možda je najznačajnije obratiti pažnju na to kako glasi originalni naslov ("Psychology: A very short introduction"), pa shodno tome ne očekivati previše od "sažetog priručnika".
OXFORD Universiry Press kao izdavač ti uliva sigurnost da nećeš pročitati ništa netačno, ali s druge strane taj striktan objektivno-naučni pristup utiče na to da knjiga vrlo oprezno izbegava udubljivanja u bilo koji pojedinačni koncept, pa je generalni utisak da je sadržaj toliko obazrivo sklepan da posle čitanja budeš bogatiji samo za mnogo formulisanih pitanja, a prilično uskraćen za odgovore koje kao laik podrazumevaš da se nalaze u ovakvom priručniku...
Dobra strana naučnog tona knjige je ta da nijedna tema nije obradjena pretenciozno, jer se oslanja samo na rezultate validnih i priznatih istraživanja pa, iako bogatiji samo za pitanja, budeš siguran da su bar pitanja prava i da nećeš baciti vreme kojim se god pozabavio detaljnije i dublje.
Preporuka za one koji žele uvid u širinu današnje psihologije, kako njenog dometa, tako i samih grana i podela unutar te, nama ljudima značajne, društvene nauke. Vrlo značajno i kao štivo za razbijanje gomila predrasuda...
I naravno najbitnija činjenica - knjiga ne spada u žanr knjiga o samopomoći ili ičeg sličnog tome. Ovaj priručnik je upravo pisanije o psihologiji kao naučnoj disciplini.
Za početak možda je najznačajnije obratiti pažnju na to kako glasi originalni naslov ("Psychology: A very short introduction"), pa shodno tome ne očekivati previše od "sažetog priručnika".
OXFORD Universiry Press kao izdavač ti uliva sigurnost da nećeš pročitati ništa netačno, ali s druge strane taj striktan objektivno-naučni pristup utiče na to da knjiga vrlo oprezno izbegava udubljivanja u bilo koji pojedinačni koncept, pa je generalni utisak da je sadržaj toliko obazrivo sklepan da posle čitanja budeš bogatiji samo za mnogo formulisanih pitanja, a prilično uskraćen za odgovore koje kao laik podrazumevaš da se nalaze u ovakvom priručniku...
Dobra strana naučnog tona knjige je ta da nijedna tema nije obradjena pretenciozno, jer se oslanja samo na rezultate validnih i priznatih istraživanja pa, iako bogatiji samo za pitanja, budeš siguran da su bar pitanja prava i da nećeš baciti vreme kojim se god pozabavio detaljnije i dublje.
Preporuka za one koji žele uvid u širinu današnje psihologije, kako njenog dometa, tako i samih grana i podela unutar te, nama ljudima značajne, društvene nauke. Vrlo značajno i kao štivo za razbijanje gomila predrasuda...
I naravno najbitnija činjenica - knjiga ne spada u žanr knjiga o samopomoći ili ičeg sličnog tome. Ovaj priručnik je upravo pisanije o psihologiji kao naučnoj disciplini.
asuma's review against another edition
Such a great and perfect introduction to psychology.
I couldn't imagine it to be better written .
It is concise and simple , yet rich in content. It motivates you to read more about the subject and opens new perspectives for further readings .
The book coverd the different fields of psychology in 10 chapters and gave a brief summary of each aspect in a simple , understandable language .
The final chapter was a beautiful conclusion on which , the author emphasized the practical use of psychology and the future of this "recent" science .
It is true that at times , there are condensed informations which make some ideas a little bit blurred and unclear and need some more explanations , but overall it doesn't affect the understanding of the book . After all , the book is called a short introduction for begginers it is not supposed to dig deep in professional and difficult notions .
I recommend this book for everyone interested in this field .
Such a great and perfect introduction to psychology.
I couldn't imagine it to be better written .
It is concise and simple , yet rich in content. It motivates you to read more about the subject and opens new perspectives for further readings .
The book coverd the different fields of psychology in 10 chapters and gave a brief summary of each aspect in a simple , understandable language .
The final chapter was a beautiful conclusion on which , the author emphasized the practical use of psychology and the future of this "recent" science .
It is true that at times , there are condensed informations which make some ideas a little bit blurred and unclear and need some more explanations , but overall it doesn't affect the understanding of the book . After all , the book is called a short introduction for begginers it is not supposed to dig deep in professional and difficult notions .
I recommend this book for everyone interested in this field .
jadzia's review against another edition
"Psychology" is the second book I have read from the series "A Very Short Introduction" and I must admit that I am not disappointed. Before reading this book I had no idea about psychology, so I was (and still am) complete muggle when it comes to that field. The book, however, describes breifly many different parts of psychology, what is it after all, how can it be used in our everyday lives and moreover, how it is used when we do not even notice the workings of psychologists! The books leaves a reader with this urgent feeling to find out more about the topic as soon as possible, and for sure it is a good start to look for some interesting case studies and experiments. There have been several described, which are also quite popularized among other laypeople, just like me. The most important aspect for me was the simple and understandable language, which did not always happen in books written by experts and professors. I can say with a light heart that I was able to understand everything what the authors tried to convey in their work and I will try to take it a bit further by reading the recommended books to each chapter.
The book is basic and quite short as the title implies, which makes it available to all readers, for those who already know some things about psychology or those, who start their journey with this exciting topic.
The book is basic and quite short as the title implies, which makes it available to all readers, for those who already know some things about psychology or those, who start their journey with this exciting topic.