
Love, Exes, and Ohs by Violet Duke

jigsawgirl's review

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Surprising Twist

This was a quick read with a couple of interesting twists. I liked the chemistry between Isaac and Xoey. They liked each other and had fun together. They were supportive and loyal. They were ex's who became best friends. They each had a painful secret.

As their path was laid out, I found myself thinking, "Well, I know where this is going."

WRONG! Suddenly, it was one twist after another. Definitely take a chance on this one.

jen286's review

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This review was originally posted to Jen in Bookland

*Note: I received an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*

Love, Exes and Ohs was such a great read! I am so glad I took a chance on this new to me author. This definitely won't be the last of her books I read, especially if they are all as good as this one was.

Xoey and Isaac are best friends. They talk all the time, the meet up for breakfast every week at the dog park, they are just perfect together. Only Xoey doesn't want to be more than friends. She dated Isaac in the past then broke up with him for no reason he can figure out. That didn't stop him from making sure that they stay friends. He loves her and wants to be with her in whatever capacity she is willing. Maybe one day she will realize how amazing they are together and he will get his happily ever after. For now though he is just there for her whenever she needs him and he takes his frustrations out at his gym. When she goes on dates he hits the bags. It works for now.

Xoey really cares for Isaac. She loves him, she just doesn't believe in the happily ever after. Though it is getting harder to keep things in the friend zone with Isaac. He is always there for her and it is just so sweet. One drunken night she decides she is not going to look for love anymore, but someone to give her a great oh. She makes a list of qualities the men must have based on the three men who have given her great oh's on the past. Only Isaac makes up most of the list.

This was a great story and Isaac and Xoey are so cute together! Watching them fall for each other and work everything out was just amazing. I just loved them so much. Xoey has been burned in the past and she is having a hard time letting that go. When the past comes into the present I thought oh no. This is what is happening? Oh this is going to be lame drama llama. Only it wasn't. The author dealt with the situation the characters find themselves in in such a refreshing way. Not a lot of drama. Not a lot of unnecessary heartbreak. It is like Xoey and Isaac are adults and handle what comes at them in a more grown up way. Instead of being all crazy emotional they work through things. Sure it took some time to get to happily ever after, but the way the author handled everything I loved. There were a lot of times when it could have been really cheesy, or cringe worthy, but the author didn't go there. It was amazing. I loved it. Most other authors wouldn't have written the story this well. I definitely need to go read more as the way she handled everything was just perfect. I loved the characters, I loved the story, I just loved this book! A great read, highly recommended. It was a lot of fun, so cute and sweet and just amazing. I'm so glad I gave this book a try.

lphr3ads's review

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4 stars

kara_hildebrand's review

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I love Violet Duke and I've read all her books. I love the Cactus Creek series and I have been waiting for Xoey's story since book 1 and it was worth the wait. Xoey and Isaac used to date, but now they are just friends. Friends who see each other every day and talk on the phone all the time. Isaac wants Xoey back but he has no idea how he will convince her. Lucky for him, she gets drunk one night and comes up with a plan to find Mr. Right, who will need to have all the qualities of the only men who have given her the Big Oh in the past. Isaac is of course on the list, along with almost all of his great qualities. Love is literally staring her in the face, but she refuses to see it. After a little help from her friends, Isaac inserts himself has Bachelor #5 and gets the date he's been dreaming about for a year. Their chemistry is off the charts and their banter awesome! When the past threatens to end their new found relationship, can Isaac convince Xoey to take a chance on him? The twists and turns had me crying and threatening to call Violet if it didn't end well! :) Do not miss this one!

The woman basically had remote control access to most of his body parts - brain, heart, and …yeah. All his body parts.

The way he was looking at her made her feel like she was wearing nothing more than a prayer and a whisper.

eacastillo84's review

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This was a great book! It was funny and emotional and the characters had such a deep and complex connection, I couldn't put it down. I especially loved the twist, I totally did not see that coming!

shobeteener's review

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I was given this ARC copy in exchange for an honest review.

This is book 4 in the Cactus Creek Series.

This is the book I have been waiting for! Xoey's story.

Xoey Montenegro manages her good friend, Dani's Brewpub Ocotillos. This woman is a riot with her zippy comebacks and attitude.

Isaac mcKnight owns/runs his own gym. He's a true knight in shining armor in my book.

Isaac and Xoey dated awhile before she suddenly ended things with them. He was able to keep a strong 'friends' relationship going with her. They come across as super best friends. I give Isaac huge kudo's for allowing her to tell him about all her dates with other men when he cares deeply for her.

Things shift for them when Xoey makes a drunken confession and Isaac decides to take a stand in moving their relationship forward. He proves to Xoey that he is her rock.

This book has several laugh out loud moments which I absolute love in a book. To me it just makes the story so much better and more realistic.

I love how all the characters from the other books in this series intermingle. It's great and makes for an awesome read in a really good series.

lexilove13's review

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Simply put this book was amazing and well written. Violet delivered an another amazing story for readers everywhere!

sideglancer's review

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4 stars

cpbooklover's review

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Funny and heartwarming with a big twist!