
Clarkesworld Magazine, Issue 157 by Neil Clarke

crunden's review

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I am my father’s name, written by my mother’s vision across time and space.

I started with P H Lee's short, which was very interesting! Available here. Looking forward to the rest!

thesffreader's review

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I will probably do a full review of this issue as it featured some really solid stories.

Individual ratings:
All Electric Ghosts by RICH LARSON - 4*
The Scrapyard by TOMAS FURBY - DNF
An Arc of Lightning Across the Eye of God by P H LEE - 4,5*
National Center for the Preservation of Human Dignity by YOUHA NAM, translated by ELISA SINN AND JUSTIN HOWE - 3.5*
Song Xiuyun by A QUE, translated by EMILY JIN - 3.5*
How Alike Are We by BO-YOUNG KIM, translated by JIHYUN PARK AND GORD SELLAR - 5*