melmo2610's review

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A cute and fun novella collection. I enjoyed each of the stories and I liked the carousel theme. Good read.

michellef's review

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Carousel Dreams is a well-written anthology.

Sophia’s Hope (Cynthia Hickey)

The setting is Martha’s Vineyard (1889)

Drake Moreland is a carousel attendant with lofty goals. Sophia Blackwell came from an affluent family and is now a nanny. I loved this romance story. Perfect for a summer read. I also found it interesting to learn about the Methodist meetings in Cottage City.

The Art of Romance (Patty Smith Hall)

The setting is Riverside, Rhode Island (1895)

J. Wells is a carousel painter. It was quite interesting to read about the artistry that went into painting a carousel.

Carousel of Love (Teresa Ives Lilly)

The setting is Conneaut Lake, Pa. (1910)

I loved this most amusing story. Tamara Brand is impersonating wealthy debutante Thelma York, her employer.

The Carousel Wedding (Susanne Dietze)

The setting is Balboa Park, Ca. (1922)

This story was well-written and emotionally charged.

I have always loved carousels and was honored to review Carousel Dreams.

Disclaimer: I receive complimentary books from various sources, including, publishers, publicists, authors, and/or NetGalley. I am not required to write a positive review and have not received any compensation. The opinions shared here are my own entirely. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255

cakt1991's review

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I received a ARC from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest reivew.

Sophia’s Hope by Cynthia Hickey

3 stars

The highlight of this story is Hickey’s eye for detail, engrossing the reader in late nineteenth century Martha’s Vineyard, as well as the carousel bit that is the theme for this collection. The romance, while sweet and one of my favorite tropes (a high ranking woman and lower class man), I found the story a bit underwhelming and lacking a ton of substance.

The Art of Romance by Patty Smith Hall

4 stars

Stories where one partner or the other is hiding a secret can be hard to do, but this one is done well, with Jane having good reason for keeping the secret, and there being enough tension and conflict, as well as a believable resolution to said conflict once all was said and done.

Carousel of Love by Teresa Ives Lilly

5 stars

This one was adorable, with two people from opposite sides of the tracks each pretending to be what they aren’t. I love that, in spite of the barriers, Tamera and Blake were able to find each other and recognize that they were who meant for each other.

The Carousel Wedding by Susanne Dietze

4 stars

A sweet story highlighting obligations keeping sweethearts apart, with a well drawn backdrop of Prohibition. It’s not the most memorable story, but I enjoyed seeing how June and Martin overcame the obstacles thrown at them.