
Last Shop Standing: Whatever Happened to Record Shops? by Graham Jones

itsalladeepend's review

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Whilst Graham Jones odyssey around the country visiting numerous independent music shops is amusing and entertaining, it's also rather formulaic and soon becomes very predictable and repetitive. It's worth noting that this travelogue doesn't start until some 70 or pages in, the preceding pages are a rather long winded explanation of his various adventures in the music industry.

alan_g's review

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Interesting read covering a variety of aspects of the music retail industry. A bit Partridge-esque in places but made up for it with a genuine love of music threaded throughout it.

bibliomaniac2021's review against another edition

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funny informative medium-paced


thebobsphere's review against another edition

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As is documented record stores are dying so Graham Jones visits a lot of record stores and documents their histories and interviews the people who work there so us readers know what is going on with music as a physical format.

It's a good book: There are some great anecdotes however the problem lies that the book's not very well written and not all anecdotes are funny. There were some points where I just wanted to skip a chapter and go to the next store mentioned.

Still Last Shop Standing does get it's message through: Times are changing and establisments have to cope.

Incidentally there's also a documentary which is excellent - go watch it ASAP.