
Angels of Darkness by Meljean Brook, Nalini Singh, Ilona Andrews, Sharon Shinn

aimee70807's review

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This review is for Sharon Shinn's Nocturne, the only novella I read (since I'd already read Alphas and couldn't get into the others). It had been quite a while since I'd read anything in the associated series, but the story held up very well anyway. It was tight and interesting and left me with a very vivid impression of the world.

mearias's review

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Only read the Ilona Andrews and Nalini Singh stories... both very good.

The Ilona Andrews story (Alphas: Origins) seem to be the beginning of a new series.

The Nalini Singh story (Angel's Wolf) is set in the Guild Hunters world.

bookofboxes's review

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Only read Origins by Ilona Andrews. Awesome. I need He whole series!

glennisleblanc's review

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Four angel themed stories with some set in well established universes. Only one of the stories angel theme was faint with the rest having the angels front and center to the plot. I liked 3 out of 4 of the stories and only one wasn't my cup of tea. The Shinn story universe was interesting enough that I have requested the first one from the library to give it a whirl. I did like the Singh story since it is set in her Archangel series but doesn't deal with any of the regular characters so it is a nice taste of the series without having to commit to several books.

lindaunconventionalbookworms's review

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3.5 stars

It is always difficult for me to review and rate books that have several short stories in them... I really liked some of the stories, but not so much other stories.

The first one was a Nalini Singh story, Angel's Wolfwith Noel and Nimra fighting their demons as well as a mysterious assasin. This would have easily gotten 5 stars from me if it was a stand-alone!

The second was by Ilona Andrews, Alphas: Origins I didn't like this so much, because the 'heroes' were very violent, and although they were there to save humanity, they didn't seem to really have any feelings for humans. They kidnapped a thirty-something woman, Karina, and her daughter Emily, and I think the fact that a child was included in all this violence is what really bothered me the most.

Nocturne by Sharon Shinn was quite good, about a school where children who were half-breeds half-angel, half-human - but wiht no angel powers. Mohria is running from both angels and humans, at the school, she figures out that a broken angel is hiding and healing in the head-mistresse's house. As she is very curious, she finds a way to got there, even if it is forbidden for all school staff and students to go to the great house. She finds Corban who is blind, and feeling sorry for himself. A friendship forms, and they both help each other. I wouldn't mind reading more about this world, and this short was well written, long enough to get to know the main characters. This would be a 4 star review if it was on it's own.

Finally, Ascension by Meljean Brook was very interesting - not really about angels, more about guardians, although it could be argued that the guardians really are angels. IT was a little difficult to get into the story, as this world is a little complicated. However, this, too is a world I'd like to learn more about. 3 stars if it had been in it's own book.

katekat's review

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Ilona Andrews is one of my favorite authors and the Kate Daniels series is my favorite of all the books that the husband/wife duo write. The writing style is fast paced and engaging and the characters are completely believable despite the fantastical elements that surround all the books. These books are a must read for me and I eagerly devour them and count the months until the next one arrives. I love that despite the occult and romance leanings of these books there is still a generous dose of humor. I highly recommend the Kate Daniels series.

karend's review

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Four different takes on angels. I found something to like in all of these stories. My favorite was from Sharon Shinn, a new to me author; I need to search out more of her work.

nessochist's review

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Let's see:
3.5 stars for Nalini Singh
3 stars for Ilona Andrews
4 stars for Sharon Shinn (more fantasy than urban fantasy and I was so into it. Definitely tracking down more of this author's books.)
3 stars for Meljean Brook

For a total of 3.75 stars. Taking into account I tend to round down on short stories/novellas because the lack of investment time, that's pretty pretty good.

olive2read's review

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Three great stories and one odd, practically rape-based story, shudder. Singh and Brooks bring the fun hotness that I enjoy so well and Sharon Shinn is new to me but awesome. Really liked Samaria and the characters and definitely want to read more - especially since she's a lil tongue in cheek about the fascination with Raphael (seriously, what is that?).

Skip the Ilona Andrews. I've liked other stuff by her but this one was just weird and rape-y. Not cool.

megbrod's review

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Worth noting, the audio only has 3 of the four stories in it, by Ilona Andrews, Nalini Singh, and Sharon Shinn. But they were good! Not great, but enjoyable.