
متاهة أوزيريس by حسان البستاني, Paul Sussman

vortimer's review against another edition

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A bit of a depressing down note ending for this short series, and the most conventional.
Sussman's early death has left just a small handful of his excellent novels.

sarah25samir's review

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“لقد حدثت جرائم مروعة،

ولن تتحقق العدالة أبداً،
على الأرجح ما لم يخرج الله شيئاً من القبعة؛
فالعالم مكان مُظلم أكثر من أي وقت مضى..”

“اهتم بالأمور الصغيرة والأمور الكبيرة تهتم بنفسها”

بداية موفقه جدا مع ملل وفقد تركيز كثيرا في المنتصف ونهايه رائعه مع القليل من خيبة الامل بسبب بعض الاحداث التي لا اريد ان احرقها علي من لم يقرأ الرواية بعد

كعادة بول سوسمان .. يظهر بأنه الاكثر خبرة فيما يخص مصر واحيانا اكثر من المصريين أنفسهم
يوسف خليفه من ضمن شخصياتي المفضله مدي الحياة وهو المقابل لروبرت لانغدون في روايات دان براون
مع صديقه الرائع "آري بن روي" اليهودي الإسرائيلي

تلك الصداقه المميزة بين الاثنين بعيدا عن الجنسية والدين .. تلك الصداقه الانسانيه التي تقود الفرد للتضحيه بنفسه من اجل الاخر دون التفكير في اي فروق بينهم

تبدأ الأحداث بمشهد صغير جدا وغريب ايضا في الأقصر الجميلة
ثم ننتقل بعد ذلك لمشهد في دار عبادة أرمانيه ومقتل صحفية اسرائيليه

وكالعاده أول من يجئ علي خاطر بن روي هو صديقه الضابط المصري خليفة
ويكرس خليفه وقته كله وربما الكثير من حياته لمساعدة صديقه
وتذداد حدة اشتراكه اكثر عندما يرتبط ما حدث في القدس واسرائيل مع ما يحدث في مصر في بعض الآبار المسممه التي سببت الكثير من الاضرار لمن يستخدمون المياه الموجودة بداخلها

سوسمان بارع كالعاده بربط الكثير من الاحداث في قارات ودول مختلفه وايضا ازمنه مختلفه
مع الكثير من الشخصيات التي تتمازج مع بعضها البعض بمنتهي السلاسه

كتاب يحتوي علي الكثير من التاريخ الفرعوني .. والكثير من الوضع المصري وقتها وهو مع بداية الثورة وايضا الكثير من التفاصيل السياسيه والدينيه
ننتقل ما بين امريكا واسرائيل ومصر وفلسطين مع ابطال متواجدين في كل مكان وتربطهم خيوط كثيرة ببعض لتضطرهم للمواجهة بالطبع

راشيل ووليام وناتانيال بارين وريفكا كلينبرغ الصحفية المقتوله
كل شخصية كان ليها سماتها الخاصه .. وصف واضح ودقيق لهم يجعلك تشعر انهم شخصيات حقيقية
وبالطبع مع المساعده من الكثير من الشخصيات الثانوية وكان دورهم اساسي احيانا اكثر من الشخصيات الرئيسية

فقدنا كاتب جميل بوفاة بول سوسمان .. يستطيع ان يصف شوارع كل مدينة وصف دقيقه وكأنه من اهلها .. واخص بالذكر مصر سواء كانت الاقصر او الاسكندرية او اي شبر بها فعنده المقدرة ان يصفها افضل من اي كاتب مصري

النهايه كانت مرضية جدا وغير متوقعه ابدا وهذا ما يميز روايات بول سوسمان دائما

littlepanda's review against another edition

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I absolutely loved this book! It was fantastic. I had no idea it was actually a series but you can read it as a stand alone which is pretty awesome because the author comes back a little on the characters background, I have no idea if this would or would not annoy someone who read the entire series.
At first I was a bit disturbed by the way it was written, it is a compilation of locations with several things happening at the same time and all are linked with the main murder. Some people could find it a bit confusing but I thought there was the right amount of mystery. I absolutely adored the characters especially Ben-Roi, he is the typical good cop that gets his hands dirty. All characters are very bitter (for different reasons), they seem to have enough with there lives yet they are still carrying on.
The mystery itself was very well mapped. I only have a slight criticism on the actual murderer, we indeed had an insight on his thoughts but compared to the whole shenanigans behind the murder it was wrapped up very quickly.

emmaliy's review against another edition

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it has been very sad since the beginning,
but the end was sadder and tragic

SpoilerI still cannot believe that Arieh is dead!! really liked his character since his appearance in the previous book

shoaib's review

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this took longer than it should be .. but I did enjoy it despite some real issues I had with the translation.
أيضًا استخدام كلمة "اسرائيل" بدل من الأراضي المحتلة في الكتاب جعلني ممتعضًا، لا أعلم ان كانت دار النشر مجبرة على ذلك لكن في الكتب السابقة تم استخدام كلمة الأراضي المحتلة فلذلك لا أدري لماذا الاختلاف الآن

jlynnelseauthor's review against another edition

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The story is a constantly twirling vortex with no easy answer which gets you caught up in its depth from page 1. I did feel it took a while to connect the murder case to the prologue events. But I really can't complain too much about a richly detailed, intricately woven plot. Revelations were well dispersed so that the story was consistently captivating. I kept wanting to read "just one more page."

One thing that did bother me was how Sussman wrote singular nouns as plurals in a sentence: "... Barren Corporation who are..." "Barren Corporation were involved..." A group is considered a singular noun. So I found that a little distracting.

Otherwise, the story was extremely well written with strong characters and an intelligent plot. While a subtle observation during a video conference did clue me in on who the killer was, I was, beyond that, constantly guessing along with the detectives how the pieces all fit together.

aman_keddah's review against another edition

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an exellent book.interesting and thrilling with lots of historical and political information plus lovable characters.

wieteska1998's review against another edition

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Well written crime fiction with many twist and turns captures the reader instantly couldn’t put the book down at all

piercedkl's review against another edition

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Another great mystery and story from Paul Sussman.

perpetuallytiredpanda's review against another edition

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This was my second book from the Transworld Publishers challenge. I was really excited for it, it seem very different from the previous book so I was welcoming the change (the other book of this challenge was also something very different from my typical reading material).

Although the writing and the plot are really interesting. I had a very hard time finishing this book, it was a bit confusing for me, with the constant change of the storyline between the characters, the places and the murder case. Also thrillers are not really my cup of tea.

It took me well over one month to finish it, but I'm glad I did it. It was a nice challenge, I wasn't expecting a book with so many twists, and during the first part of the book I felt like I was part of the detectives trying to figure out who was who hehehehe. One thing that I really enjoyed about the book is that it kept me guessing who was behind the murder, and at the end it did surprised me, I wasn't expecting that at all.

I would recommend the book to anyone that loves a good thriller, and also probably if you already knew Paul Saussman, and you like his previous books, then this book is for you! I know it belongs to a series, personally I don't feel like I needed to read the other to be able to understand this one, but probably I would have liked a bit more if I had read the others.

Overall is a well written book, with lots of twits, a very interesting plot and good characters.