Reviews tagging 'Sexual harassment'

The Jazz Files by Fiona Veitch Smith

1 review

christygsp's review

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A lot of this was not what I expected. It was the first book so there’s a ton of set up for the rest of the series but for me what was frustrating was the plot. 
If I have to read another book about how women are badly treated by sexist men I might be violently ill. I am so sick of this narrative, and while this is a historical fiction and more than likely had some accuracy in how Poppy would have been treated in the working world, I am so over that storyline. 
Majority of this was about old suffragette’s and I just didn’t care about the story/mystery at all. Maybe I would like another of the books but something tells me we’d get that anyway. 
I was bored and the only reason I made it to the end was because I was listening to the audiobook while I drove. 
I will say, I liked Poppy and some of the news guys in her office. They were fun and interesting. The writing was fine. 
I was pretty disappointed, but thems the breaks I suppose. 

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