
In This Iron Ground by Marina Vivancos

loulou87's review

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4.5 stars!!!!

I received an ARC from GRR in exchange for an honest review.

Wow! so I've seen this book all across the MM ether, and it is often compared to Wolfsong … (PS...It's nothing like it, but it was special in its own way)

This was hard read, intense and very difficult to get through at times. I think this book is a classic definition of a Hurt/Comfort book.

What I loved:

1. The Characters:
- Damien: This boy... this boy broke my heart. The shit he went through, the horrors he faced, and the aftermath of it all. He is truly an amazing character, a strong character who clawed and fought his way to a better life. He had help of course, and there were times where someone was in the right time to throw a safety net for him.
he was vulnerable from start to finish, but he felt lighter as the end of the book neared and I think that was such a relief for me as reader. #Unforgettable

- Hakan: he was pillar for Damien, from friend, to best friend to lover. he was always what Damien needed to anchor himself. their nonsexual intimacy was sweet, and genuine and poignant. #MyRock

2. The Plot:
Damien's life took a turn for worse to worst since he was a child. but meeting the Selgado family, connecting with them, bonding with them ultimately saved his life. They saved him from himself. the book is divided into two parts, and for me part one was the hardest to read. Part 2 is where Hakan and Damien come together after being friends for years. this part was easier, less intense and maybe not as affecting for readers. but together, they were amazing. #ItWasAJourney

3. The Romance...
The romance here takes a bit of a backseat to Damien finding himself, learning how to live and growing up. but even though the romance was minimal, once Damien and Hakan got together, you cant help the jolt of happiness you feel that F@CKING FINALLY YES PLEASE I WANT THEM TO KISS ALREADY! ...AHEM. #SometimesLessIsMore

4. The Heat...
The book isn't super steamy, and Damien certainly "plays the field' and embraces his sexuality. his couple of of scenes with Hakan were sweet and sexy because both of them loved the other, while the other didn't actually know. #FriendsWithBenefitsButNotReally

The Niggles I had:
- I felt like I needed to know Hakan more. I can understand that it was Damien's story, but i felt like Hakan was on the fringes and I needed more of him, so I could connect with him more and get invested in his relationship with Damien that much more.

- I didn't like the fact that Damien continued sleeping with others even after he and Hakan got together. For someone who was pining for years, and that person was basically his first and only love, I would've love to see him with Hakan nd Hakan alone, even if he convinced himself that it was a FWB situation.

- The HEA.. don't get me wrong... there is an HEA, but I felt a bit cheated. I wanted more of them together, I wanted to see them in the future, maybe with their parents and how they reacted to them being together ....

boyanna's review

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Oh, so much emotion.
The last time i cried while reading was my last "Ari & Dante" re-read.
I loved this one. Its marketed as romance but in its core it's a story about family and finding a place you belong. Everything here is a slow burn in the best possible way, you can see the story coming out of the shell together with Damien, you learn how to love and trust it alongside him too.
This one singed to my heart so dearly, might be one of my favorite reads this year.

pinulia's review

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emotional inspiring tense slow-paced


xanthe87's review

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**4.5 rounded up**
I've not read this author before but was drawn to the story by the blurb and though it took me a moment to get into the story, I was hooked as we follow Damien from when he's living with foster parents aged twelve through meeting the Salgado family and beyond high school to college life at nineteen.
There is so much that happens to this young man before we even meet him that has impacted his life and mental health. A lot of heartbreaking moments and fear is his constant companion along with very little self esteem and self worth. The relationships that develop upon meeting the Salgado's, however, are his saving grace. You can feel the ties that develop and strong bonds that he forms with individuals and them altogether as a family and pack though he is insistent that he is also separate.
What develops between him and Hakan after becoming friends and then family, isn't until about half way through the book that more becomes a thought, feeling and possibility. It's a very slow burn once attraction is acknowledged but I liked the way that it unfolded. It was tentative, not at all going the way that Damien would have wanted but definitely feels like it progresses naturally for the two young men.
This story, for me, focuses on on emotional and mental recovery after instances of non sexual child abuse, and found family that helps to put you back together again. They are a constant source of support and love, though that aspect is very hard for Damien to accept. The shifter part of the story is done slightly differently as well which I liked. Heavy focus on pack bonds and their spirits not that they can shift into animals. I cried several times during this book and found it very hard to put down. It's very well written from Damien's POV and I thought that the character's voice and thought process aged along with the timeline of the book. This is one that I highly recommend for those who enjoy a story full of hurt/comfort.
I received an ARC and am happily giving a review.

lola29's review

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A bit slow in the beginning but very sweet

alzeller99's review

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So this was just so lovely. Wonderful found family, gorgeous writing, and satisfying yet heartbreaking character arcs.

I think first and foremost this is more of a character study than a romance. The romance between Hakan and Damian is lovely don't get me wrong, but truly this was more about Damien unpacking his trauma and learning that he is worthy of the love from those who care for him. It was a hard journey to read, but also very much worth it.

Also, I really like this take on werewolves, but at times the worldbuilding building felt a little clunky, and I wish we got to explore more of the land of the Salgado pack. I felt weirdly detached from the setting, and I wish it were a little more grounded.

I really loved this one, and I think if you are a fan of the Green Creek series, you might really like this one too.

shiroisekai's review

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poplora's review

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5 stars just for the beautiful language. I feel spoiled rotten

larrrio's review

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I have never ever cried while reading but oh my god this book just reached a part of me I never thought was possible.

kumabear's review

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5 stars

In This Iron Ground is a book by Marina Vivancos, known for her Fox Lake series. This book is about a boy who loses his parents and moves from foster home to foster home until ending up with a semi-abusive family. One night he runs in the forest and meets a wolf who turns into a woman. She brings him home explains what shifters are and sends him back home. After that, he is sort of adopted into the family of wold shifters.

Damien is the main character. In the beginning, he is a young boy living with his 7th foster care family in 4 years. This book follows him until his early twenties. He was a well thought out character with a very unique personality. I found myself feeling for him several times, almost in tears during a couple. While the second character is meant to be Hakan, the book follows Hakan's whole family, not only him. We see a lot about his siblings and his mother, who is basically the alpha and his father a "made" wolf.

This book was amazing. It gave off a Wolfsong vibe as it is a human essentially being adopted into a wolf pack while the whole wolf universe is completely different. I honestly have never heard of it being told this way and it is so unique and amazing. One of my biggest pet peeves of this book is that I have no idea how to pronounce Hakan.

I really hope there will be a second book, while the ending is satisfying, I really want to see another Damien/Hakan book. There were a few parts where I almost cried and had to put the book down for a while but I always went back to it and actually finished the book in a single day. This is a book you will want to read for sure.

*** Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure, a review wasn't a requirement. ***