
Forever in Love - Meine Nummer eins by Cora Carmack

denizyildiz's review against another edition

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Oh MY!
so Carmack did it again! Seriously!
This is captivating, intense and totally awesome cute & fluffy. It has Carmack's fabulosity written all over it. I swear her books just get better.


Quite frankly I don't even know where to start. This was good. So so good. My first reaction was that this was probably the best Carmack book so far. But then, I can't really say that AGAIN, since I say that after every single book of hers... And after thinking about it, I still believe this is one of her best works so far.
The thing about Carmack is that in my opinion her writing is getting better. I mean I don't know how she does it but it just does. I loved her writing style from the first book, and I am totally one of her stalker readers.. ok don't worry I mean that in the most harmless way possible. I refer to the fact that I check her twitter regularly, I follow her on basically every social network site she is on. Even on Instagram - which is quite an admission to my stalker issues with her, since I usually only follow people whose photography I fangirl over on IG... I actually blame this solely on Carmack, by the way. Having met her at BEA 2014 has cemented my adoration, she is one of the nicest people I've met there. And let me tell you, most of the peps at BEA were seriously nice- so yeah, I am a total fangirl. Now what does that have to do with her books or this book? Well, I have very high expectations. Since All Lined up is one of my favorite books ever, and well I expected this one to be good. Very good. And you know what? The thing that shocked me so much? All Played Out exceeded my expectation BY MILES. Carmack somehow managed to get even better, so much better again.

This is mostly due to the great character building. The group of dudes are just swoon worthy, mean each and everyone of them is just super hot. But Carmack doesn't rely on their cocky hotness, she infuses each one with quirks and faults - just the right amount that makes you wanna be part of the group. And more importantly, you feel like you know them. And she doesn't rest on her lawrels when it comes to characters from previous books- nope she makes one see a different angle to them, a different side..
And you all know I am a total sucker for character driven novels. So Carmack has me there.

The story line is cute and fluffy. You know you romance with it's quirks. I read each book of this series in on sitting. It's entertaining and easy to read. And when you done you just want more.

A quick not to the style of this, this sorta written around Nell's to do list. Which adds a really quirky amusing note to the book. Especially if you a list writing geek like moi. I seriously found myself laughing at some her items, even more so because I know would be capable of writing it myself. Total stroke of genius by Carmack!

But actually all this is not what always surprises me. No it actually is that; somehow Carmack takes a fun and entertaining cute and fluffy storyline adds a bunch of amazing and realistic characters and adds surprising depths to it. After reading this series I find myself moved by the aspects she touches and I find myself pondering about much more than just the super cute side of them. What else can we ask for? Not much quite frankly. Just that Carmack should keep writing!

A must read in 2015!

4.5 fabulous Stars

addictivebooks's review against another edition

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seeingnight's review against another edition

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GENRE: New Adult
THEME: Romance, Sports, Contemporary

I love the romances in Rusk University, but I have to say I loved All Played Out the best out of the three. Carmack does a fantastic job weaving a connection between two opposites, as well as developing growth for each characters persona. The humor and spunk of her male characters is what always draws me, and it equals out to her smart and determined female leads.

All Played Out follows straight A and very dedicated Antonella DeLuca, who in two month is about to graduate. But after an interesting conversation with her roommate about her future and trying to live a little instead of all about school, Nella decides to make a bucket list. She is surprised after meeting to rough and tough football player Mateo, that she is drawn to him. Together they check off her list, while discovering that even though they’re so different they bring out the best in one another. But both have goals set for their future and their connection is starting to add a lot of unknowns.

Nella is overly smart, so smart that she is a bit of a socially awkward girl. But she has decided to change or a least give in to some thing she never thought she’d do. Her checklist ranges from hooking up with a jock to seeing karaoke, Nella is about to let go and go wild for a change. I loved watching Nella open up and try something new, after meeting Mateo he is determined to help her with all her firsts. Their bond becomes stronger and stronger with each day and Nella is realizing what she has been missing while she’s been hidden behind all her books. Her relationship with Mateo is sweet and hilarious; she is awkward, while he is flirty and shocking. Every moment was colorful with their great connection and smoking hot chemistry.

Mateo Torres is a jock, but he’s one of the best on his team and a hopeful player to make is to the pros. He also has a knack for being a ladies man and being blunt. When he meets Nella is immediately drawn to her, she reminds him of someone but also has a spark and innocence he likes. Mateo can seem to get the “girl genius” out of his mind, after a steamy encounter he makes her a deal to check off more to her list. Together they open each other up to things they have never felt before. I love seeing such a big tough guy like Mateo go soft for a sweet smart girl like Nella.

Overall this was another great romance with two well-developed characters. I never get tired about reading how opposites attract, but even more so how much they help watch other learn more about themselves. The past couples return, the readers get a different glimpse on their relationships. As well as seeing the development of the future couple Ryan and Stella, who are already having some ups and downs. I can’t wait to see how they progress, I really want Stella to have a happy ending. In the end I adore this series, the romance, the sports drama and the friendships that form in college. Its always fun to dive into this series, I cant seems to get enough.

teepee's review against another edition

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Rating: 4 Stars

because of this...

"What if someone I barely knew looked into my eyes and said the very thing that I’d thought in my most unguarded moments, the thing that scares me most? What if someone could tell that the reason I concentrate so much on details and data is that they’re the only things that keep me from feeling inferior? I disregard emotions because they don’t come easily to me, because when other people talk about love or happiness, I feel only a cloying sense of confusion and fear that I’m not capable of those things. Not that I don’t experience happiness or love my family, but those are nurtured emotions that have grown slowly and steadily over time, and they exist at comfortable levels. But deeper than that? The kind of happiness that fills a person up? Or love that can overwhelm a person and rearrange the very essence of who they are? I don’t believe I have that kind of thing in me. It’s just not in my nature."

and this...

“Because Mateo Torres is loud, and I’m quiet. Because he’s reckless, and I’m cautious. Because he belongs everywhere, and I don’t. Because I think I’m in danger of falling in love with him.”

thebookdisciple's review against another edition

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So, each time I finish a Cora Carmack book I think "That was my favorite book". Then I read the next one and say "No, THAT was my favorite". Seriously, the woman can do no wrong! This book is so, so awesome for so many reasons. #1. Nell. She reminds me so much of myself-nerdy, academically focuses and not good in social situations. #2. Mateo. First off, that is one of my favorite names EVER. Secondly, swoon...he is perfect. #3. The two of them together are so different it works and its amazing! I could go on about why this book is 100% awesome but I would pretty much just be telling you everything that happens for each part of the book, so you should just read it. But, my full review is posted here:

thebookdisciple's review against another edition

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On of my favorite rereads still. Great audio too!

emhromp's review against another edition

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Oh. ..zucht...wat een cute verhaal!
Dit vond ik de leukste van de drie Rusk-verhalen.
Cora Carmack snapt precies wat nerdy bookworms willen lezen!

romancelibrarian's review against another edition

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This book was my favorite in the series so far. I have been saying this a lot in my reviews as of late ... but I relate to this book. This one the most because it mirrors a situation that I got myself into when I was in graduate school. I was the Nell in the situation and the guy that I got involved with was totally Teo. This book's situation ended much better than my situation did ... but being to relate to it really helped me to be invested in the characters, their choices, and the outcome of the story.

I am interested to keep going with this series and read the two other books that are planned as forthcoming. I desperately want to have closure for Stella in all that she's dealing with so as reader, I am excited that her story is planned for book four. And Brookes has been in the background of all the books, it will be nice to learn more about him and see his character develop as his story is planned for book five.

I love a book series set in and around a college campus. Especially when a series focuses on a set of friends. I think they might be one of my favorites to read.

danielawho1307's review against another edition

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I can relate so much to her...

lovefades's review against another edition

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Really awesome storyline. I couldn't stop reading.