
The Wicked + The Divine #17 by Brandon Graham, Jamie McKelvie, Kieron Gillen

jodi_ice's review

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Cawpile: 5.64 3*

Sorry, but just No. This volume just hit all wrong. The Art was just so far off from the beautiful style I’m used to with this series, the story just that step too far.

strawfly14's review

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2.5/5. Pues no me ha gustado como ha terminado el arco 3 :( El cliffhanger del final sí, era algo que venía esperando hace tiempo, pero la historia me ha parecido bastante vaga y en general el tercer arco me ha parecido el más flojo de los tres. Las ilustraciones de este tomo me han parecido las peores de todas, tengo que decirlos, a ver si se dejan de cambios... Y ojalá en abril el cuarto arco empiece bien tal y como se merece el cliffhanger.

ria_mhrj's review

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Ooh, twist!!! The inevitable cliffhanger indeed. Not a huge fan of the guest artwork, particularly when compared against the clean lines of McKelvie, but I guess the art was in keeping of the dream like state Sakhmet seems to exist in. Can't believe we have to wait until April for the next fix!

flyintothestorm's review

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El dibujo de la primera parte no pega para nada con la historia. Simplemente no.
Por otro lado... Perséfone *^*

vickar's review

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DAT CLIFFHANGER!!! Ok, this issue's drawing were horrendous, but the plot just keeps getting better and better.

duckiedarling's review

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cats are everything. good choice Ruth...

that last page is giving me some major feels. nothing had felt right since issue 11. I'm hoping when this plays out it'll be... amazing.

eli_drottningu's review

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Primero, creo que si bien el asunto que tratan en este número es interesante, el estilo del arte no va realmente con la historia, de manera que hace que mucha de la emoción se pierda, pues más que ir con el trasfondo dramático de la narración, pareciera el estilo de algo más cómico, como si se tratara de una tira de domingo.
Spoiler Por otro lado... asdfghjkl!!! por dios, no puedo esperar a saber qué realmente pasó con Perséfone.

speculativebecky's review

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Sakhmet's fleshed out in quite the intense little whirlwind, and then THAT INEVITABLE CLIFFHANGER! Can't wait for April.

rachelelizabeth's review

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kittyg's review

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So, this issue was probably the one I was most dubious about when I heard of the guest artist line up and that is because whilst I do really like some of Brandon Graham's work, I definitely didn't think it would work particularly well with this storyline. I still stand by this initial assessment after having read it and I didn't really 'care' about the art, in fact at times I felt it just detracted from a storyline which was actually very good once again. The big problem I have with guest artists is that they add a lot of confusion into the mix and a story which would have flowed well from one part to the next in a volume has been somewhat muddled with the art style ever-changing.

With all of that said I have enjoyed hearing the backstories for some of our characters in the last few issues and the story of Sakhmet was highly interesting still. I do think that the writing of this one remained constant and good, but I will be very, very happy when the series relaunches in April with the original team back at the centre of everything :)

On the whole, a decent issue but certainly not a standout one. 3*s