
Dirty Blood by Heather Hildenbrand

clgaston31's review against another edition

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I really loved the idea of Werewolves and Hunters! It was different from the usual Vampires and Hunters.

As soon as you pick up the book, you are thrown into some pretty intense action! Tara is on a date with her longtime boyfriend, George, who turns up late as usual. Tara breaks up with him because not only has he changed, but they have changed as a couple. She makes George leave and ends up with no one to give her a ride home so she walks through an ally to get to the bus station. Next thing Tara knows is there is a girl who turned into a wolf right before her eyes and is charging at her. Tara is stunned with what she is witnessing but her body takes over and kills the wolf by picking up a pipe. She then went into shock and they guy shows up to help her and take her home.

I really loved this book especially Tara and Wes! The pull between the two of them makes the story really interesting. The fact that Wes tries to deny his feelings for Tara and is so hot and cold to her that it makes Tara wonder if he truly likes her, but it also makes the reader question his actions. Wes is a very complex and dense character who has been through so much. It makes it hard for him to be able to trust anyone along with this girl he is drawn to and doesn’t know why. Tara, is also drawn to Wes and is very confused as her whole world changes and she finds out she is a Hunter and has never known. The hardest part for Tara is finding her place in this world, but the more she learns, the more complicated this world becomes!

This book is defiantly jaw dropping with everything Tara goes through and comes to know about this mystery life.

This book is action packed with adventure, humor, and romance and never lets up. The ending of this book leaves you ready to pick up the next book and never stop reading until you read the entire series! I can’t wait to see where Tara and Wes’ journey will take them!

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nogard_za's review against another edition

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What a great read, simply loved it can't wait to read the rest of the series!!

chelsea2020's review against another edition

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It took everything that I had in me to finish this friggin book. It literally made my brain feel numb and made my eyes glaze over. It was fairly hard to focus through all of the eye-rolling and general disbelief over many character behaviors. Ugh.

Characters I could admire:

Tara. As far as heroine's go, she was pretty spectacular. She had a serious backbone, this girl. In the beginning, her repentance with establishing her strength and totally SANE state of mind got on my nerves, but, then again, some people just need to be told a thousand times before they accept something as fact, so I'm going to say that was one of another's faults and not Tara's. In all fairness, Tara really is THAT TOUGH and then some. She was a determined and loyal person, sticking up for her friends/family and working to ensure their safety above all things. Always admire that in a person.

Tara's biggest fault, however, pulls some serious weight with my overall opinion of her: Her complete and total weakness when it came to Wes (the love interest). Even though this guy has proven to be a raging douche on more than one occasion, she is still GAGA for him. Really, I'm not quite sure that he deserves her attentions. And the both of them dropping the 'L-Bomb' when they've only known each other for, what, a few weeks tops? Oh, HECK NO!! That just ain't right. Especially when it seems so friggin fake, coming up after a certain vision of future POSSIBILITIES. UGH. Overall, I think can probably get behind Tara as a true heroine for this series. Time will tell if my opinion changes.

Fee. She was such a sweet and motherly figure. Incredibly supportive of Tara, a girl she has never met before and knows next to nothing about. She is the kind of person who only sees the best in others and wants only to see everyone safe and sound. She is a very healing and nurturing figure, and I dare say takes up an almost maternal role in Tara's life after having found out what she is, and having to keep everything from her own mother. Fee is by far a major fan-favorite for me.

Jack. Big, strong, protective, leader. Jack is a true Alpha Male, in the very best sense of the term. He is a devoted trainer to Tara when she needs help in learning to protect herself. And when she needs the help of many to stand against Leo, Jack proves himself most admirable by delivering just the help that she needs from himself as well as the rest of The Cause. This is a man who knows what needs to be done and finds any means of achieving his goals and keeping those under his protection safe. Jack is a true leader.

Characters I didn't much care for:

And then, there was Wes. Mr. Hot-n-Cold, Bold and Shy, Strong and Weak, Courageous and Cowardly. Man, this guy hit it all, and then some. I mentioned him briefly above, and as I said I don't much care for his raging douchery whenever it came to Tara. Sure, he had his moments of sweetness, but those were only MOMENTS. Sparsely seem and abruptly captured. It seemed that, as soon as things looked to be getting SERIOUS, Wes would inevitably flake-out on Tara and ignore the problem (whatever it may have been at the time). Instead of talk to Tara to try to resolve whatever problems there were, he chose instead to push her away with the quite pitiful excuse that it was "for her own good." Get real! Just man up and own your friggin cowardice! That's ALL that it is. Cowardice. That man needs to put up or shut up, and PRONTO. If you want something enough, you fight for it. ALWAYS. Or else you deserve to lose it.

*SideNote: I would like to apologize for the long ranting. It may come across as harsh, and while it seems like I hate Wes, I truly don't. He just pisses me off and makes a crap-ton of dumbass choices, is all. End SideNote*

Elizabeth. AKA Tara's mom. Elizabeth was a MAJOR control freak, always wanting to know what Tara was up to, who she was with, where she was and every other conceivable detail of Tara's life. After finding out Elizabeth's role in this new world of Tara's, the OCD control made a bit more sense, but therein arose even more problems: Elizabeth's decision to keep from Tara the truth of her heritage and remove her from all things involving The Cause. Big Mistake. That is all I am going to say about THAT.

Cord. I just do not even know what the heck this chick's problem is. She is awful to Tara for seemingly no reason and appears to be disgusted with her very presence. She was an overtly rude and patronizing person and her attitude was like nails on a dang chalkboard. I do not care for this Bitch AT ALL, Cause member or not.

Miles. This dude is a backstabbing SOB and creepy to boot. Enough said.

And lastly, Leo. You are just one critic SOB, aren't you? Scarier than Hell, but seeming not all that difficult to overcome. I mean, obviously Wes kicks come serious arse, but Tara too? Without any training or experience and she holds her own well enough against you? Really??? Perhaps not as big a challenge as everyone makes him out to be. This one's words did far more damage that his physical prowess could manage in convincing me of his sinister capabilities. Overall, not overly impressed with this 'villain.' Though the bit about his relations to Tara was quite riveting, to say the least. Very dramatic, the lot of it. Surprising, yet still slightly anticipated. Nice touch.

The only interesting part of this book was the very end, with the rescuing of Tara's mom and the appearance of her badass Hunter Grandmother. This lady was wicked awesome with a stake and strong as Hell. I cannot WAIT to become more intimately acquainted with this awesome woman; That is, if I decide to continue on reading this series. It may have some redeeming potential later on. It had just better get better before it gets worse, or else this may turn out to be another failed attempt at a new series.

kjayne_books's review

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  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? N/A
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? N/A


This reads like twilight fanfic 

linaru's review against another edition

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I have purchased this book and was not asked by the author do a review. It's my honest opinion.

5 Amazing stars. This book was truly amazing. Captivating from the start till the end. I loved Wes and I loved Tara.

My Thoughts:

The book is told from POV of main character, Tara. We meet her at a bar, with her boyfriend playing pool. Unfortunately it's not a nice date. She decided to break up with him. After their break, Tara decides to go back home by herself by catching a bus. On her way to the bus stop, where she as always chose to go shorter way, she meets a girl that suddenly attacks her. After this she learns that world is not as it seemed and her life changes dramatically. The only thing that helps her keep everything together and not loose her sanity is Wes. A mysterious guy that appeared after the attack and helped her deal with everything that followed. When the whole truth is being revealed and after Wes is doing everything to protect her, by staying away, she is not sure if she can do it. Not without him.

Wes. He is one mysterious guy, that since meeting Tara has only one objective: Protect her even in the process he has to distance himself from her and hurt her. He has a dark past and is carrying a dark secret about his bloodline, believing he is the only one.

Both of them are not able to deny the weird pull they feel towards each other and also growing feelings. The destiny has marked them.

I really liked this book, it was different and there was action (I like action!) all the time. I liked that Tara was not Great straight away and was getting her ass kicked sometimes. I was frustrated at Wes, more than once, when he tried to stay away from her, but hey! Men's are like that! I definitely recommend this book!

ms_chievous's review against another edition

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It's been a while since I read a Werewolf story, and lets be honest, after the whole Twilight fiasco, there aren't many good ones out there. So when I read the description of this one and was actually interested, well, I just HAD to read it.

In the beginning, we have Tara. She likes to play pool, she's laid back, genuine, good looking, and normal, AND she's dating the star quarterback of the team FB team (though she dumps him in the first 10 pages). So why didn't these facts clue me in sooner? I dunno. I'm gonna blame my desperation for this book to be good. Sigh.

So we have quite a bit of actual good story in the beginning. The concept is intriguing, the dialogue isn't too bad, and the characters I think have a lot of promise.

And then it all goes to hell in a hand basket.

Why? Because she fell in loooove. That's the lesson here kids: You fall in love and all of a sudden you become the most bipolar, unstable, and moronic person alive.

Tara becomes irrationally angry and stubborn toward people TRYING TO SAVE HER LIFE. She gets upset that people are "trying to run her life"...because a 17 year old knows sooooo much better than a handful of adults. Totally. She also becomes extremely ditzy and clueless. After her initial fight with Liliana or whatever her name was, Tara either dropped the bag holding her freaking weapons, froze, or didn't know enough selfdefense to be useful (Hmm bet you're wishing you took the adults up on that whole training thing sooner, eh?) She also, for whatever reason, could not see the bigger picture of what was going on because she wasn't getting things HER way, so she was gonna throw a tantrum. And when Wes cut ties with her, she had a complete melt down. Here's a quote: "I didn't want to believe that he meant what he'd said to me on our last phone call, but after two days without contact from him, I knew it was for real"
Oh. My. God. How clingy can you be?? Uhg. There was so much more that I could go on about her character but it's just gonna irritate me more.

It felt as though the author just gave up half way through writing the book. The story telling was just that...telling. instead of showing me, or even revealing things through the characters, I'm left with a shallow story where the characters and story stay in the kiddie pool . And because of this, the big reveals and moments that were supposed to have a lot of tension...just didn't. I mean...I actually laughed at one! And Tara became the most aggravating character in the entire book. It may just be me, but I don't think we're suppose to hate the main character. Actually, I kinda hated both the main characters actually. Because he caused Tara to go bat-shit crazy. And even though he seemed like a smart guy, there were scenes where he acted shocked over something he had speculated was true, like, ONE CHAPTER BEFORE. Why are you so surprised?!?!

Uhg I can't even focus on all the details that irritated me because there were just. too. many.

haleyelisereads's review against another edition

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"Tara, it's impossible to be in a bad mood around you."

Dirty Blood by Heather Hildenberd was a great treat! There was everything you could want in one novel, there was action,thrill,suspense,mystery, and of course romance (;

Dirty Blood goes into the world of werewolves and hunters, and 17 year old Tara has just killed a girl...but when she killed the girl she wasn't a girl at all, she was a werewolf. Tara with the help of the sexy 'dirty blood' Wes a boy who is half werewolf half hunter is helping her find out who she is, she is a hunter, but thats not quite all there is to it. Tara thought she had enough problems trying to sort things out with her ex boyfriend George, now this! Not just only is she finding out about the existence of hunters and werewolves, and that she is one of them, she is also finding out the hard way that there are people that want her dead..

This book was a great new twist on the world of werewolves! I for one LOVE the werewolves genre, it is probably my second favorite after fae. Sadly though, I feel most werewolf books are well....average..okay..blah. None really stand out, but Dirty Blood was great! It deffiently caught my attention from the first page and kept it till the last! Heather really knew how to keep eveyone on the edge of there seat dying to find out what is going on and what is coming up next!

I also very much enjoyed the romance between Wes and Tara, such a great romance! I cannot wait to see where their romance takes them in book two! Anywho, if you are a werewolf lover such as myself, or just a paranormal lover, or just a romance lover...or a combination then I recommend Dirty Blood by Heather Hildenberd will be a book you will enjoy!

Cant wait to get my hands on book two! (:

starlitbooknerd's review against another edition

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I chose four stars because I thought this book was amazing. It has a unique story line and I love the characters you've made up. I can't wait to see what's next.

jlaynereads's review against another edition

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This was a great YA story and you really learn to love the characters!

Plot & scenery is being set well and characters are becoming easy to see in my mind's eye.

I look forward to other books & character & story development.

mafricke39's review against another edition

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Was listening via audible. Didn't like the narrator.