bookworm_panda's review

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Ninety-nine Problems by Becky Black - 4 stars, I really loved this one! Love the idea of competing ice cream parlors. This was a sweet story!

The Jacobite by Bette Browne
Illumination by Sam Evans
Wag, Not a Dog by Theo Fenraven
The Benefits of Hindsight by MA Ford
Apollo, Heathcliff, and Hercules by S.A. Garcia
Misadventures of Mislaid Men by Penny Hudson
Rough Tackle by Annabelle Jacobs
Bread and Butter Pudding by Jules Jones
First Contact by Rhidian Brenig Jones
Chanctonbury Ring by Sarah Madison
Tops Down, Bottoms Up by Jay Northcote
In the Doghouse by Chris Quinton
Wrong Number by Megan Reddaway
Best Vacation Ever by Rob Rosen

geeknb's review

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Excellent collection of British stories, many by British writers. There was not one story that I hated or skipped (unusual for an anthology). These are my favourites:

Ninety-nine Problems by Becky Black - 4* Loved this story of feuding ice-cream families.
Chanctonbury Ring by Sarah Madison -4* Excellent second chance at love story.
Wrong Number by Megan Reddaway - 3.5* Amusing story about a guy who drunk dials his boss. It's predictable but fun.
In the DogHouse by Chris Quinton - 4.5* love this story of second chance love. And greyhounds. And shady gangster types.
Rough Tackle by Annabelle Jacobs - 4* Cute.
The Jacobite by Bette Brown - 3.5*
Tops Down, Bottoms Up by Jay Northcote - 5* Morris dancing! LOL. Loved it.

I'd happily read any of these stories again.

marlobo's review

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I skipped stories from authors that rate all their books. It's not the case with those that only rate antologies; I still don't like it but I can understand it like a recognition to their co-authors.

Ninety-nine Problems by Becky Black - 3 stars

Bread and Butter Pudding by Jules Jones - 3 stars

Chanctonbury Ring by Sarah Madison - 3,5 stars

Wrong Number by Megan Redd away - 2,5 stars

In the Doghouse by Chris Quinton - 2,5 stars

The Benefits of Hindsight by MA Ford - 2 stars

Misadventures of Mislaid Men by Penny Hudson - 3 stars

Best Vacation Ever by Rob Rosen - Skipped

Rough Tackle by Annabelle Jacobs - 2,5 stars

Illumination by Sam Evans - 2,5 stars

The Jacobite by Bette Browne - 2 stars

Wag, Not a Dog by Theo Fenraven - 2 stars

Tops Down, Bottoms Up by Jay Northcote - 3,5 stars

First Contact by Rhidian Brenig Jones - 1 star

Apollo, Heathcliff, and Hercules by S.A. García - 2, 5 stars

ctsquirrel's review

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Ninety-nine Problems by Becky Black
The Jacobite by Bette Browne
Illumination by Sam Evans
Wag, Not a Dog by Theo Fenraven
The Benefits of Hindsight by MA Ford
Apollo, Heathcliff, and Hercules by S.A. Garcia
Misadventures of Mislaid Men by Penny Hudson
Rough Tackle by Annabelle Jacobs
Bread and Butter Pudding by Jules Jones
First Contact by Rhidian Brenig Jones
Chanctonbury Ring by Sarah Madison
Tops Down, Bottoms Up by Jay Northcote
In the Doghouse by Chris Quinton
Wrong Number by Megan Reddaway
Best Vacation Ever by Rob Rosen

tiggers_hate_acorns's review

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As with any anthology there are some you like, some you don't and very few that you remember. The few that stuck out were

Wrong Number by Megan Reddaway
Enjoyed this mutual attraction story between Connor and his boss Gary. 4.5 stars

In The Doghouse by Chris Quinton
The MC of the story was Spot, a racing greyhound whose human handler was trying to keep Spot out of the hands of a gang who had drugged Spot to fix a race. When trying to find a safe haven his handler ends up at the house of an old school friend. The inevitable happens and all ends well. A longer story but one of the best ones. 4 Star

Rough Tackle by Annabelle Jacobs
Alex drunkenly hits on a guy at a club and promptly falls asleep on his shoulder. The next day, suffering from a hangover, who does he meet on the opposing team on the football field but the guy he made a fool of himself to. Josh is a forgiving chap however and was similarly struck by Cupid so even when a hard tackle by Alex has him limping off the field he still leaves his number for Alex.
4.5 stars

Overall this was one of the better anthologies I have read with only one story earning 1 star.

4 stars

the_novel_approach's review

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Not Quite Shakespeare is a collection of short stories about quirky, sexy and typical British men. The title is a cheeky way of saying, please don’t compare these stories to the Bard. But I disagree, this collection was phenomenal and in my opinion, will be a British classic in the M/M universe.

As an anglophile myself, I loved all the offerings. I can’t even pick my favorite. Reading this anthology reminded me how much I miss England. The language, dry humor and settings are all quintessentially British. The storytelling and the quality of the writing was exceptional. I think some stories paid homage to other great British writers. I was trying to remember my HS English lit and failing miserably.

Not Quite Shakespeare has something for everyone, from old friends reconnecting and finding that time doesn’t diminish feelings to a man dialing his boss by accident and telling him what he wanted—and the boss fulfilling the request, as well as a really cute story about roommates who find that a mutual love of bread can create a relationship. Olive oil plays a major part!

All the stories were fun to read. They were cute and heartwarming, but let’s not forget the sex. Some stories had more sex than others but all had the right level of sexiness and hotness. For me, British men are a wet dream and the authors did not skimp on the Britishness or the sexiness. Just the accent alone is drool worthy, and I was reading them in an English accent. LOL

If you’re having England withdrawals, pick up Not Quite Shakespeare! It’s just as satisfying as scones and clotted cream but not as fattening, and will leave you hot and bothered!


lillian_francis's review

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Excellent collection of British stories, many by British writers. There was not one story that I hated or skipped (unusual for an anthology). These are my favourites:

Ninety-nine Problems by Becky Black - 4* Loved this story of feuding ice-cream families.
Chanctonbury Ring by Sarah Madison -4* Excellent second chance at love story.
Wrong Number by Megan Reddaway - 3.5* Amusing story about a guy who drunk dials his boss. It's predictable but fun.
In the DogHouse by Chris Quinton - 4.5* love this story of second chance love. And greyhounds. And shady gangster types.
Rough Tackle by Annabelle Jacobs - 4* Cute.
The Jacobite by Bette Brown - 3.5*
Tops Down, Bottoms Up by Jay Northcote - 5* Morris dancing! LOL. Loved it.

I'd happily read any of these stories again.