
The Exposé 4 by Roxy Sloane

fourclarkes's review

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Read for ByoB

We have been left with a number of unanswered questions and left hanging a few times over so it was nice to finally have a conclusion to Dex and Zoe's story. These two have chemistry in spades and do not fail to heat up the pages. Even with unknown threats these two make a great pair.

Zoe never one to back down from a fight wants to know what she is up against. Dex never willing to put those he cares in about in harms way is trying to protect his business and his possible future. He faces his enemies head on, but no one anticipated who is behind the destruction.

There are a few things that could have been wrapped up more, but overall our questions are answered. The whole set of serials were super fast reads and paced well. My only complaint is the quickness in which it was all wrapped up. I would have been completely happy with either longer novellas or another installment. But I really enjoyed the mystery, the story and the sexiness of these serials, each piece having me want more. Now that it's over, I still want more.

babblingchatterreads's review

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Renery, 4 stars:
In the fourth and last installment of the series, we dig deeper and get to know who really has a vendetta against Dax—the one who's been sending him those anonymous notes at the club and threatening to hurt those he loves. We also get to see how strong Dax & Zoe's love is for each other. That what they have could withstand anything that comes along their way. May that be a threat, a near death experience, or an exposé that had the capacity to tear them apart. It just goes to show how much they truly care for one another and how protective Dax can be when it comes to Zoe. We also get to have a deeper glimpse on what kind of man Dax really is. And I must say, I fell in love with him a little bit more. He's such a chivalrous, sweet and gentle guy not inly to Zoe, but to Maria & Luca as well.

This one is still super hot, but tangled with more emotion and suspense, too. It was like watching an action movie—you'll be grabbing the arm of your chair or your sheets starting from the first scene of this book all the way to the end. All in all, this series was a very fun, captivating and thrilling ride. I liked it and it will really have you turning the pages fast enough to get to know more. You won't be able to stop reading after the first book, nor the second, nor the third. They will all leave you hanging and hungry for the next one.

rogue007's review

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A quick read and mostly satisfying ending to this series. Zoe and Dax are sizzling together, but I do wonder what became of her career after she walked away. I saw the villain coming a mile away though, but enjoyed the final twist with Zoe's editor. All in all, I read this author as a steamy palette cleanser without the overly complicated plot. She delivered.