rogue007's review against another edition

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I'm the weird sort to enjoy short stories about the apocalypse and how/if humanity would go about rebuilding. Unlike other readers, I had no trouble recalling previous stories as I read the series one after the next. A few were misses and downright boring at time (acid rain and the movie geeks), the rest were thought inducing (killer fungus, nodding sickness, Nayima). Not all ended on a hopeful note, some were downright depressing. Great series of books.

timeunspun's review against another edition

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Though this is my least favorite of the trilogy, there are still some strong stories in here that examine a setting after an apocalyptic event. The highs can be surprising,chilling, and weighing questions of humanity. Others feel like stories that should have ended earlier. I do wish there was an easier way to connect the stories across the books, because often I had to look up the previous story as a refresher.

severina2001's review against another edition

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An anthology of post-apocalypse stories, part of a trilogy that forms the Apocalypse Triptych (where most authors have written stories in the same universe for each volume). The previous volumes included stories set pre-apocalyse and during-the-apocalypse.

Another great set of stories. If anything, I was not prepared for the bleakness of some of the endings… yes, maybe that's crazy since the world has ended and everything, but I do like me something hopeful. Still, some amazing writing here. My favourites:

In Bannerless by Carrie Vaughn, society is rebuilding into small groups of farmholds that can help each other with complimentary skills. In the good groups, they grow to love each other. In the bad, there is violence and deceit. Children must be earned through hard work and good society, and investigators must intervene when someone becomes pregnant without an earned banner.

The Seventh Day of Deer Camp by Scott Sigler deals with a downed alien spacecraft and the one man who vows to protect its cargo of children. I particularly loved the smart details in this, especially using the Anonymous group as the man's staunchest anti-government defenders.

In Carriers by Tananarive Due we find out what happened to Nayima, years after taking care of her ill gramma and meeting that stranger at the fair. This was one of those series where I felt strongly toward the main character and needed for her to be alright, so reading about her trials was hard but still felt… right. Accurate. Real. And in the end, I got my hopeful ending.

The one big disappointment here was Hugh Howey's In The Woods, which continues the story of Juliette and Solo from his Wool series. This... is not what I wanted to happen. I'm just gonna pretend I never read this one.

mato's review against another edition

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The unique mechanic comes from the fact that this book contains stories that were originally started in the first triptych part (and, in some cases, continued in the second part). Those stories are finished up in this book, along with new stories about the time (Post Apocalyptic) after the End.
I really liked the idea of this triptych and hope that similar efforts come out. It didn't hurt that I am also a huge fan of Howey and PA sci-fi. The author line-up was very solid with some serious gold star writers (e.g. Howey and Grant).
Recommended for PA fans adn even for those who are tired of the same end times tropes, like zombies .

henryarmitage's review against another edition

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I've been reading a lot of end-of-the-world kind of stuff this year for obvious reasons. This was a cool concept, but execution could have been better.

The idea was to have a bunch of different authors write three stories, one taking place just before the end of the world, one during, and one after.

In a few cases, this worked pretty well (e.g. the "nodding sickness" and grey fungus stories). But in others, I had the feeling I was reading three installments in an unfinished story.

The emotional tone varies all over the place, from zombie gorefest to heartstring-tugging stories of touching sacrifice to comedy. I suspect a lot of readers liked some of the stories but not others for this reason.

sapphirestars's review against another edition

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Weirdly, I think my favorite story in this collection was a new one that had nothing to do with the others: Bannerless by Carrie Vaughn. Dystopian investigator finds out what's happening in a small village. Love it. 5 stars.

Others I enjoyed:

Wandering Star by Leife Shallcross. A quilt shows that in the end a family stays together. Sweet story.

Carriers by Tananarive Due.

Margin of Survival by Elizabeth Bear. A woman and her sister try to survive not only the first apocalypse but the many afterwards.

Jingo and the Hammerman by Jonathan Maberry. Zombie smashers.

The Gray Sunrise by Jake Kerr. The asteroid hits with a father and son trying to escape.

Feel annoyed that Hugh Howey just made his ANOTHER extension of Wool. I probably should have seen that coming :/ Wish we could have just continued on with the original family.

The first collection was by far my favorite but this was a fun ride :]

christhedoll's review against another edition

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Finished the last book. A little trouble remembering the stories from the first two but overall really enjoyed it.

vylotte's review against another edition

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This is the final installment in the Apocalypse Triptych, where authors presented three short stories following the threads of before, during and after their myriad apocalypses. Dealing with the "after," this volume nicely wraps up the tales.

Someday I would like to have all three in front of me and follow each story through the volumes. I know I lost a lot of detail reading them over the course of two years. Some I was able to immediately pick up (Seanan McGuire's tale of all-consuming mold, for instance) and some I had zero recollection of what came before.

Thank you Kindle lending library!

larisa2021's review against another edition

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Carrie Vaughn & Elizabeth Bear are always worth the effort to find their stories.

bitterindigo's review against another edition

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I'm not sure why I didn't find this as wholly enchanting as the first two books in the series - there were stories in those that I've read over half-a-dozen times, and I loved flipping back and forth between books on my Kindle following the threads of the ones that were continued. There were a couple of gems here, but not the same consistent brilliance.