
Midsummer Sweetheart by Katy Regnery

jbarr5's review

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Midsummer Sweetheart (Heart of Montana) BY Katy Regency
Have read other works by the author and like the series very much.
Book starts out with Katrin Svenson, a nurse and her ex fiance is becoming madder and he's drunk. As the scene unfolds I can picture myself in this exact spot as if it was me there.
The cops do show up in time, this trip and lock Wade away for a few days. Since then her brother and sister in law have a plan for her escape. She will go to the other side of the national forest to a small town and be a nurse for a practice just starting.
She'd even have a place to stay and the towns small enough to walk around. The translation of the lake sounds perfect-The Pearl of the Bay. She'd be leaving her family behind but it's only for a few months.
Her cousin's brother in law Erik Lindstrom would drive her to her destination and he would continue onto his new police enforcement training in another town.
Love the Norwegian dialog with translations and learning of their traditions especially the midsummer celebrations and legends. He hates what Wade has done and tells Ingrid that he will look in on her once they all get settled with their new jobs.
He doesn't even want to get involved with Katrin because his parents breakup was so bad it left marks on his relationships.
Even though they spend a few hours together they each have thoughts of the other running through their minds and they just can't stop from thinking about..
Misunderstandings and medical problems will keep them apart, and can they make it back together....and just pray Wade leaves them all alone. Love how things from the past are dealt with..Love how this leads into the next book.
Received this as a contest in Facebook by the author

thebooktrollop's review

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I was introduced to Katy when she sent me a copy of By Proxy and I was suppose to review it by Christmas and so much shit happened and it slipped through my fingers before I had a chance to... Siiiggghh... So when I saw her second book Midsummer Sweetheart was coming out and there was a blog tour for it, I jumped on it in order to redeem my assholeryness from before. And I am so glad I read it but I am also kicking my own ass for letting the first one slip through the cracks!!

This book takes you inside the lives of Katrin and Erik.. A Hopeless romantic and a commitment phobe. Erik shies away from anything to deal with dating, flowers, or the big L word... of course that doesn't stop him from enjoying a woman from time to time but he makes it a habit to not "do" the same one over and over... A real charmer, that one.

BUT, of course, there is this thing about soul mates that seems to change your overall perception of love and commitment and it seemed Katrin and Erik were undoubtedly meant for one another. From the very first touch of skin on skin, there was just a magnetic pull. Even though they both pushed and pulled and tried to fight it, they couldn't.

This book was magnetic, charming, sweet, and I really enjoyed getting to know the characters. Katy is a fabulous writer and her characters make your heart just swoon. I wasn't sure if I was rooting for Erik or if I wanted to smack him upside his head! But when the situations reversed and he was the one chasing Kat.. I couldn't help but fall for him hard core and root for them until the very end.
Oh and laugh at his expense of course ;)...

The way Katy described the scenery was adorable and I could picture myself up in the small town surrounded by charm and magnetic atmosphere. Most of the time when I think of Montana, I think of snow... lots and lots of snow... But Katy changed my perception and made me actually want to visit this place!!

The text messages were probably my favorite part of the book! They were sweet, flirty, and reminded me a lot of when my husband and I were dating... There was enough drama to make it more interesting and not overly sweet where I wanted to roll my eyes and throw the book across the room.

And, Oh boy, was the drama intense.
I was hanging on the edge of my seat in most parts, just waiting to see what that ex-douche was going to do...

But you'll have to read it for yourself and find out...

Overall, I give this book a 4/5 and if you want a clean romance with two strong characters that you can't help but love, then grab this book and DEVOUR it soon!!

jaimejustreadsromance's review

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Katy Regnery has found her voice and I hear it loud and clear! I have thoroughly enjoyed every book that she's written so far so it seems impossible that they just keep getting better, right? Wrong.
This is the 2nd full novel in the Heart of Montana series (there is a novella) and my favorite so far.
While Midsummer Sweetheart is a little more on the steamier side than By Proxy, its still a closed-door romance. Trust me though when I say that the way Katy leads up to closing that door will give you plenty to get your imagination running.
I thoroughly enjoyed Erik and Katrin's story, especially after delving into each of their back stories. Katrin's belief in love never waivers despite the things she been through with her ex and she holds steadfast to the idea that she will settle for nothing more than a full commitment. Meanwhile, Erik has fought to avoid love at all costs after watching his idea of perfect love be shattered right in front of him.
As the two of them embark on new jobs in new towns their friendship quickly develops into more but Erik continues to let his past rule his thoughts. Will his fear push him to make a stupid mistake or can Katrin show him that love can last.
This book made me swoon, it made me swear up a storm, and near the end it put me in tears. I loved every second of it!

*I received an ARC from the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review

agrutle's review

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Katrin is in an abusive relationship. Her fiance, Wade's anger has escalated to the point of threatening to take her life. Now her sister in law Ingrid has set up a job and a place to live for her so she can get out of town and maybe get away from her psycho ex. Ingrid asks her best friend Jenny's brother Erik to drive her since he was on his way north himself.

Erik doesn't believe in love and happily ever after. When his mom was sick and dying he watched her call for his father and his father not answer. He doesn't ever want to love someone so much and let them down. He's doing a favor for Ingrid, shes family practically. What he didn't expect was to feel a spark when he touched Katrin. Spending Sunday's with her kept breaking down the walls around his heart.

I loved that he got to know her and did things with her. He was scared but he was attracted. Granted he did think he could have sex with her and get her out of his system. Little did he know that his heart grew attached to her more and more every time he saw her. Katrin tried to not become attached to Erik, but it was like trying not to breath. He made her feel safe. Don't forget about Wade, where is he in all of this? You'll just have to read it and find out! Leave the author love in the form of a review!

kebawalt's review

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I absolutely loved the book. I loved the characters as well and as a Jamaican I really like Gabrielle. The Patois was pretty good but would have been better if a Jamaican looked over it in editing.

jaimereadsromance's review

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Katy Regnery has found her voice and I hear it loud and clear! I have thoroughly enjoyed every book that she's written so far so it seems impossible that they just keep getting better, right? Wrong.
This is the 2nd full novel in the Heart of Montana series (there is a novella) and my favorite so far.
While Midsummer Sweetheart is a little more on the steamier side than By Proxy, its still a closed-door romance. Trust me though when I say that the way Katy leads up to closing that door will give you plenty to get your imagination running.
I thoroughly enjoyed Erik and Katrin's story, especially after delving into each of their back stories. Katrin's belief in love never waivers despite the things she been through with her ex and she holds steadfast to the idea that she will settle for nothing more than a full commitment. Meanwhile, Erik has fought to avoid love at all costs after watching his idea of perfect love be shattered right in front of him.
As the two of them embark on new jobs in new towns their friendship quickly develops into more but Erik continues to let his past rule his thoughts. Will his fear push him to make a stupid mistake or can Katrin show him that love can last.
This book made me swoon, it made me swear up a storm, and near the end it put me in tears. I loved every second of it!

*I received an ARC from the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review

myownbookshelves's review

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Review Pending
PS - My second favorite in the series
4.5 out of 5 stars

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kcrosswriting's review

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I read this book after first reading See Jane Fall, and wasn't sure what I expected, so I can't say I was ultimately disappointed or in love. While I loved See Jane Fall better, I didn't hate this one either, and give it a strong 4 stars.

What I loved was the emotional tension. This book focused mostly on the interplay between the two and less on external characters like I thought, but it worked well. Erik's protective streak was fun, and so was Katrin's innocent reactions. Regnery grabs you from the first page on this story, that's for sure. I looked forward to reading it and finished it in a day.

The only thing I couldn't quite wrap my head around was one emotional part with Erik and his reaction, but I won't go into detail because I don't want to spoil it, and then the ending felt really rushed. While it was believable, it just happened too fast. The lead up to it was really predictable as well. There's no question as to what's going on as it unfolds, which kind of disappointed me, but still goes back to the focus on the main two characters and not external characters.

I can't wait to read more from this author!

kame's review

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Katrin Svenson needs to get out of a bad situation. Her ex-fiancé has started stalking her; her family is scared for her safety so they have made a plan for her to leave town. In order to leave with no trace they have asked a family friend, Erik Lindstrom to drop her off in her new town on his way to his new job. Neither wants a romantic relationship in their life but was that a jolt they felt when they shook hands?

Erik and Katrin revealed themselves more to the reader as this book progressed. Erik was vocal about his lack of interest in relationships, and little by little we learn why. Katrin is very patient with him and knows early on that she is in love. As for a plot, this book was rather unique. Their shared heritage seemed to bring them closer. Kat and Erik’s attraction was immediate. I enjoyed the slow pace that their relationship progressed; which was necessary since they lived in different towns. I would not call this book a sexy read – as any intimacy beyond kissing is implied; however this book does contain one of the most sensuous goodnight kiss scenes I have ever read. I thought my Kindle would combust! This book spends a lot of time in the character’s heads. There are pages of Erik rehashing in his head why he does not want a relationship. What I wished for was more dialog between characters. Kat and Erik had great conversations and even wonderful text message exchanges. They seemed to let their guard down with each other in those texts.

While this is the second full-length book in a series it can be read as a standalone with no problem. I myself have read the previous book and novella, and plan to follow the remaining brothers in this series. I find the small towns and families involved interesting and like nothing I have read before.

I received this book for promotion purposes for a blog tour I exchange for my honest review.
