brs165's review against another edition

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informative inspiring lighthearted reflective fast-paced


bread333's review against another edition

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Meh, I don't know why I own this book. Was a bit curious and just picked it up today. Some useful insights but 99% fluff, which is kind of ironic.

mrtompratt's review against another edition

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Really quick read. Packed with loads of useful tips considering its such a short book.

egeorgia's review against another edition

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funny informative inspiring reflective fast-paced


kcronin18's review against another edition

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A solid meh.

sir_thaven's review against another edition

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informative inspiring slow-paced


tim_ohearn's review against another edition

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It reads like a children's book but it's not without merit. The message is important, applicable, and—what many negative reviews fail to point out—clearly illustrated. It's short, simple, fully abstracts the mountains of research that these insights were drawn from, and works well for the desired audience. The desired audience being basically every person who has a job or who is considering having a job but is pressed for time and unlikely to pick up or finish a management book written in any other format.

shalinig422's review against another edition

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informative fast-paced


eleenarieger's review against another edition

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Pretty cheesy but gets the point across

x_nr_'s review against another edition

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In many ways this book is over simplified and simply lays down the best practice rather than exploring anything unconventional. Some good lessons to be picked up here and all in all some 40 odd pages on my eBook reader.