
Anything: The Prayer That Unlocked My God and My Soul by Jennie Allen

meghanspoth10's review

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This book started off with such a simple idea by praying for "anything" and dived into something much deeper and I greatly enjoyed the whole book. I gave it 5 stars because I know I will come back to this one. It was such an easy read and I will have this book on my shelf to read during different seasons of my life. I will bounce this around to my friends and make as many notes as I possibly can. The author spoke of her fear of a child becoming a member of her well-knit family and even though it was EXTREMELY inspiring I don't feel swayed to one side or the other of adoption. Throughout the book as Jennie spoke of her story and those she was around I loved how each one had a different call from God and how each one is to be praised and they serve their role for the kingdom. "Anything" didn't feel like a how-to guide but invited the audience into becoming more familiar with God and letting the spirit into our every day lives. Bam! Love it!

danyell919's review

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I adore Jennie Allen and this book was another win for me!

kstep1805's review

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I read this book as part of a Bible Study. I found it very challenging in terms of giving myself over to God. The study was a great combination of reading and studying accompanying scripture. At the same time, I felt the same way reading this book as I did reading Radical; this book still is just a reflection of white American Christianity. The last chapter was a good call to give our blessings away which was a good reminder of all we have. Overall, I liked the book, it helped me examine my faith.

bookrecsondeck's review

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Inspirational book about choosing to follow God’s will by being a living sacrifice despite the cost that comes with it

thikoyales's review

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Awesome, life-changing book, if you take the time to really think and pray about the content.

aubreynicolebaker's review

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this book changed my faith in ways I cannot even begin to describe. :)

okiecozyreader's review against another edition

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My notes

resurrection “That should wreck everything about our reality. There IS more to life than nothingness and there is something bigger than us and our little story playing out on this spinning planet.

The world has yet to see what God can do with and for and through and in a man who is fully and wholly consecrated to Him.

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot loose. Jim Elliot

A.W. Tozer if we exalt God to his right place in our lives “a thousand minor problems will be resolved at once” Matt 6:33 seek first His kingdom…
Before praying, I had a thousand minor problems and everyone I knew had them too. I wanted to be fixed and healed and I read all the books and followed all the steps and write honestly was more stuck and broken than before.
When my kids spoke back to me in public, I would overreact bc I was embarrassed. Or when I would let someone down by being late, I would get stuck in an over-reactive feeling of shame. I was ridden with anxiety about church and all the people I wanted to please. I often felt sad and I couldn’t even determine it’s cause.
These struggles were evidence of how much I loved this short life more than the next one. I was trying to measure up with my behavior, striving for perfection.
If someone had told me these problems would shrink if I would just surrender everything to God, I would have written them off… So how do we let God change us?

We’ve learned the art of being verbally passionate but highly unresponsive Christ followers.

“The majority of us cannot hear anything but ourselves. But to be brought to the place where we can hear the call of God is to be profoundly changed” Oswald Chambers

What if we wanted what God wanted most? What if we wanted, like Jesus, God’s glory above every other thing?

I keep forgetting that life is temporary - so temporary. “If life is temporary, why create the safest one possible that gets you through it with the least amount of scars?” Tyler Merrick of Project 7 Coffee

We want joy, passion, love and peace. We read books looking for it. We get married hoping for it. We have kids in search of it. We climb ladders reaching for it… We spend too much money at the Apple store trying to buy it. We check e-mails looking for it. Is it possible we have it all backwards?
Matt 16:25 whoever saves his life will lose it…

When we don’t live or feel joy or peace or passion it’s bc we don’t know his love or his joy or peace or passion. He is a person, not a magic pill you take when your life or your soul is broken.Someone you choose over anybody else, over anything else.

madcat29's review

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This book is going to change lives! I loved it and cannot wait for the IF:GATHERING next month. We read this book as part of our book club at church, and we read it right after "Kisses from Katie" which Jennie Allen refers to quite often in this book. And as inspiring as Katie's story was, this one goes much further, challenging you to not only admire Katie's dedication to the Lord... but to take that incredibly difficult step of faith and tell God "Anything!" I cannot wait to see where the journey I began with this book will take me!

j92me's review

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I started to listen to this book. I am sure it is great, but I don't have the desire at this time to hear another person's journey and understanding of God. Maybe I will return to it someday :-)

amoryskaggs's review

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Jennie Allen speaks about being willing to say "Anything" to God. How she does it without any judgement or pressure is what is amazing. She gently speaks her truth and story and it invites you to follow! You close the book so encouraged (yet fully aware of the cost) to say "Anything" to the Lord. Such an inspiring book!