
Present Perfect by Alison G. Bailey

inessova's review

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What an emotional roller coaster !!! I've never cried this much reading a book! I haven't stopped for two hours straight. The ending was PERFECT. Amanda did all the wrong things but I understood where she was coming from. Feeling not good enough and undeserving is something I sometimes experience and I'm glad she got over it :)

This book definitely deserves five stars.

"Everything" is one of my favorite song, but it took a whole new meaning, I will never be able to listen to it and not think about Tweet and Noah.

But the lyrics that make me think of them are those of All of me.

What would I do without your smart mouth?
Drawing me in, and you kicking me out
You've got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down
What's going on in that beautiful mind
I'm on your magical mystery ride
And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright

My head's under water
But I'm breathing fine
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind

'Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I'm winning
'Cause I give you all of me
And you give me all of you, ohoh

How many times do I have to tell you
Even when you're crying you're beautiful too
The world is beating you down, I'm around through every mood
You're my downfall, you're my muse
My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues
I can't stop singing, it's ringing, in my head for you

Give me all of you
Cards on the table, we're both showing hearts
Risking it all, though it's hard

devansbooklife's review

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This book hooks you. It is creatively written with an easy flow. The characters are easy to relate to and enjoy. The most frustrating part of the entire book is waiting on Amanda to decide to let go of her insecurities and love Noah the way she wants to. The way she deserves to. I caught myself wanting to just smack some sense into her. Noah is PERFECT. Hence the title. He is doting, affectionate, loyal, kind, romantic, passionate, and sexy. What more could a girl ask for? The book has multiple layers and twists and turns that leave you begging for a divine intervention. Definitely a tear jerker.

pattyfgd's review

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I first started this book and loved the premise. Amanda and Noah are best friends since birth. They were born at the same time, their families are friends and their friendship is forged in stone. Now old enough to feel that boyfriend tug, Amanda(Bird) is looking at Noah in a whole new light, just like her friends are. But her insecurities of being perfect kick in and she pulls away. Nothing should detract from her perfect friendship and she has to stay on course to keep up with her perfect sister. What she doesn't understand is Noah's feelings and how much he feels for her. Will he be able to convince her? There are parts of this book I absolutely loved, then became completely frustrated. But I persevered through Bird's growing pains only to be shocked with the twist! I was completely flabbergasted! But Alison Bailey saw me through the good times and the bad times, giving a realistic story the emotions of true to life situations. It's a coming of age story that will steal your heart and fill you up. It's a great listen to start the year off.

Appelusa McGlynn is new to me, and I thoroughly enjoyed her performance. She has a young voice that fit the role from child to adult. I found her voices fit the characters and she has just enough emotion not to make it over the top. I will definitely be looking for more by her in the future.

talya_'s review

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Note: This review is all over the place, so it may make no sense at all, and it contains slight spoilers.

This book is about romance. I'm sure everyone was aware of this based on the description…but this book is only romance. There is no deep, meaningful plot, no subplots, no anything except for romance. And it's not even well written at that.
I like romance as much as the next girl, but this? I found myself choking on romance-overdose and sheer stupidity and I didn't even finish the book. I like books that have subplots or something to focus on. Hell, even if a book is about a girl who works at a bookstore and falls in love with the guy there, that would have been better. Why? Because this book is about NOTHING other than Amanda and Noah, two unlikable characters. Other characters are only thrown in the book to add drama and angst and make this book drag on. Seriously, there's nothing except Amanda and Noah. Amanda has no goals in life, no hobbies, we never see her doing school work, she doesn't have a job, she doesn't clean her house-- nothing. Half the time there isn't even a SETTING. Because this book is about romance, so it doesn't need a setting or depth, just a bunch of Amanda and Noah conversations thrown together to form what the author believes is a romance novel.

The book begins telling us how our rather pathetic MC, Amanda, has this perfect sister who everyone loves and respects, and expects her to be like. But Amanda isn't like Emily. She's not as pretty or smart or anything, and so because of this, she has the self esteem of a pebble. One would think that this story would have something to do with family and Amanda learning how to speak up for herself or something, right?
The only reason we even know about Emily is to give a crappy excuse as to why Amanda has no self-esteem. Right after talking about this, the author proceeds to talk about Noah, Amanda's best friend since birth, and goes on to tell about how Amanda is in love with him. And eventually, she learns that Noah loves her too, but she continually refuses to be with him because her self-esteem is non-existent and she thinks shes not good enough. And then, the book goes on
and on
and on
and on and on and on about Amanda and how she refuses to be with Noah.

Let me back up here to explain this a little better.

Amanda always thought of Noah as a friend, but one day, a new girl named Beth comments on his extreme hotness, and ever since then, Amanda hasn't been able to stop looking at him and thinking things about him that no best friend ever should. So she pretends she doesn't like him, yet she throws tremendous bitch fits when any other girl shows interest in him, then gets mad at Noah. Noah soon expresses his love for her-- and Amanda runs away. One chapter later, Amanda admits that she likes him and they're together for a very short while (they go downstairs and eat dinner and got back upstairs) before Amanda tells him that they can't be together.
Noah, heartbroken, leaves and ignores Amanda for a while. Soon, another guy asks Amanda out… or maybe a girl asks Noah out--- I'm not sure which happens first, because they both happen. Basically, there are a bunch of times where Noah tells her he loves her and she refuses him, so they ignore each other and only talk again when someone different asks either of them out. It's highly annoying.
So you may be thinking "Poor Noah :((((( That's so sad ;((."

Don't you dare feel an ounce of sympathy for this douchebag.

At first, Noah is sweet and nice. But once Amanda refuses him, he starts dating Beth in secret, even though he doesn't like her. She's "convenient" he says. But Beth loves him and Noah knows this. He knows he's leading her on. So what does Noah do? He plans on having sex with her, then rubs this in Amanda's face when she begs him not to, because "he belongs to her." So Noah leaves Amanda crying and screaming on the floor, but he breaks up with Beth. Noah and Amanda are friends again.
But it's not long before both of them start crossing that line again, so Amanda steps back. Again. And they don't talk to each other. Again. Until this random hot guy, Ben, asks Amanda out on one date. Amanda agrees and later finds Noah threatening Ben if he touches her. Then he yells at Amanda for going on this one date with him. But Noah, weren't you ready to have sex with Beth even if you didn't like her? So why are you judging Amanda?
"It's different," Noah tells Amanda.
Is it really?
Fast forward a while, Noah beats up Ben because Ben and Amanda kiss and Amanda gets mad at Noah. Oh, and I almost forgot-- after Noah beats up Ben, he goes and has sex with a slut from school.
Does this not anger anyone besides me?
It was around this time when I was officially done with the book. I only skimmed it long enough to see that Noah gets a girlfriend who he doesn't care about, and Amanda begins having sex with Ben regularly even if they don't like each other. Fast forward some more and Amanda's in college, making out with every guy in sight.
And then I was done.
Can one understand my frustration? This book was about a pathetic girl who pined after a guy she could've had, but refused to have. For I-don't-know-how-many pages this goes on. There are no other plots, no other characters in this book. Just Amanda and Noah, in love and in denial.
It is the most infuriating thing I've ever read.
Now I didn't finish it so it could've got better, although this is doubtful.

If you like deep books with meaning, strong and unpathetic MCs, love interests who aren't jerks, books with an actual plot, books with subplot(s), and books that aren't oozing with horribly written romance, then run far and fast, because this book is your worst nightmare.

yyattayy's review

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Oh my goodness, I'm terrible at starting reviews but this one is probably the hardest. When I was looking through the reviews, deciding whether or not I wanted to read this book, I saw a bunch of warnings about how emotional it got but I didn't believe it (usually I read books where others claimed it made them ugly cry and I'm like, "really?") BUT THIS BOOK WAS DIFFERENT.

Okay, it actually kind of wasn't. This book messed me up real well; I started it a couple days ago and it was hard to put down every time I had to. I just spent the last five hours ugly crying my eyes out, and I couldn't stop the masochism because I JUST HAD TO FINISH THIS DAMN BOOK. Ugh!

Here's a brief summary that will probably sound like the other 9,000 ones out there: Noah and Amanda are best friends, have been from pretty much birth and always will be. As they traverse the rocky waters of adolescence, they begin to realize their feelings for each other aren't what they used to be, and while Noah is more than happy to continue on that track, Amanda, who has -3 self-esteem, refuses to take any "risks" because she's convinced she'll eff something up and she wouldn't be able to handle losing Noah as a boyfriend and a friend. So there you have it, 75% of the novel right there. Noah and Amanda lusting after each other, and just when things get good, they don't. Or something happens. Or someone happens. Anything you can imagine (or have read before) happens that separated them. This is where the book lost one of it's stars for me: it was so repetitive. I felt like I was reading some of the same passages twice, just on a different page. I don't mind repetition in a book, and I feel under the right circumstances it's good. This was not one of those situations. And what kind of ending was that? The last part of the book had me deep in my feels, and I didn't see any of it coming until it was right up in my face. Cue more ugly crying.

The other reason the book lost a star was because of Amanda. I understand her reasons and dilemmas on a personal level, and I understand her low self-esteem. BUT COME ON. If I had a guy as hot as Noah (or as she claims him to be) throwing himself at me at every opportunity, I'd stop pushing him away after the second time he came back and just buckle up for the ride. You might as well appreciate what you have while you have it, especially if it's constantly throwing itself at you. Even if you don't agree with it, shut up and let the hot guy worship you for a moment! I wanted to throttle Amanda so bad, to yank her out of the story and place myself in it.

Overall, I thought the story was a decent one. I was not prepared for over-dramatic-ness, and had I thought it was as melodramatic as it was said to be by the reviews, I probably never would've read it in the first place. But the ending had a nice message, and it was written well enough for me to want to continue reading. Now I must go wipe my face; it feels saltier than the dead sea.

casimoore's review

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Young love story. Bring out the tissues for the end!

rinasreadsnz's review

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My heart is hurting and I have snot...
My eyes are puffy from leaking and I'm mentally exhausted from reading this book.

Gah! I'm also still a little angry with Amanda for being a scaredy-cat.
I mean, it was obvious how much Noah loved her but boy did she make him suffer.

The letters near the end nearly broke me completely, I thought "AFTER ALL IF THIS DRAMA, PAIN, HURT AND SUFFERING, this is where we end up!?" I was ready to throw my e-reader from frustration and anger.

Brutal. Is the appropriate word for this book.
If you are looking to have your heart shredded and then stomped on for good measure then you have found the perfect book.

But, I am an emotional reader. I love angst, I love the hard fought for HEA so this book was right up my alley. It's a book that will stay with me for a long time. But you, Ms. Bailey have earned a spot on my emotional terrorist list. Savage.

patriciadanisova's review

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one of the most frustrating books i ever read. srsly. i was like : damn it, girl, let me slap the shit outta you!
sometimes i didnt get what they relationship was really about. sometimes i was confused by her overthinking.
the end.... well, you have to read it to know why i almost got on airplane to kill the author :D

meghayes11's review

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Loved and hated this book! My tummy literally hurt during parts of it!!

parryc's review against another edition

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Wow this book came out of nowhere, once again a cover through me off but what a heart wrenching tale. Noah was amazing, but Amanda got on my nerves a fair bit.