
Velvet by Mary Hooper

caylee_with_a_c's review

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Actual rating: 7/10

This was an interesting book which I read with rapt attention. I liked the plot and adored that it was set at the beginning of the 20th century in London.
Mary Hooper chose an intriguing topic for 'Velvet', mediums, I have not read any other books on mediums and their presence in this book excited me.
I do not believe in mediums and I wanted to see what the author made of them.
There were many twists and turns and thankfully, no holes in the plot (at least none that I noticed).
Overall a good book, one that I would certainly recommend to my historical fiction loving friends.

Now for some spoilers :)

Don't read on if you have not read the book.

I am highly annoyed that the girl who thought there was more to life than marriage ended up GETTING MARRIED. So much for the whole feminist approach.

Love triangles, god I hate love triangles. Both George and Charlie wanted to be with Velvet, though at least she ended up with Charlie considering George was a crook who happened to be... already married.

What about Lizzie? Does anyone else remember that Lizzie was totally into Charlie and Velvet just disregarded that and married the man, Lizzie loved without even consulting her on the matter.

I must admit I am just a tiny a bit suspicious about Velvet/Kitty's dad turning over a new leaf. A leapard never changes its spots.

I hope you like my review and feel free to like, comment or friend me.

bibliosini's review

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I loved this book! Hooper's plot was very original and I love how she escalated Velvet's life from lowly washerwoman to a respectable position! And I loved the ending!

jenny_librarian's review

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Trigger warning: mentions of death, child abuse

3 ⭐️

This book was... okay I guess?

The setting was interesting. Early 21st century London, with a hint of feminist theory sparkled here and there (although very lightly). The atmosphere is intriguing, and it would have been nice to get more from it, like the steam laundry or the street life.

But the main character is absolutely useless. While Velvet seems to be 16 or 17, she thinks and acts as if she’s 12. And, frankly, for a poor orphan who’s had to live on her own for about a year, it’s not really believable. Not to mention that she’s unable to carry out anything by herself and always needs to be saved and comforted by a guy.

The other characters are barely fleshed out. Lizzie is mentioned only in passing once Velvet finds Madame Savoya. George is a fine piece of ass... and that’s it, really, until that “plot twist” in the end. Charlie is only there to be the knight in shinning armour. As for Madame Savoya, she’s cunning, but any morally grey vibe is overlooked by Velvet’s being “naïve” (I’d just call that stupid, in her circumstances).

The action was okay, even if it could have taken a much more interesting turn had it been better developed and less black and white. I wish it’d been a historical fantasy novel instead. Maybe the whole thing would have seemed more vivid then.

ellaliest's review

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Mary Hooper gehört für mich eindeutig zu der Kategorie Lieblingsautoren. Ich habe mich als Teenager in ihren Schreibstil verliebt und hatte bisher mit jedem ihrer Bücher unglaubliche Momente. Leider hat mich "Velvet" nicht so richtig abholen können. Das mag zum einen daran liegen, dass ich davor "Totenmädchen" gelesen habe, welches zu meinen Jahreshighlights zählt, aber auch daran, dass mich die Protagonistin in vielen Situationen genervt hat und ich sie tatsächlich selbst für die Gegebenheiten ein Stück zu naiv fand.