
Now, Discover Your Strengths by Gallup

ricm's review

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If you're a cheapo like me and still get books from the library like a plebian, this book will be a little unfulfilling. It's a great book, but if you don't buy the book yourself you'll be missing out on a lot of this book's contents. The big theme of this book is to discover your strengths using this super-specialized magic internet questionnaire using your unique code on the back of the book. Of course, once you use the code, you're done, and if you ever want to take it again or have your loser friends take it, you'll have to buy a whole new book. As a result I didn't take the questionnaire, but I don't think I missed out on all too much because by reading the descriptions of the strengths (or "themes") in the book, you can get a pretty good idea of what yours are anyway. It wasn't mind-blowing or life-changing, but it did help me get a much clearer idea of what my good intangible talents are, so I wasn't too disappointed.

mokey81's review

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This was a very good and informative book. But it will be difficult for most people to read because you will immediately see all your company is doing wrong which leads you down a path of pondering why you are working for them.

But I genuinely appreciated the well-researched ideas. I liked learning what my strengths are and I am now paying attention to how I can use them in my current position.

nhoff's review

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While this book contained no life-changing revelations, it was a very interesting look into how many different motivators may be at work in yourself and your employees. Once you are able to identify a motivator or set of motivators, you are better able to tailor your management techniques to individual needs. It is certainly not the golden egg which will transform any workforce into a happy and efficient one but it is a useful tool to add to the management box.

lex6819's review

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I took a Gallup StrengthsFinder test. My top five are intellection, input, learner, achiever and connectedness. Now to discover what to do about them...

tjmcq's review

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Doing the strengths Finder is interesting and useful.

additionaddiction's review

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Not really for me.

efram's review

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Now, Discover Your Strengths’ rate of determined five stars is a representation of my resolute recommendation for the book. A must read for everyone - reader or non-reader. Each of us aims to live a life filled with content and meaning but how can you achieve that meaning if you have not the slightest idea of your innate talents? Today's generation is always unsatisfied, how about looking inside you? How about knowing your strengths?

The strengths of the book are its captivating writing approach that will make you evaluate yourself every time the attributes of a talent is being deeply explained, the brilliant research from Gallup constructing a magnificent and credible cover for the representation of the thirty-four talents or themes as the book calls them, and lastly but the most special is its superb applications for our careers, relationships, and every aspects of our life. If you play by your strengths, you will harmonize.

sarahs_readingparty's review

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we read this book as a group at work. while there were definitely some weird aspects of this book, i think it was helpful for one reason alone: a perspective shift from focusing only on weaknesses. if you focus on your strengths, then there is more potential for growth as an employee and as a person because of positivity. that being said, this was a typical business book so some aspects of it were just bizarre and not applicable to people in all fields. taking the strengthsfinder test was neat though.

lraven13's review

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This book made so much sense to me! I have worked in just about every area of modern day work culture and this book really nailed one of the major reasons I have never been especially happy in most of them: instead of using my strengths I was constantly being told where I was falling down.

This book does an excellent job of explaining the different strengths and really breaking down what each of us brings to the table and how we can partner to be even stronger. I saw that someone gave this book one star because they couldn't take the test online. I checked this book out from the library and was easily able to find a free version of the test by googling it, thus was able to take full advantage of the powerful message in the text: grow your strengths and become an even better version of your self!

chucknasty's review

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I kind of skimmed the parts about management, but overall, I enjoyed this book. I might buy a copy so I can take the StrengthsFinder test myself (I checked the book out from the city library and so the code was invalid).