
The to Z of You and Me by James Hannah

arwenauthor's review

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This is one of those books that you can't really review without spoiling it. Part of the wonder of it is discovering what is going on, where the character is, what's happening.

What drew me to it is the concept of the 'A to Z' game. It's something I use a lot when I'm trying to distract myself from something or trying to sleep. (which, funnily enough, often has the opposite effect.) You pick something, in this case a part of your body, and come up with a word and potentially a story to go along with that object. Because of this, we only gradually realise what's happening because Ivo (the central protagonist) often tells memories of a part of his body that can be from any part of his life. For example: A is for Adam's Apple, which includes a story of a vicar's very large Adam's apple he was fascinated by as a child.

I did enjoy it, although became frustrated at some points. It wasn't the magical book I had hoped it to be, and I didn't like the ending (although pretty much everyone disagrees with me on that part.)

It was a good read, but not exemplary. Maybe I'm spoilt for reading, but it didn't effect me in the same way it seemed to have done with a lot of other readers.

Thank you to Net Galley for an ARC copy of this book