
Faith by Elizabeth Hayes

megansendlessreads's review

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This book was interesting for me because I thought it had so much potential. I was really excited to start this book and within a few chapters I was caught up in the characters and the story. Yet about halfway through the novel, or maybe even before that, the book started to fall apart for me.
One of the things that I absolutely abhor in a novel is when the author starts an idea and doesn’t finish it, which was the resounding theme of Faith. There were characters introduced and I was ready for the drama to roll, then nothing happened. Now, I don’t usually advocate drama, but this book had almost none! Nothing to keep my attention and nothing to make me interested in reading more. But the reason this book was pretty decent for me was the potential of the novel to be great.
An example of where the idea kind of trailed off: A character was introduced and she sounded like she was going to make trouble for “Faith”. I was waiting for the drama and the battle between the two, yet there was nothing. The newly introduced character was never mentioned again and I was left confused. It was just small things like this that really took this book down a notch for me. Maybe there will be a proceeding book to follow Faith which goes more in depth with these various issues, If so, that’s great, but this book felt cut short and I don’t know if I’m willing to follow up on it.
The characters themselves were great and I loved their interactions and decisions. My only problem was that there were no problems between any of the characters.
Faith was a good read, but it definitely felt cut short, and for this reason, I can only give it three stars. There is definitely a problem when I am reading a book and when it ends I am super surprised. Yet there was potential there so maybe the author will continue this book to another and finish the thoughts from Faith.

carleneinspired's review

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Rating: 2.5 - 3 stars

Faith has a second chance at life, except it won't be like most girl's lives. At eighteen she was diagnosed breast cancer, now she has an opportunity to live life without the threat of cancer and she's doing something different, dancing. After feeling unhappy with her body and not equal to anyone else, dancing is a release. She becomes Faith, she's whoever she wants to be each night, but then she meets Bryce. Bryce makes her question all the decisions she made after the cancer, about who she is and what she can be to another person.

Faith was an incredibly quick read for me, but it handled a tough subject very well. I love stories about dancers, both the professional and the entertainment/stripper variety. I like that dancing was Faith's escape, her way of being who she wants to be with no one knowing about the cancer. I think sometimes, based on real life experience with friends, that it is easy to be looked at as just the person who had cancer, instead of the person who does all these other things. Faith put her cancer behind her, focused on dancing, moving forward with friends, and finally dating. She had a lot of drive and I liked that about her.

I do wish there was more to Faith than that what we are given in this book, sometimes I felt like she made herself the cancer girl or the dancer girl, instead of anything else. It was incredibly hard to see her in a relationship with Bryce, because it happened so quickly. Things I was surprised by about him and her were just passed over. The connection to the characters was hard to feel and their lives before each other were passed over, so I never felt like I really knew who they were apart or together. I do look forward to reading the other Hades Angels books, as the other characters seem unique and definitely have some back stories that I have questions about.