
Bitter Spirits by Jenn Bennett

michelle904's review against another edition

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This was book #10 for Romanceopoly 2020.

Challenge Pack: Moon
Square: The Cobbles
Challenge: Read a historical romance not set in London

zaza_bdp's review against another edition

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J'avais tellement aimé la plume de Jenn Bennett dans sa géniale série Arcadia Bell qu'entre la sortie de deux tomes, je me suis procurée le 1er tome d'une autre de ses séries, mais au final, j'aurai mis plus de temps que prévu à le sortir de ma PAL. Et je ne l'ai peut-être pas sorti au moment le plus propice ...

Le décor et l'ambiance de ce roman sont très originaux et c'est vraiment quelque chose qui m'a attiré tout de suite à l'époque où j'ai lu le résumé. Imaginez un peu : San Francisco et son quartier chinois, les années Folles en pleine Prohibition, avec un contrebandier et une medium et cerise sur le gâteau : fantômes et magie !

Voilà donc un univers riche et très bien travaillé par l'autrice, c'est très immersif, et curieusement, il y a un petit côté intemporel dans cette histoire, même si on est clairement dans une autre époque. J'ai beaucoup aimé cet aspect-là du récit.

Les personnages sont également bien travaillés, que ce soit Winter, ses failles, sa famille un brin loufoque, son ambition, sa ténacité et sa façon de réagir à tout ce qu'il traverse avec cette malédiction qui le frappe ; Aida, son indépendance, sa liberté (assez folle quand on y pense vu l'époque), sa force de caractère et son courage.

L'intrigue est bien ficelée, il y a assez d'action et de suspense pour nous tenir en haleine et garder notre intérêt jusqu'au bout, et encore une fois, ce décor de quartier chinois dans le San Francisco des années 20 donne un vrai cachet à l'histoire, c'est vraiment top. La partie magique du récit, avec ses fantômes, ses sorts et ses potions diverses et variées est également bien conçue et bien exploitée, même si j'aurais aimé une petite introduction en la matière, car j'ai trouvé qu'on était jetés dans cet univers directement, sans aucune "explication". Je suis en revanche un poil plus dubitative sur la romance, qui m'a moins emballée, mais qui reste agréable à lire.

Je me suis laissé du temps avant de rédiger ma chronique sur ce roman, car dès la dernière page tournée, j'étais plutôt sur un sentiment de déception, et j'étais contente d'avoir terminé le livre. Je pense que la traduction n'a pas été assez à mon goût, et que ça a joué sur mon ressenti, mais le fait de me laisser un peu de temps avant de venir vous parler de ce roman m'a permis de mettre ça de côté et de me concentrer finalement sur l'essentiel.

On est loin du coup de coeur que j'ai pu avoir pour Arcadia Bell, néanmoins, c'est une bonne romance paranormale au contexte riche et très original, qui sort clairement du lot !

samrushingbooks's review against another edition

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Why must there be a wait for the sequel? Goodness, this book was amazing. It was a quick read for me with a decent pace, two characters who were attracted to each other from the beginning, and for the most part the magic and ghosts was kept to a minimum, making the book feel like more of a historical romance. I ab-so-lute-ly loved it. Based on the preview chapter for the sequel, it seems to start up right where this one ends, which is awesome. I am glad I read this and I can definitely add Jenn Bennett to my auto-buy list.

jackiehorne's review against another edition

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3.5 Aida Palmer has made her way through life on her own for the past ten years, having lost her parents in the Great San Francisco fire and her brother to WWI. She supports herself by working as a spirit medium, channelling the dead for speakeasy audiences. During her latest gig, in her original hometown of SF, she meets blond Swedish bootlegger Winter Magnusson when he asks for her help in ridding himself of a ghost that's been following him. Turns out that the ghost isn't all that's troubling Winter; he's become one of the targets of an unknown assailant, bent on freeing Chinatown from the control of the whites by first controlling the flow of illegal liquor.

Romance takes precedence over action here, although the attacks on Winter (and, as Aida becomes closer to Winter, on Aida, too) roll out at a pace that keeps the plot moving at a good clip. I enjoyed the interplay between Aida and Winter, two people who have both been less than their best in the wake of dealing with loss and grief, but who still take pleasure in life, and in each other. The unusual setting for a historical romance was also a plus, although the extent of the paranormal in this world wasn't made all that clear.
Spoiler The big villain turns out to be Chinese, but Bennett's inclusion of many other Chinese characters in non-villain roles allows her to mitigate the taint of an overtly racist trope
. Will definitely be picking up the next book in the series.

fishgirl182's review against another edition

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3.5 stars

Very fun book and I really liked the setting and 1920's time period. I definitely plan on reading the rest of the series.

bookloverchelle's review against another edition

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I’m a really big fan of Jenn Bennett (if you haven’t read her Arcadia Bell series you really need to go do that). With that in mind, I’ll admit, I was a little nervous about picking up her new series Roaring Twenties. Set in 1920s San Francisco China Town, Aida is a medium who performs in a speakeasy calling spirits of the paying patrons. Winter is a notorious bootlegger who finds himself cursed and in need of a of a medium to save himself from the ghosts that are haunting him. They both feel an almost instant attraction but with Aida only in town for a short time longer and Winter hesitant to open himself up again to love, neither is initially willing to act on their feelings. But sometimes attractions are too hard to hide from and these two are drawn together as they work together discovering who is after Winter and why. A really great setting, an amazing romantic connection, and fun characters I’m almost mad at myself for not reading this sooner. I can now say I’m an overall fan of Ms. Bennett and I will be picking up any and all that she publishes.

tashas_books's review against another edition

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4.5 stars
I loved this and can't wait to read the rest of the series.

claire_loves_books's review against another edition

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This was okay rather than great, the magic aspect had potential but didn't really get explored that much and felt like window dressing rather than a crucial part of the story. Aida and Winter's romance was frustrating in parts, they have lust at first sight and then spend the second half failing to communicate. (I also couldn't deal with the name Winter, it sounds more like it belongs in some awful disney romance)

melledotca's review against another edition

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Enjoyed the blend of genres, though the end felt rushed and sloppy.

vicrine's review against another edition

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8/10. Sexy, too. Would venture reading more of this series, maybe.