
Hot Summer Nights by Jaci Burton, Carly Phillips, Erin McCarthy, Jessica Clare

romancejunkie1025's review

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only read the Phillips and Burton stories but I loved them both. might try the others some day when my TBR pile shrinks a bit :)

scoutmomskf's review

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Passions ignite in these all-new stories from four bestselling masters of contemporary romance?

Series: Hope (Book .5)
5 stars
In Jaci Burton's "HOPE SMOLDERS," struggling divorcée Jane has put her personal life on hold to raise her kids -- until she runs into Will, her ex's former best friend, who convinces her it's time to start having fun again.

This story is the introduction to Jaci Burton's new series. I've already read the first book in the series, Hope Flames, and really enjoyed it, so I liked going back and reading about Jane and Will. Jane is the single mother of two who has been struggling since her husband walked out two years ago. All her energy goes to taking care of her kids, her house, and her two jobs. There isn't a lot of time for fun.

Will is surprised by the attraction that he feels for Jane when he sees her again. He feels guilty about not checking up on her and the kids after her husband left them and decides that now is a great time to introduce some fun into Jane's life. So he talks her into a date with him, which goes really great - until an emergency with her daughter breaks it up.

Jane had a great time on the date and the "afters" were wonderful. Will was even supportive and caring with her daughter at the ER. She worries about risking her heart and those of her kids by getting involved with Will. Over the next several weeks things go great as Will makes a place for himself. Jane is very independent and reluctant to allow herself to depend on anyone, especially a man, which ends up creating some conflict. Will was a real sweetheart of a guy. He wanted to help Jane have fun again, but he was also interested in the kids. I loved seeing him make sure there was plenty of time with them as well as alone time with Jane. When they run into a rough patch, I really liked that Will reacted realistically with anger and hurt, but was able to see her point of view after he had a chance to calm down. Jane's issues were also realistic, though she had to have them pointed out by both Will and Chelsea before she was able to let them go.

I liked the ending and seeing them work out their issues. I especially liked Will's understanding of Jane's fears and that he shows he has the love and patience to persevere.

Series: Serendipity (Book 4.5) Serendipity's Finest (Book 1.7)
5 stars

Carly Phillips takes you back to the town of Serendipity, where overworked Alexa has an instant connection with a sinfully sexy football star on the dance floor. A one-night stand evolves into multiple nights when Luke decides to teach the good doctor about his own brand of fun. But when it's time for him to leave town, will these "PERFECT STRANGERS" be able to say goodbye for good?

Loved this story. Alexa is an overworked doctor who takes a night off to help a friend by taking her out. She meets Luke, a pro football player who is in town for a few days visiting a friend and the chemistry between them is hot. After a couple nights together, Luke sees a need in Alexa that he's more than happy to fill.

Alexa always wanted to be a doctor and her personal preference was toward pediatrics. But her father, the current chief of staff of the hospital, has been grooming her to take over his position when he retires. She works long hours in many different parts of the hospital, hasn't had a date in months, and barely has a social life with her best friend. There's something about Luke that got her attention that very first night and made her forget about work for awhile. When she gets called to the hospital for an emergency, she finds Luke waiting for her when she's done, offering to take care of her.

Luke was drawn to Alexa from the moment he met her. First he saw her beauty and felt their physical attraction. He saw the loyal friend when Cara needed her for backup. Then when Cara got hurt, he saw her change into the intensely capable doctor. He is fascinated by all the layers he sees in her. After taking her out for breakfast and then spending the next 24 hours with her, he really wants to get to know her better.

Alexa gets a little spooked by the intensity of what she's feeling for Luke and tries to pull away, but he doesn't let her get away with it. I loved their conversation when she owns up to what she did. Luke wants a chance to show her how to have some real fun, and has no trouble standing up to her father to make sure she gets it. I really enjoyed the mental image of her father standing there with his mouth hanging open because of it.

The time with Luke, and the example he has set of having a balanced life, makes Alexa more aware of how unhappy she has become with her life as it is. When Luke invites her to come to Texas with him and meet his family, she has some hard truths to face. Meanwhile, back in Texas, Luke is still hopeful that things aren't over between them. I loved Alexa's solution and really hope to see them appear in a later book to see how they are doing.

Series: Bluebonnet (Book 2.5)
3 stars

In Jessica Clare's "THE LEGEND OF JANE," an intrepid Bloggess catches the eye of local law enforcement when she gets caught trespassing. Luckily, Luanne wouldn't mind getting handcuffed by Officer Hotness?

Luanne has come to Bluebonnet to live with her sister while she is out of work. To pay the bills left over from a sleazy boyfriend, she has a video blog of her doing crazy things. The income from the ads is her only income right now. The story starts with Hank finding her filming herself attempting to do "cowtipping" in a local field. She wants to film him arresting her, and he isn't going to cooperate. Both of them are attracted to each other, but they seem to be total opposites in personality.

Hank comes from a long line of cops and likes what he does. Bluebonnet has been pretty quiet up to now and he really doesn't want Luanne's kind of craziness messing that up. But there's something about her fearlessness and fun that really appeals to him. They start dating and having a good time together, but her blog antics are always at the back of his mind. Hank is very conscious of his place in the community and fears what could happen if her actions start to reflect badly on him.

Luanne started the video blog as a way to pay off the bills that accrued when her ex-boyfriend ran up credit cards in her name. She got caught by Hank while filming one of her pieces, and was immediately attracted to him. They start dating, but she knows he has some issues with the things she does for her blog. She keeps doing them in spite of it.

I had a hard time connecting with these two. I got really frustrated with Luanne because it seemed like she was ignoring the very real problems her videos were creating. Hank's concerns didn't appear to bother her at all, which is not the attitude you should have about someone you supposedly care for. Meanwhile, Hank seemed to be pretty uptight about her work. He seemed to like the way she was so different, but wasn't willing to see that what she did wasn't hurting anyone. He was too concerned about the way it looked.

Though it all worked out in the end, I hope that they both learned a little bit about themselves and their relationship.

4 stars
Single girl Chelsea is tired of feeling like the fifth wheel on her weekend jaunt to Lake Placid, until she gets stuck out in the cold and finds a muscular knight in shining armor to warm her up -- in Erin McCarthy's "ICE PRINCESS".

This story makes me think of the Sesame Street song "One of these things is not like the others". The anthology is Hot Summer Nights and the three other stories take place during the summer. This one is in the middle of winter. Huh?

That being said, it was a cute story. Chelsea is on a ski weekend with some friends. She was supposed to be with her boyfriend too, but they had broken up. She feels a little out of place as the others are still paired up. When she gets locked out of her room on the balcony Brody comes to her rescue. There's a definite attraction between them, but they miss connecting after the rescue.

Brody is a former skiing champion who is now one of the ski instructors at the resort. He's happy to see Chelsea again, as she ends up being his student the next day. The ski lesson was pretty funny, as Chelsea is a total klutz on skis, but she has a great attitude and sense of humor. They make arrangements to meet later, and things get pretty hot from there. They are well matched and feel like there is more to what they could have than just hot sex.

I really liked the way that they made the commitment to spend more time together after that weekend and really get to know each other. Loved the ending and how it all worked out for them.

tsukikomew's review

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This review was posted at Tsuki’s Book Blog on August 15, 2013.

Hope Smolders (Hope Bk .5) by Jaci Burton

I tend to be a bit hesitant when it comes to novellas containing kids. They often end up being placeholders for conflict and this one was sort of half-and-half. The premise followed Jane, a divorcee, with two kids. While working her second job she runs into an old friend of her husband's. Will is a sexy, highwayman who suddenly notices Jane and her kids after avoiding her for a few years. Now he decides to date her, show her a good time, and try to make her happy. It was a romantic little story.

I really liked Will and how he subtly manipulated the situation so Jane would have fun. They had a history so I could get behind the relationship. I hate novellas that are about 80 pages and have a couple meet and practically commit for life in the matter of a few days. In this case they at least had a history. The romance was flawless but by the time I got to the major conflict, I found it contrived.

Honestly I understood Jane acting in self-defense and looking for an excuse to get rid of Will. I understood her anger towards her ex. Truthfully I got it. My issue was, the unnecessary quality of the conflict in a short novella. When it came up I sort of thought, "Predictable. It was about that time." I hate when the moment of conflict is predictable. I'd rather it be implemented in an interesting or unusual way. When I can call it two pages out, it's not implemented well.

Overall I enjoyed my first foray in Jaci Burton's romances but it wasn't my favorite in the anthology. The hero and heroine were interesting individuals but they were more suited to a full romance. I wanted closure with the ex. I wanted her to get her chance to punch him in the face. I wanted to the kids to get some justice. I wanted all of it. Instead I got a fight and tentative let's be together. I was disappointed.

3 Stars

Perfect Strangers (Serendipity Bk 3.5) by Carly Phillips

As another first I'd never read anything by Carly Phillips. The premise was interesting enough. Alexa, an overworked doctor, goes to a bar one night to cheer up her friend when she runs into football star Luke. Luke is fascinated by the cool, sexy Alexa and decides to show her a good time while he's in town. He quickly discovers she's miserable and dealing with a boss who's her father. The father is a bastard and continues to work her to the bone. Problematically he's leaving town in a few days.

I really enjoyed the characters in this one. Alexa was cool and collected and just trying to get through the day. I couldn't help but respect her drive. She desperately wanted to do well in front of her father but she didn't know how to get out of it. She was miserable. I loved her interactions with Luke as he started to coax her out of her shell.

I was pleasantly surprised by Luke. I thought he would be a bit more stereotypical jock but he was very sensitive and caring. I loved the way he was a family man who made it clear he would not go to an awards show but he would never miss a family birthday. I don't typically make 'aw' sounds but I'll admit I did. He was so adorable and I wanted one of my own. He was there pulling her out of her misery and he was sexy and sweet? Seriously, sign me up.

The conflict was expected yet implemented well. I knew the conflict would come down to her job and it did. Luke wanted her to access her life and get out from under her father's thumb. At the same time, she was scared. Naturally they fought and she had a showdown with her father. Go her! After that it was a matter of the happy ending.

I loved the open ended quality of this novella. A lot of novellas try to wrap everything up in 80 pages and it is a bit unrealistic. Luke and Alexa only knew each other for about a week. Realistically babies and weddings were not on the table. Sure they reconciled but they had a future to work out. I liked that.

4 Stars

Legend of Jane (Bluebonnet Bk 2.5) by Jessica Clare

This was the funniest novella in this anthology. I had sub-par feelings about Ms. Clare's first Bluebonnet book but I figured I'd try the novella regardless. I'm glad I did. I spent a great deal of time laughing over Luanne's antics. The premise followed blogger "jane"/Luanne coming to Bluebonnet to live with her sister. While trying to go 'cowtipping' for her vlog she gets arrested by hunky cop, Hank. As they begin to date, both wrestle with her vlog and her future as "Legend of Jane".

Luanne was hilarious. She did crazy, crazy things all while saying exactly what was on her mind. I always love a character who is willing to speak her mind at all times. She just went for it. She recognized the attraction with Hank and she threw herself into it. She was light, fun, and enjoyable to read.

Hank, on the other hand, was a little stick in the mud. Sure he was sexy and romanced Luanne just right. The problem was he was way too concerned about what others thought of him. Every single bit of conflict in the story surrounded his fear others would lose respect for him. I personally wanted to reach through the book and shake him a bit. I absolutely detest conflicts about appearances.

Understandably Luanne was unsatisfied with her job so it was a natural conflict. My major problem was over his unwillingness to recognize his idiocy. Yes her job could be embarrassing but he basically told her, quit or they were done. I hate ultimatums and I particularly hate them when they are ridiculously one-sided and unjustified. I can understand protection and I can understand the person wanting her to do something she loved but he was more worried about his appearances. I was just disgusted by it. I loved Luanne but I couldn't stand Hank.

Unfortunately this is another strike against Ms. Clare in my book. Hopefully any of you reading this will try it out and let me know what you think.

2 Stars

Ice Princess by Erin McCarthy

I always like a cute little snow story and this certainly fit the bill. Chelsea is the fifth wheel on a ski weekend and is feeling the loneliness. When she gets stuck on the balcony of her room she tries to climb down and is rescued by Brody. Later, surprise surprise, her rescuer ends up being her ski instructor.

The romance was light and fluffy and all sorts of wintery goodness. I loved the damsel in distress routine from the strong, capable woman. I'm partial to rescue stories as long as the woman isn't a damsel the whole time. Chelsea was a strong, independent woman and she tried her hardest to succeed in everything she was challenged to. I loved the scenes of her trying to ski and being terrible at it. She just kept trying. Brody was equally interesting. He was, naturally, an injured olympic skier who now taught lessons to stay on the mountain.

Their romance was spicy but realistic. They had just met each other and it seemed realistic they would want a future but recognized their shortcomings. They weren't together long enough for weddings or babies to enter the plans and they knew it. Their biggest issue was the distance. She lived miles and miles away but as their romance grew they had to decide whether or not to try over the distance.

It was a cute, fluffy story and worth the time for a short novella. While not the best story in the set, I enjoyed it and would probably read another novella by Ms. McCarthy.

3 Stars


3 Stars
Published by Berkley Sensation
343 Pages
July 2, 2013
Provided by--the Library

cupcakegirly's review

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If you're looking for a fun end of summer read, this one is it! The stories are short, sweet, with a good blend of romance and steam.

Fans of the authors will recognize the settings and even a few of the secondary characters. However, you don't have to have read their full length counterparts in order to enjoy these. (I hadn't and I didn't find it difficult to connect or get swept away at all.)

Plus, there's the added bonus of getting to try out authors you may not have previously read!

wchappus's review

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"Hope Smolders" by Jaci Burton
"The Legend of Jane" by Jessica Clare
"Ice Princess" by Erin McCarthy

cgroup6's review

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Cute anthology by some decent authors

witandsin's review

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4.5 stars - I'll read the entire anthology later, but for now the rating is for Carly Phillips's "Perfect Strangers."

jena_33's review

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adventurous funny lighthearted relaxing fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


ctsquirrel's review

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Erin McCarthy's was great (4/5 stars) but the other stories brought it down to three. Could not finish Carly Phillips' and the other two were good but didn't hook me like McCarthy's.

My biggest complaint though was the character names. There were two Janes and two Lukes, which got a bit confusing. As evidenced in the book description where they've got Jane and Luke together in the first story when it's Jane and Will.

shadowmaster13's review

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Didn't read "Legend of Jane" as I intend to eventually get to reading the Bluebonnet series.