
Out of Nowhere by Patrick LeClerc

queenterribletimy's review

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This review first was published on my blog.

I've read this book as Fantasy Book Review's judge for SPFBO. My rating is not our final score as we act as a team. This is only my opinion. I gave 3 stars which would be 6/10 for the competition.

“The sympathetic nervous system is designed to handle a leopard leaping down on you from a tree, not one sending you a note to meet him at sunrise.”

Out of Nowhere is a decent, fast paced urban fantasy which will keep you entertained, but it’s not a book that will stay with you for a long time probably. It’s good but for me it doesn’t really stands out in its genre.

Sean Danet works as a paramedic, where he can use his skills unnoticed, without having to move around more often than necessary. Living for hundreds of years teaches a man how to keep a low profile and recognise the signs when it’s time to burn the bridges – not literally. Mostly. This time around Sean lives a decent life, is being surrounded by friends like Nique (who happens to be gorgeous and sexy and apparently everyone’s wet dream) and Peter who have his back no matter what, and has a job he loves. Things start to go ashtray when one day they are called to attend man who fell and broke his ankle. Sean uses his healing to spare the man some pain and an extra few days of immobility, and although he is not waiting for a thanks, a knife and several attempts on his and his friends’ lives is not exactly what he expects in return.

To figure out who and why wants to get him so bad, he seeks out the help of a linguistics professor. As it happens, Sarah is a beautiful (as every women in this book), clever, blonde woman with whom Sean instantly falls in love with. Now, I have nothing against a little bit of romance, but this one made me roll my eyes hard. Their relationship just happens too fast and has an insta-love kind of feel to it. I like strong, independent, smart female characters, but Sarah’s appearance and critical role in the events made me question how the hell did Sean survive hundreds of years? Apart from having fighting skills – having spent most of his life as a soldier – it’s a small miracle he can still keep himself alive. Sarah manages to solve most of his problems which would require logical thinking or computer usage. He just plays along and makes the plans as they dig deeper in the mystery. Overall, I didn’t really liked how women were treated. At least we learn Sean is a good cook and lover. To be fair, it was the worst possible time for me to read a book where the love affair has an important part in the plot. I also can’t comprehend how is it that he had absolutely no idea about the danger he was in, again, for hundreds of years? Or that he didn’t think there must be others with skills like his? Well, okay, we get an explanation for this, but would have made more sense if he encountered them somewhere during his life to give him an inkling. Would have added a bit more depth to the story in my opinion.

As for the writing, Out of Nowhere is mostly fast paced, and the scenes are rolling nicely after each other. LeClerc attempts to give a sarcastical voice to Sean, but not always succeeds. Still, some of the banter between the paramedics made me smile. I especially loved the way they got back to their manager who tried to set a new rule for them. The camaraderie was strong between them. From the way they interacted with each other and the ease LeClerc used the lingo with, it was quite obvious he feels at home there. The end is a bit rushed and I kind of waited for a climatic point towards the end, which didn’t really come. But I have to give extra points for Hungary being mentioned more than once 😉 Though I’m not sure if this gives us a bad publicity…

Overall, Out of Nowhere is an enjoyable urban fantasy, which brings nothing new to the genre, but has some interesting ideas and a potential to build on as the series continues.

barb4ry1's review

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Actual rating: 3.5/5

If you’ve ever watched and loved Forever, chances are you’ll enjoy Out of Nowhere. While not entirely similar, both stories focus on an immortal character working in a medical field. Despite long lives, both characters haven’t turned cynical. They share a dryish sense of humour and need to help others.

Sean Danet works as a paramedic. He’s immortal, and he has a gift - a healing power. As amazing as his powers might be, they don’t make him any money. He has to work, and he’s chosen a profession where his healing power is useful. He uses it discretely and in small doses. Unfortunately, during one intervention he heals the wrong man. Soon, someone starts to ask questions about Sean and attack his beloved ones. That won’t do.

I liked Sean as a character and POV. Despite ages of experience as a soldier, a healer or a witch, he still believes in humans and tries to help them whenever he can. He appreciates good food and good company. While he probably wouldn’t win MasterChef, Sean has strong opinions on cooking:

“I have definite views on garlic. The garlic press is a tool of the devil, garlic powder is for the lazy, and the jarred stuff is an abomination. If you can’t be bothered to chop it, you don’t deserve garlic.”

He doesn’t take direction well, and that’s why he appreciated his job - he can do pretty much whatever he needs to get the patient to a better place, so long as he can justify his actions after the fact. Faced with adversity, he uses his brain rather than muscles. He’s smarter and sneakier than his opponents. 

Side-characters and Sean’s love interest feel well rounded, although not really three-dimensional. A sexy friend, an asshole work buddy who throws gay jokes fit well in the story and are fun to follow, but they don’t feel real. That said, I enjoyed paramedics’ banter and stories from the interventions. Not much happened during the first half of the book, but it read well. 

The second half is much tighter and brutal in places. A well-crafted combination of humour and drama keeps the reader’s attention, lending moments of honest excitement to the story. 

The plot is not without its flaws. When you look at things critically the beginning is slow and focuses on things that don’t move the plot forward (but that doesn’t mean I didn’t like it). I don’t buy the antagonist’s motivations and the way the author resolved the conflict felt a bit anticlimactic. And too tidy.

The overall light tone makes it a quick and entertaining read. It’s not perfect (especially plot and conflict-wise), but I found the experience pleasurable. I’ll definitely read the sequel.

filipmagnus's review

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This review is part of’s #SPFBO 2018 finalist round. As such, I received the book for free. Originally published at:

Out of Nowhere is a good read with solid characters, realistic dialogue, a likeable main character, but also a meandering plot and an antagonist whose name I don’t remember three days after finishing the novel (and that’s the least of my complaints about him). Let’s dig into it!

Sean Danet is an immortal paramedic with the ability to heal the wounds and even some diseases of others. He’s been around for centuries. For many of those, he’s been a soldier, and rather good at it. Not because he enjoys killing, even if he’s as skilled a killer as any you’ll find, but because where there’s a battlefield, there’s plenty of wounded. Wounded who won’t question a miracle, or at least aren’t likely to strap Sean to a pyre and light the match up for it.

Being a paramedic is similar, and as an added bonus, no one is trying to kill Sean – most of the time, anyway. That all changes when Sean heals a man during a routine night out, and the man seems to recognise something is off about the paramedic. People close to Sean start getting attacked soon after, and everything escalates from that point onward. I found the time spent in Sean’s head thoroughly enjoyable. Not only is he damn likeable, but he’s also surprisingly humane for an immortal and he reminds me of the main character in the cancelled TV series Forever (a major bonus, trust you me). He possesses a distinctive enough voice to make him memorable; while far from a Philip Marlowe or a Vlad Taltos, he’s definitely got the sarcastic outlook and quirky personality necessary to earn a spot in the pantheon of tough but likeable assholes.

The supporting cast isn’t one to throw away, either. Sean’s best friends Nique and Pete are both capable paramedics who stick by their friend when the going gets tough, even if there’s a lot of teasing involved. All the dialogue between the paramedics, their problems all feel very real, and small wonder – author Patrick LeClerc is a paramedic himself, and he also cooks, another trait shared by Sean. Sarah is the love interest, a beautiful linguist whose instant chemistry with Sean might irk some readers, though I didn’t mind it one bit. I thought it was rather sweet and cute, in fact! She's also really smart -- putting Sean to shame on a few occasions; and loyal to boot.

Where Out of Nowhere falls short is a villain who simply isn’t memorable enough, whose reason for going after Sean is trite and uninspired. He’s also dealt away with in such a clean, neat way – almost like he’s a problem to be solved. This antagonist doesn’t really reveal much about Sean, nor does he offer an overwhelming enough threat that I felt at any point could in truth threaten the main character.

Another problem I had was the fact that Sean, for all the years he spent in the shadows of men and women of great fame and historical importance, apparently never crossed paths with other gifted individuals such as himself. You'd think he would be far from the only powered individual with the desire to kick it up with the best and brightest of the times!

The first half of the novel takes its time setting up Sean’s life and relationships, and while his voice was enough to personally get me through, I can’t help but feel that a stronger conflict would’ve made those 130 pages that much more memorable. Thankfully, the dialogue, with its witty quips and historical references was good enough to make them enjoyable, even if at times I found myself wondering, “Was something supposed to happen now?”

I’d be happy to read Sean Danet’s further adventures. I only hope the next novels in the series are better served by their respective antagonists, and that the conflict drives the characters I’ve come to like to new and interesting places.

My score for this #SPFBO finalist is a 6.5 out of 10! I thought long and hard about this, and while I at first wanted to give it a 7 out of 10, I decided that some of the problems it has, weigh down on it too much for that score. However, its spot in the ten #SPFBO finalists is well and truly earned!

rustymiller's review

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Out of Nowhere by Patrick LeClerc received quite a bit of attention this past year as it was first selected as one of the ten finalists in SPFBO4 (Self-Published Fantasy Blog-Off) from the batch of 300 entries. It then further went on to receive some negative reviews that were mostly concerned with issues of sexism, racism and general bigotry. Finally, LeClerc consistently responded to each criticism for his book with class and respect, along with a willingness to re-work his book to soften or remove some of the more troubling parts. I wasn’t sure how the book would seem to me – as the well-received finalist or as the trigger-filled one – but I went in ready for the worst (or the best).

The first section of the book was overwhelmingly dominated with scenes from an ambulance, chock full of the lingo used by an ambulance crew in the throes of an emergency call. Everything seemed very authentic (based on my next to my non-existent experience in that environment), but it was almost too much at times. I understand that we had to set the foundation that Sean Danet (our MC) was exceptionally qualified in his role on the crew, and it also allowed us to glimpse him using small amounts of his healing powers. Unfortunately, the immersive effect with its use of medical jargon and rapid-fire dialogue left my head spinning.

I want to take a side-bar to address the harshest criticisms that I have heard for the book, namely the type of banter that goes on with Sean and the other emergency workers. I have seen responses from the author that he was trying to depict accurately the type of relationships that are common in this occupation. For my take, I can easily see how this would be a trigger for those who are sensitive to issues of intolerance. Clearly this will not be a book for everyone. With that being said, it felt like nearly all of the “insults” that were thrown were mutually accepted and tolerated (not to mention thrown right back). Honestly, the jibes felt like they were “in good fun”, and we eventually see through some of their later actions that these characters genuinely care for each other (their crass words notwithstanding).

Perhaps the one aspect of the story that kept me from giving it a higher score is the “insta-love” that occurs between Sean and Sarah. I found myself rolling my eyes throughout this whole arc of the story. Sex just hours after you met, especially for an awkward bookish woman? A guy who is perhaps hundreds of years old and she is the best he has ever met? The only one he has told his secrets to? And, while he was painted to be a remarkable guy (with healing hands among other skills), she seemed willing to do anything with and for him, even at great risk to herself. So much of this story line seemed somewhat silly or implausible.

I definitely enjoyed the mystery element to the story: who is after Sean, and what might it reveal about his past? This was a slow reveal and it was done well. In fact, Sean himself is on a path of self-discovery right along with the reader. For me, the best elements of the story are where we experience Sean’s morality and how it keeps him focused. It is also interesting to see how a several hundred-year-old man perceived our modern world.

As mentioned, the book is full of possible triggers, but it is an entertaining read for those who can get past those. I especially recommend this book for anyone who has experience in the emergency services. A final thank you to the author for sending me a copy of the audiobook in return for my fair and honest review.

kartiknarayanan's review

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Out of Nowhere is like one of those in between meal snacks. It is fun while it lasts but it is not going to replace your meals anytime soon.

Welp, that analogy sucked but the essence of it is still true. I had a lot of fun while reading the book. It is fast paced, there is enough action to keep you satisfied and it has a good ending.

But, when I look back at it now (after about 3 days of reading it), I feel the same about it as I did when reading the Drood books by Simon Green. There isn't that much substance to the story as such like exploring the main character's back story, character development, some kind of conflict etc. There are hints but it is not enough. I hope that as series progresses, there will be more focus on these items too.

But, that said, Out of Nowhere is still a fun book to read especially if you are looking for a time-filler (on a flight/commute etc.)

kittyg's review

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* This is one of the #SPFBO finalists for 2018 *

I picked this up as a judge for #SPFBO and it's certainly not my 'usual' read as this is very much urban fantasy/sci-fi mixed with a sarcastic main character called Sean who works on an Ambulance.
Sean is our main character of the book and the story follows him as he has a secret ability to be able to heal other people who have injuries. The job as an ambulance medic is clearly a great disguise for him as he is able to use his ability and not get rumbled, but it also means he's a bit of a loner and is only really friends with his work partner Monique aka Nique.
Sean is not only able to heal he's also able to live for a long time. He's loved many lives but it's tough to be alone through all that time and he has only a bleary recollection of his younger past.

In terms of story I certainly felt like it was a fun one, but it wasn't necessarily to my personal taste. I prefer more magic by far than this, but it was good to see the quick wit of the characters.
The pacing was fairly fast throughout and easy to get through.

For criticisms, I think it's personal taste and also verbal content of the characters which is very focused on racism and homophobic comments. There are a lot of points where two characters are stressed and they make a dumb joke (aka say something highly offensive) to 'de-stress' the conversation but I felt this was unnecessary and then uncomfortable.

In the end I think the book was fun but it didn't really stand out from the rest to me. 3*s = 6/10 for #SPFBO purposes.

davramlocke's review

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I used to watch a show called Lost Girl about a succubus embroiled in a complicated Fae world. She had a human sidekick and lots of sex. It was an all right show, watched because, at the time, there simply were not that many fantasy shows on television. Game of Thrones hadn't blown the doors off of the possibility yet. Patrick LeClerc's Out of Nowhere reminds me of Lost Girl, not so much in its themes, though it too is urban, paranormal romance, but because it is neither good nor particularly bad. It's a solid piece of writing that feels like the urban fantasy equivalent of a James Patterson novel - it's easy to read but I've already forgotten about most of its characters and plot (in fact I just had to look up what the main character's name despite finishing the book yesterday).

Out of Nowhere is about Sean Danet, a man who can heal at a touch, and who is subsequently immortal. He can't heal himself, so how he can retain immortality is but one of many plot holes never explained. He can heal others so that their cells regenerate, and so has a cat of indeterminate age, but is unable to heal even a hangnail in regards to his own. Sean works as a paramedic, where he can use his powers without drawing too much attention to his supernatural self. As he has learned in the past, people fear what they can not explain, and so he keeps his secrets close. During a routine broken ankle call, Sean unknowingly heals the descendant of a man whose family swore a blood oath to kill Sean some time back in the misty past. This sets in motion the plot of the novel, which is basically Sean killing anyone who comes near him. He meets an ancient languages professor named Sarah, whom he falls in love with, and that is basically the book.

What I liked about Out of Nowhere is the obvious medical knowledge imparted on the text. LeClerc knows his EMT terminology, which he should because his bio says he worked or works as one still. This comes off in the text, and I wonder whether he might have been better off simply writing a book about an EMT. The supernatural stuff works in context, but I'm not sure it adds anything outside of the history portions sprinkled throughout the text. Sean is constantly reminiscing about some war or some woman from the past, despite his memories suffering from longevity problems. The history portions are interesting, and there is an authenticity feel to his combat descriptions, but I also had issues with this. Sean is constantly remembering historical figures as though he knew them well. He speaks of famous authors and generals as though he had tea with them weekly, and this might be believable once or twice in his long history, but not constantly. How many of us regular folk walking around are in touch with famous world-shaping types in our daily lives? I'd wager almost none, but Sean seems to have constantly been intimate with many. His healing powers might make this relevant if he weren't so touchy about keeping them secret.

There are also some sexist and racist bits in Out of Nowhere that had me cringing as I read them. At one point in the novel Sean asks himself if he's sexist, then goes on to explain that he is but that it's ok because he's the protagonist. The way he looks at women throughout the entire book is uncomfortable, to say the least, and while he isn't outright comparing them to fine cuts of meat, he might as well be. Similarly, there is casual racism sprinkled throughout that probably makes sense in a real-world context, I would assume LeClerc has encountered this almost non-stop in his time as a medic, but that doesn't mean it needs to make its way into a book. Authors have the power to create better worlds, particularly in fantasy, and so unless the book is specifically about racism or has themes of it, which this does not, I see no reason to pepper the text with even occasional racist slang. I might only have noticed this because I'm particularly sensitive to it, but it bothered me, as did the overt homophobic nature that rode right along with it.

What I see in Out of Nowhere is an effort by an author either new to novels or new to writing in general, and as such it's not a bad effort. I read through it, which I can not say for every entry into the SPFBO 2019 contest, even the finals, but had it been any longer than its 260 pages, I might not have. LeClerc is smart to keep this one short.

swiff's review

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I’ll come right out and say that Patrick LeClerc’s urban fantasy Out of Nowhere was not a book I enjoyed. Although LeClerc is a skilled writer and there are a few aspects of the book I liked, there were several narrative decisions and character depictions that ranged from questionable to frustrating and offensive.

The story is a first-person account of Sean, a military veteran who now works as a paramedic in an urban Massachusetts town. Sean has the power to telekinetically heal injuries, which also allows him to live for untold centuries without aging past his thirty-year-old appearance. Sean hides his magical ability from the public so as not to be singled out but still secretly heals others in small doses during his work shifts. One of the aspects of the story I enjoyed was the authenticity of the narrator during Sean’s paramedic chapters. The medical terminology and workplace slang felt realistic. This isn’t a surprise, as I learned in the author’s bio that LeClerc shares many of the same traits as Sean. (This also gave me the sense that this book serves as a wish-fulfillment fantasy for the author, which brings with it its own set of problems, but more on that later.)

The story also has an exciting start. It immediately drops you right into a thrilling action scene before rewinding a few days to show how Sean winds up in this predicament. It’s a bit of a narrative trope, but effective. The pacing of the story was also well-written, and it moves by at a good clip. LeClerc shows a good sense of timing when jumping in and out of scenes, and it kept me turning the pages rather quickly. I raced through this story at a much faster rate than usual.

However, as the story progressed, there were quite a few passages that gave me pause. Unfortunately, these passages increased in frequency as the story progressed, and it got to the point where I considered not finishing the story. First, all females in this book are drop-dead gorgeous, and consistently described by their physical attributes and level of sex appeal. Sean’s coworker, Monique, is a constant target of sexist jokes (even from Sean!) but for some reason she giggles at Sean’s remarks while threatening others who make similar quips. Perhaps this is LeClerc’s way conveying his authentic experience as a paramedic, and these jokes are only supposed to be funny through the lens of his characters, but I ask… why even include this? It seems like the casual sexist and racist banter is included to show off the team’s camaraderie, but instead of laughing with them, I came away disgusted. These aren’t the type of people I want to spend time around. Later in the story, Sean mansplains the concept of “men” to Monique. “… it is a mark of maturity when a man realizes that complexity and dimension are good things in a woman and stops chasing bimbos. Much the same when kids grow up and start preferring aged sirloin to a McDonald’s hamburger.” Monique shakes her head at how females were just compared to meat, sighs, and smiles at how amusing he is. Ehhh.

The next female we meet is Sarah, another drop-dead gorgeous bombshell (this time, with glasses) who ends up in bed with Sean mere hours after they meet. This veers hard into “insta-love” territory. At one point, Sarah is beaten and tortured within an inch of her life by people who are trying to find and murder Sean. Does she get the hell away from the dangerous guy she just met? No, of course not. She goes along with whatever plan he comes up with and takes everything in stride. Plausibility is stretched, which is acceptable to a point, but certain lines of dialogue between them made me dislike Sean even more. Early on, after telling Sarah he won’t be going to her lectures, observes that “her smile remained in place, obviously hiding her disappointment that I wouldn’t be attending her class.” Obviously. That’s his take on a smile, huh?

The interactions between Sean and Sarah become even more male-gazey and borderline gross as the book continues. In case it’s not clear that Sean objectifies women, he removes all doubt. “Only slightly distracted by my injuries, I did my best to assure her that she held the prized position of object of my lust.” But the most egregiously offensive passage occurs near the end of the story, when Sean realizes why, after so many centuries without finding someone worthy of his ‘true love,’ he finally found it with Sarah. He soliloquies to the reader,

“Vast improvements had been made in the field of young women recently. For most of western history, they had been considered subservient to men, and while I’d certainly enjoyed the company of a number of them, and my tastes had always run toward the least subservient of the bunch, it certainly colored how they saw themselves. Then, very recently, when women had begun to make strides, there was a tendency to have a bit of a chip on the shoulder. Again, nothing I wasn’t willing to work around. But it was refreshing and exhilarating to meet a generation of women who truly felt that they were equals, who took it as a given that they deserved to be treated as such.”

According to Sean, oppressed women of the past who have a ‘chip on their shoulder’ is just something to be ‘worked around.’ But, now that women finally respect themselves (but only very recently!) as the level that men do, they’re suddenly worth of his love and attention. If only they had known who they were missing out on all these years!

LeClerc published Out of Nowhere as the start of an ongoing series. I strongly believe he has the potential to write something of much higher quality, so I hope there has been some perspective gained over time. Unfortunately, at the present state, I cannot recommend this book in good conscience.

3.5 / 10

I received a copy of this book as part of the SPFBO4 competition, in which Out of Nowhere was selected as a finalist.