
Before She Was Mine by Amelia Wilde

ajgrace's review against another edition

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boring to me

readingwithlt's review against another edition

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It was a fast quick read but skipped too much ahead in time. This book could have had so much more potential

suttonbriar's review against another edition

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This book was predictable and lacked any page turning moments. It was a book you could pick up and read if you were board. The characters didn't draw you in enough. The story line was good just seemed to be a rushed writing. So you didn't connect. Just okay in my mind.

kellyg_5013's review against another edition

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"There was no before, I was always yours."

Holy binge reading batman!!! I started this book at 10:30 at night and then finished it by 2 the next afternoon! (but that's only because a girl has to sleep sometime) I am always a fan of the "brother's best friend" stories, but I really felt like this one took it to a whole other level! I felt like Summer was a very strong woman and exactly the kind of woman that Dayton needed to kick his butt into shape! But of coarse he did not feel like he was deserving of her attention (a fact that her own brother helped to drill into his brain). But she doesn't let him push her away. She keeps on him, pushing him to being the man that he should be, not the one that he made himself into after coming out of the army. It was a bit of a slow start for me, so I was quite surprised when all of the sudden I COULD NOT PUT IT DOWN!!! I HAD to know what was going to happen next. I had not read anything by Amelia Wilde before, but I am totally a fan now!

bambhee's review against another edition

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Con questo libro ho avuto non pochi alti e bassi. Cominciato benissimo, mi aveva presa così tanto che a malapena riuscivo a mollarlo. Poi ad un certo punto, vista la risoluzione repentina di tutti i problemi, ha cominciato ad annoiarmi. Ci ho messo davvero quelli che mi sembrano secoli per riuscire a finirlo e se ce l'ho fatta è principalmente perché, in realtà, mi sono "costretta" a leggerlo - odio lasciare le cose a metà.
Non è stato male, tutto sommato, anzi. Ma la storia tra i due protagonisti mi è parsa alla volte così melensa che... Non so. Non proprio il miglior libro che abbia mai letto, ecco. Lo stile è molto scorrevole, comunque, e di certo non vedo l'ora di leggere il seguito - inizialmente pensavo sarebbe stato lo stesso libro dal punto di vista di Sunny, complice l'assonanza di titoli... Invece scoprire che è incentrato su Wes mi ha riempità di curiosità perché / non vedo l'ora / di saperne di più sul suo conto.
Non ho idea di quando riuscirò a cominciarlo visto che ho ancora non pochi libri da terminare e mi sto vietando di leggerne di nuovi altrimenti non ne esco più, ma comunque...