
Provocações by Shayla Black

misstashy's review against another edition

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To start off with I thought that the plot line might have been a little thin but I read this for some lite relief so I was determined to sit back and relax but as the book so did the depth of the plot and I was pleasantly surprised.

The only thing that wearied me was one to many sex scenes (which I never thought I would say) but I honestly believe that you could remove one or two and the book would be better for it.

Yet another great installment from Shayla Black.

knrt_17's review against another edition

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Luc was him.

kazen's review against another edition

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This was a two star read from the beginning for annoying lead characters, getting too deep into their heads too often, and repeating background info every few chapters. As the book wore on the repetitive sex scenes kept it solidly mediocre.

But then, in one of those scenes, when the heroine clearly and directly tells the hero to stop, he doesn't. She needed to be punished for not calling him, and beating her with his member was his solution to the problem.

Now, I love reading about BDSM. Bring on the whips, chains, blindfolds, feathers, and whatever else you got - I'm there. But when a guy, in a non-safe word situation, forces himself on a girl and doesn't stop when she says so you piss me off. That is rape. I don't care if "she liked it in the end"; I don't care if it's waxed about romantically. The heroine had sex forced upon her. Right to the top of my Not Cool list.

Not that there's any real BDSM in this book, just a commandeering asshole supreme. Say it with me now - anal sex and a necktie do not BDSM make.

For being a bad example of a romance and "domination", putting the heroine in more peril than I could bear, and pissing me off, one star.

gingerhead's review against another edition

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It's three and a half stars actually :) the characters stresses my out a bit. Sometimes I felt like shaking them for not recognising the obvious. Anyway, very well written, it makes for an entertaining summer reading.

_misty_'s review against another edition

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I liked it, but wanted to slap Luc for 80% of the book. He was really an idiot... a judgemental, prejudiced idiot. I wish Alyssa made him suffer more :P

sipreadlove's review against another edition

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I admit that I was always a fan of Luc from prior novels. He had an interesting back story and I was excited to read his story. I wasn't disappointed. I think this is one of the stronger of her novels. I thought the heroine was also believable. It has some tense moments and I think it's what kept me reading.

the_sassy_bookworm's review against another edition

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2.5 Stars

SOOO..I found this book on my iPad and was a little surprised that I hadn't read it yet since I really love this whole series (for the most part) I figured what the heck, I'd give it go...ya, now I know why I skipped this one over!

Luc was an asshole, a horrible judgmental nonredeemable (in my eyes) asshole. What happened to the Luc of the previous book??? This guy in noway resembled that Luc. This one said horrible things to Alyssa, this one thought she was a whore through like 90% of the book. This one
married her thinking she was pregnant with someone else's baby!!
This one never bothered to even take the time to discuss anything with Alyssa, and always assumed the worst. OMG I hated Luc!

Even his frigging grovel behavior at the end couldn't redeem his character to me. Alyssa should have dumped his sorry excuse of an ass and got with Tyler! *lol* I also had a problem with Alyssa, I mean when we love someone we give them a lot of leeway with their behavior, we forgive a lot, but how or WHY for that matter would you want to forgive (or be in a relationship) with a guy who thinks you are a whore that sleeps with everyone for favors, who thinks you are
pregnant with someone else's kid, but doesn't bother to let YOU know he thinks that
She should have kicked him to the curb from word GO!

OK, so all that being said, I STILL love this author's writing, she sucks me into her books and gives me a ton of feels (I'll admit it, I cried!) Even though I loathed Luc, I still found myself turning the pages to see where this would lead!

Enjoy the following gifs in honor of the asshole called Luc...





thebookishmedialite's review against another edition

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Delicious, es la historia que mas me ha gustado de esta serie hasta el momento; a Luc ya lo conocía del libro anterior, y aunque casi quise borrar su existencia en Decadent jajaja, tenía un pedazito de mi corazón, el cual por supuesto se ganó por completo en esta ocasión!
Alyssa, ha sido también por mucho mi heroína favorita en esta serie, toda ella es una mujer admirable, que supo salir adelante por ella misma, además que destruye el estereotipo que la mayoría de la gente tiene acerca de las "bailarinas", fue perfecta... y obviamente ella y Luc juntos fueron la bombaaaaaa!

Podría ser que la trama fue tantito predecible, pero aún así lo considero un buen libro, entrenido y algo emocionante; y aún cuando no soy muy fan de los ménage à troi, pero que los que he leído de Ms. Black no me han desagradado, agradezco infinitamente que en esta ocasión no haya habido ninguno!

Espero que Tyler tenga su historia, se lo merece... y ya ví que Hunter es el que sigue, él me gusta peroooooo la sinopsis como que me desalento, pero obvio lo leeré en la siguiente ronda de mi lista jajaja!

hinalovestoread's review against another edition

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Luc is an a-hole.
Alyssa deserved better than a man who had the audacity to judge her with his own morals down the drain.