zarrrrr's review against another edition

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hopeful inspiring lighthearted reflective relaxing fast-paced


mereyberry144's review against another edition

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The first part of this book was a bit of a slog that made me feel equal parts anxious (while is social distancing) about not enjoying 'the present' enough but also frustrated about influence of the Steve Jobs myth in this book. I could easily go without hearing about Steve Jobs and miracle of his career, challenges, and Apple for a very, very long time.

However, after Steve Jobs aesthetic was dropped and the authors moved on to using the 5 senses as tools to ground one in the present moment, it was quite good and comforting for our current situation with COVID-19.

paperstarfish's review against another edition

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informative inspiring lighthearted reflective medium-paced


tai08's review against another edition

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informative inspiring lighthearted reflective fast-paced


haya3m's review against another edition

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inspiring lighthearted


akaasia's review against another edition

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hopeful informative inspiring reflective medium-paced


j_cobian's review

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Aprovechar todo

La casualidad era lo que llamaba a la sincronicidad, una experiencia que me sucede muy seguido, ahora la entiendo como una confirmación y la invitación a estar atento a lo que sucede en el exterior y lo que el universo me tiene preparado.

alidigiacomo's review against another edition

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informative inspiring lighthearted reflective relaxing
A must read for everyone💜

alexpler's review against another edition

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"Las personas olvidarán lo que dijiste y lo que hiciste, pero nunca olvidarán cómo las hiciste sentir." (Maya Angelou)

hollandvk's review against another edition

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It is well-written and concise. However, the book doesn't quite earn a five-star rating due to an over-reliance on pop culture references.