
Boomerang by Noelle August

michellesantiago's review against another edition

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I liked it! More like 3.5 stars. Not what I expected though. Full review to come.

Full review (originally posted on Michelle & Leslie's Book Picks):

I was very excited to read Boomerang (I posted about my excitement for this book here a few weeks ago) because 1) because it's co-written with Veronica Rossi who wrote the YA novel Under the Never Sky which I really liked, 2) the plot is reminiscent of one of my favorite romance of all time, Julie James' Practice Makes Perfect, and 3) a few people I follow on Twitter who got to read it way before the pub date were talking about how good it is. The first 19 chapters were free before the book officially came out but I wanted to get my hands on the whole thing. A publicist was nice enough to approve me for an eARC but when I went to the ALA conference I made it my mission to get a physical copy. And I did!

I'm glad I read Boomerang. I enjoyed it a lot but I had certain expectations about how Mia and Ethan were going to connect and it just didn't happen. I wasn't exactly disappointed that my expectations weren't met because the story was fine as it was. But I had it built up in my head and I was waiting for things to happen that didn't and I felt somewhat let down.

Okay, what I loved about Boomerang were Ethan and Mia. They were great individuals. Mia was the kind of girl I wanted to be in my early twenties. Yeah, she had her moments of doubts, such as if she'll ever be as great as her famous photographer mother, and she had her boy problems, but overall, she had self-confidence, was very comfortable in her skin and she was secure about who she was and her passion for film.

Ethan was the ultimate nice guy. He may even have been too perfect... I'm trying to think of a character flaw and I can't come up with anything. He was hot (of course!) but besides that he worked hard, he coached a youth soccer team, he had a great relationship with his parents... he was just a really decent, stand-up guy. Alison, his ex-girlfriend who cheated on him was a fool for cheating on him! And unlike the typical NA male, he does not have a deep, dark past he had to get over. Same goes for Mia--with the exception of watching her beloved grandmother succumb to Alzheimer, she's a happy girl.

So, the premise of the novel is that Ethan and Mia met at a bar, got really drunk and hooked up. Mia woke up the next morning at Ethan's place, next to Ethan naked, and realized she's late for her first day at her new internship. She soon learned that the guy she woke up next to was doing the same internship at Boomerang (a dating website company) and they have to compete for the one job opening at the end of their internship. The internship also had a strict no dating policy within the company but Mia and Ethan had this deep connection with each other that they couldn't shake--it was beyond simple attraction. The word for that kept popping into my head for the two was "soulmate."

As I've mentioned, I thought I was getting a Practice Makes Perfect sort of story. If you don't know, Practice Makes Perfect is about two top lawyers who are competing to be chosen to make partner at the law firm they both work at. In front of their colleagues, they acted very professional and civil towards each other, but behind closed doors there were a lot smart banter and shenanigans as they tried to one-up each other. But underneath all the bickering, they were undeniably attracted to each other. I was expecting the same in Boomerang between Mia and Ethan. I thought I was going to get the same battle of the sexes laced with humor sort of deal. But it wasn't like that with Mia and Ethan. They were much more civil and it was more serious in tone rather than humorous. Like I said, they were soulmates, but tried to stay apart for the sake of winning the job at the end of their internship. It was actually kind of painful as a reader to see them apart when you know they should be together.

I did really enjoy Boomerang. I adored Mia and Ethan's characters, the pacing of the story was well done and I liked its dual perspective. I liked knowing what the other was thinking and the characters' voice was distinct enough that I knew whose head I was in. Boomerang had a lot of sweet and swoony moments that satisfied my romantic heart. And unlike Colleen Hoover's Hopeless, Boomerang will not leave you drained and exhausted from all the heavy emotions. If you like NA that is much lighter in tone like I do, similar to Sophie Jordan's Tease or Lisa Desrocher's A Little Too Far, then you will like Boomerang. I am very excited to find out who the next couple will be in the next book in the Boomerang series. I'll certainly be picking up book 2.

grandpas_farts's review against another edition

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Very cute story so far! I plan on buying the entire novel when (if) the book goes on sale.

Mia and Ethan "have" a one nightstand.. or so they kind of think. After they wake up in the morning they share a cab assuming they'll never see each other again but desperately hoping they do. As they share the cab together, they find out they will everyday at work!

Ethan is an out of luck low pocket, college graduate, soccer playing, coach who is currently completely broke. He hates the fact that he has to intern with his degree but like with real life he can't find work after graduation. Adam, his boss, has a little bit in common with Ethan, maybe a way to get a lasting job at his company!

Mia is a college senior. She wants to break away from the shadow of her parents who are so famous the cast a pretty huge shadow. She's making a documentary to keep the memory of someone she loves. After seeing Ethan trying to get on Adam's good side, Mia pulls out some of her own tricks. Adam admires the work Adam knows very well. Two can play the brown nose game!

I really hope Mia lands the job. Although I prefer Ethan so much more, I still want her to land the job and he can probably get... IDK a job as a soccer player or a professional job as a coach maybe high school or college.

cupcakegirly's review against another edition

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alexperc_92's review against another edition

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I laughed in every turning page! This is a helluva absolute summer read!

Mia and Ethan wake up after an one night stand they both don't remember and soon they found out that they'll have to compete for the same work position! Not only they'll have to fight their mutual attracyion but also deal with their co-workers and past.

The story goes smoothly till the end, giving you the impression of a stand-alone but I can see that there'll be also a sequel! And since Veronica Rossi is one of the co-authors I have no doubt of the result! :)

moviemavengal's review against another edition

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I received the ARC for Boomerang at RT2014. In fact, it may have been handed to me, by my friend and YA blogger, Ravenous Reader, who highly recommended the author.

I have not read much NA and it is a welcome change from YA. A little sexier of a book, with still the life changing kinds of decisions, as these characters are just out of college.

Mia wakes up from a one night stand and can't remember if she actually did it with the naked guy in the strange bed with her. She is scrambling to get to work on time for her first day at her new internship. Come to find out, the one night stand is her fellow intern. Hijinks ensue, as it's a little like the pilot of Grey's Anatomy, corporate style.

I really liked the characters of both Mia and Ethan, but especially Ethan. He's not your typical tortured alphole. He's just a decent guy. Mia does one particular thing that's kind of crappy which bothered me, but it does come back to bite her.

siobhan27's review against another edition

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I love New Adult. I really do so when I see one written by the lovely Veronica Rossi? I knew I had to pick it up and ask for review it. I loved this book right from the beginning, both characters had a great voice that were both unique and yet readers could relate to them completely. It starts off with a bang, and the aftermath of a one night stand. What I think i liked the most about the concept of this book was how real it felt. I mean sleeping with someone you don't know is one things, but then having to go to work with them everyday? that's a whole new bag of worms.

We get to see both sides of this story with both parties having their own POV. I loved this because we are not only in the girls head, or the boys head. We get to see how both of these characters are thinking. and it adds a certain level of investment of us readers because we know how each of these characters feels about the other, and since they do not, we want to see where this goes.

This type of NA is the type I love to read. The character are not broken, they are not at a point in their life where it is life or death. These character were just in a tough spot after graduation. They each needed a job and they were each fighting for it. It felt extremely real, and the characters seemed genuine and likable without all the drama that you can see in other types of NA. The sexual tension between Mia and Ethan was palpable throughout the book and I loved reading it. It made the book that much more interesting because even though the characters kept denying it, there was something between them and it as great to read their discovery.

The aspect of family was very big in this book, and I loved reading these characters dedication to their family. They were always in the background, we always knew these characters were thinking about their family and that was extremely refreshing to read. You usually see family in NA but they are usually the cause of the problem, not the solution, and i loved reading that. The end of this book was great to read as well because it made complete sense for the characters and it felt genuine. I loved it.

Overall this book was a fantastic read. It is a refreshing gulp of fresh air in a genre that is way overdone at times. Noelle is a fantastic writer and I am so glad she dipped her toes in NA because she is a fresh voice that i will continue to read for years to come.

evreardon's review against another edition

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Quirky, cute, and about people my age doing what I'm currently searching for... an internship in L.A.

thebumblegirl's review against another edition

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I love when a book gets right to the point right on the first page! Super fun and sexy! There is no denying the unrequited attraction between the main characters...

Mia is smart, hardworking, confident and knows how to get what she wants. And, to make it all better, she's beautiful. Her mother is an artist, and she is her muse. Mia is determined to make a name for herself as a filmmaker and is relying on her new internship at Boomerang to give her the boost that she needs to be recognized.
Ethan is good-natured, grounded and quite the achiever. This light-hearted guy has just kicked his last soccer ball at college and is now facing paying off his debt and trying to figure out what the next step is. He is hoping that Boomerang's internship will be exactly what he's looking for... or at least, to eventually help him put food on the table.
But a one-night stand that goes astray seems to get these two off to a rough start on their first day of work. Who knew that they were going to not only be working at the same place, but that they were going to have to also compete with each other to get the job of a lifetime!

I loved these two from the very first page - they are so witty and playful! Yet serious and caring when they needed to be. There is no way to deny the attraction. Over and over again they ogled each others beauty. But, eventually, it was nice to see them also take interest in each others personalities and good traits as well. They're feeling are genuine and deep. It was really a wonder to watch these two banter it out until the end.

Both Mia and Ethan's families play major roles in their story. This really pushed me to give an extra star rating! It was so nice to see their family dynamics, problems, and love. I really got to see how they became who they are and how they got to where they are. So refreshing to get such a detailed and interesting background.

Like most new adult romances, the storyline is predictable, light-hearted and never disappointing. Full of humor, sarcasm and priceless moments. It is the type of read that I love to get into when in a rut or in need of a smile.

zareena's review against another edition

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I was kind of hoping to like this one more.

take_me_awayyy's review against another edition

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You can find more of my reviews here on my blog: Take Me Away...

I tried to hold off on reading this one as long as I could, but seeing all the amazing reviews and letting my eyes keep drifting to that amazing cover, I knew I didn't really have a choice. I finally got one free second and I devoured it.
Mia and Ethan spent one night together and secretly plan many more. That is until they see that they work together. At a place that they find out has a strict no dating policy. Add on to the fact that they are competing for a job that they were both promised... Yeah, no bueno. They go through so much to avoid each other, that it keeps bringing them right back together. And it doesn't matter where they are, the time they spend together is ELECTRIC.
I LOVED Ethan. He was so sweet and he seemed to be the perfect man. I wanted to reach inside Boomerang and take him out to have a real life copy of him. He really took great care of Mia. Even when he didn't know he was trying. Which I think makes him one of the best book boys ever. Being amazing while not trying is adorable. As for Mia, she is one impulsive chick. I'm not going to lie though, for a minute there she kind of got on my nerves after that one stunt she pulled, but gradually, I got over it. Overall, she was super smart, innovative, and super creative. And having a degree in broadcast production, I LOVED that she was a film maker.
Mia and Ethan together were a different story. They were magic together. But, you won't see that until the end of the novel. Most of the book is spent trying to keep their distance from each other. But I won't lie and say that they succeed. There are some times they slip up and find themselves in the arms of each other and I can't tell you how much I had to put the book down for a little bit. Ethan is super hot and so sweet with Mia. I loved getting those glimpses of them together. But sometimes it was like torture. Like during the "office scene" I wanted something to happen RIGHT THERE so bad, but of course, it was ruined. I really hated their interruption for the rest of the book lol
Lastly, there's the writing style. I thought of this book like a hilarious movie playing out in my mind. It was absolutely hilarious. I found myself reading it at the gym and getting dirty looks from people that seemed so upset that I wasn't feeling the burn. I'm sure they were thinking "Seriously, who's that happy at the gym..." but that's beside the point. This book had me laughing in the weirdest places.
It's not normal that I write in all caps so often in my reviews, so clearly this book was something special. I loved the characters, the realistic writing style, and the relationship Ethan and Mia share. Noelle August (who I just found out is Veronica Rossi and Lorin Oberweger!) make for a hilariously, sexy New Adult novel that everyone can enjoy.