
Prophecy of the Sisters by Michelle Zink

lunaseassecondaccount's review against another edition

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I feel kind of bad giving this book only 2/5 stars. It's not a bad book, or at least I didn't find it bad. It's somewhat engaging, and [a:Michelle Zink|2232265|Michelle Zink|] does her best to weave a delicately balanced Victorian world where the main female characters are strangely empowered and knowledgeable. A part of me (the part without the history degree) can accept that. I know young adult authors want the girls reading their books to have feminist role models. But it didn't quite work when Lia, the main character, is rather drab and flops around in her role like Magikarp's main attack.

Someone on here said that this novel repeats itself. Story is told, characters talk about it, they find someone else to tell it to and repeat. Nothing really happened beyond that- the story didn't particularly move along. I wound up getting the impression that everything was just being rehashed and there was no real progression or climax. It was easy to figure out what (or who) they keys were. It's unlikely that real keys would need to be inserted into Lia, being the Gate and all. And in most stories such as this one, keys are people.

And what of Alice? If their mother and father knew that Alice was going to be the one to guard the gate, shouldn't they have shown her more affection, instead of allowing her to grow up to become a bitter, cruel woman? Even then, it's important to let your children know you love them, prophecy aside.

I'm nitpicking here, but I just kept thinking of these things as I read along. It's a fine story, but in my opinion it's only really okay.

kaitrosereads's review against another edition

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Lia Milthorpe is not having much luck in life lately. Her father has just died leaving her and her two siblings orphans and she now has a strange mark blooming on her wrist. Each day it seems to be getting darker and changing in some new and weird way.

Then, her sister, Alice, begins to act strange. She sneaks off in school, stares off into space, and acts quite mean toward everyone and everything around her. What could possibly be going on with her?

Things couldn't get worse, until Lia finds out that she and Alice are part of an age-old prophecy that pits both of them against each other. Good versus evil. Right versus wrong. Life versus death.

Lia has a choice to make: save herself or those she loves most in the world. Which will she choose and will she be able to make the choice before it is too late?

I have to admit I was a little scared at parts of Prophecy of the Sisters. I can't really explain why but it just left me feeling so terrified for what was going to happen next. Lia, her family, and her new friends seemed like such great people and I never wanted anything to happen to any of them. For me, that makes a book even better than if it just has an interesting plot.

Michelle Zink did such an amazing job with her first novel and the first book of the trilogy. The story seemed to start off a bit slow for me but that might have been because I was trying to read it at night and I just couldn't do it. Once the story picked up I was enthralled. It left me guessing till the very end and I am so excited to read more from this amazing debut novelist.

If you love historicals, romances, mysteries, paranormals, or really any type of book, you will totally love this one. Before reading it I had heard so many great reviews of it and I was surprised to find that it was just as good as everyone said. I plan on rereading this lovely book over and over again in the future.

annieepm's review against another edition

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Amalia y Alice son gemelas, pero nunca han sido muy cercanas y la distancia crece todavía mas después de la muerte de su padre, Lia encuentra a Alice haciendo un ritual , le sale una mancha extraña en la muñeca que parece una serpiente y su alma sale de su cuerpo por las noches.

Lia comienza a sospechar que cosas no muy normales estan pasando y además James le cuenta que ha encontrado un libro muy raro escondido en la biblioteca del padre de Lia, el texto esta en latín y habla sobre una profecía y en ella hay unas hermanas que son gemelas y tras ellas el fin del mundo. Pero lo más raro es que solo tiene una página y si miran de cerca se dan cuenta que no es un libro de una página, si no que alguien arranco las que faltan.

La profecía dice que «Dos hermanas concebidas en el mismo océano fluctuante: una, la guardiana; otra, la puerta. Una, vigilante de la paz; otra, trocando magia en devoción».
Lo que significa que una es buena y la otra no, la puerta puede o no dejar pasar a Samael (el demonio) junto con todas las almas malditas que vagan por otros mundos esperando con ansias pasar al nuestro para traer las siete plagas y con eso el caos y la muerte.

La verdad al principio que comencé el libro me estaba gustando bastante y me llamó la atención que hablara sobre desdoblamiento astral, tema que me encanta, pero después se volvió algo tedioso, sentí que la historia no avanzaba mucho y no es que me haya tenido muy sorprendida los "misterios" que se iban revelando, esperaba un poco mas del libro porque siempre el primero te tiene que dejar con la duda de que va a pasar en el siguiente y la verdad ganas de seguir con la trilogía no me quedaron, o al menos no pronto.

P.D. Yo no percibí para nada la Ardiente pasión entre Lia y James... creo que soy una amargada jaja.

lilrongal's review against another edition

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I can already tell that I'm going to be in pins and needles waiting for the second one.

itzreibrary's review against another edition

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Gendok banget begitu tau kalo buku ini ternyata trilogi,,,ramalannya rasanya terlalu rumit sampai lama dan bertele-tele banget untuk menelaahnya, dan sejujurnya bikin ngantuk, tapi tetep aja penasaran sama sekuelnya :p yang lebih bikin gendok lagi, ternyata sekuelnya belum ada terjemahannyaaaaa!!!!!

snarkywench's review against another edition

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Have you ever run cool, dry sand through your fingers? That delicious feeling is the closest experience I can relate to reading this book. Many reviewers have spoken of similarities between Prophecy of the Sisters and Libba Bray's A Great and Terrible Beauty - they are both stormy Gothic tales but Zink is the clear winner. The storytelling, characterisation and overarching mythos is stronger and better formed than the latter option.

It's such a lush read that it's easy to find yourself two hundred pages deep and not even notice. Zink's created a mythos that runs throughout the story, each clue in Lia's investigation reveals more about herself, her family and friends and ultimately, the prophecy itself. The story is complex, involving and deep.

The characters are delightful, puzzling and difficult to decipher. The sister's roles contrast with with their personalities, wants and needs and sets up an inevitable clash that I am longing to read. Lia is a character that is quickly thrust into the centre of a prophecy she has no knowledge or understanding of. Her sister, Alice, is not as conflicted, her purpose has been clearly delineated for many a year and this sets the stage for the family conflict that will flow through the expected trilogy. Family plays a strong role in prophecy. Each member is involved to varying degrees that both surprise and shock.

Supporting characters are just as enthralling as the sisters. Aunt Virginia is a remarkably complex and sad character, the victim of the prophecy already, doomed to see it continue with those that remain. Brother Henry, the silent observer, watchmen to his family's dismantling at the hands of a greater good (or evil). Luisa, stubborn and gorgeous, and Sonia, possessing of abilities that are invaluable but taxing, are fabulous additions to a wider mystery involving the prophecy. James is the only character I wish were more fully formed, he's Lia's beau but I don't really see his appeal past their physical attraction and history. This is sure to be played out more fully in the forthcoming volumes.

The intricate weaving of plot involves the reader immediately. The shadowy foreboding and tension that permeate Lia's journey of discovery, propel the reader along with the story making you fully involved in the events that unfold.

Intoxicating and mysterious.

alyric6438's review against another edition

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It was pretty good. I liked this book a lot because it wasn't just a lead up like most first books are, it had action and romance.

michellefleming33's review against another edition

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5.0! Was this book ever so good! I did NOT want it to end!

It definitely wraps you up in the whole Edwardian, Gothic tale of identical twin sisters battling out their true intertwining destinies.

I don't want to give away the ending, or too much of the book, but I do have to say that this was the BEST late 19th century story that I have ever read, and can't WAIT til [a:Michelle Zink|2232265|Michelle Zink|] dishes out the sequel.

I have to say that I was aware of this being a series, so I was not disheartened by the ending of this book, whether as some people who did not have that knowledge were quite upset by the ending.

I am so enthralled by the characters and their developments in this book and I hope that Zink will perhaps write from Alice's perspective in the next installment.

I was able to guess at one of the "gasp" moments early on in the book, but the last astonishment was definitely a shocker!!

I want to know what happenes like RIGHT NOW, and where and how Lia finds out the rest of her destiny.

Great ghost story and good unique mythical, ghost story overall.

trisha_thomas's review against another edition

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I thought I'd like this one more....

I think the instant disconnect with the sisters in the very beginning of the book didn't make sense to me. Two twins girls who have lost their mother and now lost their father - I couldn't help but imagine them bonding together and not being driven apart.
so from there, the whole book just seemed boring to me. The role each sister would play seems so obvious in the beginning that, even with the silly info in the middle, there just didn't seem like any surprises, suspense or really anything interesting going on...

rosieloudonson's review against another edition

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To be honest this type of novel is not usually my sort of thing but Michelle Zink's Prophecy of the Sisters blew me away! The intricate plot sees the characters, especially Lia and Alice, as their relationship becomes more and more brutal. Beautifully written, Prophecy of the Sisters is not only about spirits and destiny but zooms in on the difficulties of coping with a family death. I would definately reccomend this book to not just people who particually like this genre but also to those, like me, who would never normally read this sort of thing. Thank you to Michelle for writing such a clever novel :)