
Love After All by Jaci Burton

lauribooks's review against another edition

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Esta saga mejora con cada novela. Cada libro me gusta más que el anterior y este no ha sido una excepción.
Para empezar, el final. ¡No me puedo creer que hayamos tenido un epílogo! Las tres novelas anteriores acababan de forma demasiado abrupta, y esta ha acabado mucho mejor.
Los personajes han estado bien, me gusta Chelsea aunque me hubiera gustado que les dieran más profundidad, se me han quedado un poco superficiales, pero aún así lo he disfrutado. La historia también me ha gustado, el clásico “friends to lovers” que no es mi cliché favorito pero de vez en cuando me gusta leerlo.
Sé que el siguiente libro será el de Sam y Reíd y me apetece leerlo, pero no puedo esperar a leer a Megan. Este personaje me ha enamorado y necesito leer su historia desde su punto de vista.

jonetta's review against another edition

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Originally posted on The Book Nympho

Quick summary
Chelsea Gardner is a pretty, single high school math teacher who's frustrated in her search for the perfect man. So, she created "The List" to outline all the attributes a man must have before she'll go out on a date. Sebastian (Bash) Palmer owns a bar, is commitment shy and doesn't even come close to Chelsea's list but yet the two of them can't avoid their strong attraction. And, their personalities seem to connect, too.

What I enjoyed
As Bash and Chelsea have danced around each other for some time, their pairing was inevitable. I liked how their relationship sort of came together organically through conversations at the bar and other encounters. The physical attraction just simmers as they get to know each other better, challenging what they believe about each other. It's a nice, intelligent romance.

About the narration
I also loved the narration, which distinguished the characters really well. Saskia Maarleveld's tone seemed perfect for the story and certainly helped make the romance even more enjoyable.

The bottom line
I had high expectations for Chelsea and Bash's story and this met them. Having earlier characters appear in meaningful roles just put a bow on a really nice reading experience. And, the next book was teed up perfectly.

(I received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review)

leanner's review against another edition

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I'm enjoying this series, yeah it's corny and predictable but it's keeping me amused.
Opposites attract and despite this girls list of who she thinks is the perfect man, you can't fight chemistry.
I enjoy the aspect of this story which is about a small town, it's characters and buildings.

kitroo87's review

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4.5 rounded to 5 because I could. I loved their chemistry. Two people figuring out the past doesn’t have to dictate the future and just having fun. It’s a simple book and not much goes on, but I enjoyed it none the less.

vickylou's review

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When I read this in 2018 it was a 3 star rating for me. Now, it just doesn't work for me. I wish I had left a review before so I could understand the 3 stars.

I didn't like Chelsea. I haven't liked her in any of the books... she is shallow. And... really, just not a particularly nice person. In the previous book she complained when a date wanted her to pay her share of a bill for a meal... in this one, she is accusing Bash of being sexist when he steps in to help her ( for context, it was in his bar that she was being harassed by another drunk patron... so... he kind of had to... )... double standards much? Her list is ridiculous... something that a 13 year old starry-eyed kid might write. Not a 30+ school teacher. Bash, much like many of the other men we have met in this series, seems to be a one and done type with numerous women ( or 'girls' as they are referred to ).

So, this time round... just as Chelsea decides to have sex with Bash to get him out of her system... I am out. DNF.

annalisa_gatti's review

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That is my reaction to this book. I have been sitting through three books to get to this story and it was totally worth it! I met Bash in the second book, when he flirted with one of Des’ friends and he struck as the perfect hero for a romance novel - not too perfect (see: masculine, a good guy who’s really in touch with his feelings, super gorgeous) and not overly gross (see: commitment-phone, lack of communication, overly interested in just one thing).
I was also excited to finally get into Chelsea, a character that I had really liked in the previous outings in this series. Chelsea is depicted throughout as being very independent; she knows EXACTLY what she wants in life and in a partner. She’s not lonely, desperate or pining away after some lost love; she’s happy with her life, just wishes there was someone to share it with. I love Chelsea, especially because I felt myself relating to her a lot. She’s got this great sense of humour, isn’t afraid to say things the way they are and she’s great at being by herself.

The book follows Chelsea as she draws up the list for her perfect man and the characteristics that he will possess. None of them are physical traits - it’s more about lifestyle and personal beliefs that concern Chelsea. She doesn’t want someone with a crazy-ex, works nights or weekends, and she wants them to enjoy hitting the town with her.

Sebastian “Bash”, the local bar owner and long time friend of Chelsea’s, offers to help her find the perfect guy. He runs a bar, meets tons of guys; he’s bound to know someone for her. The only problem is that both Chelsea and Bash are nursing crushs for the other. They’ve been flirting on and off for months, with nothing escalating. Bash knows that he’d love to have a fling with Chelsea, but also realizes that he can’t be the man she’s looking for.
They agree to have a fling, scratch the itch if you will in the hopes that they will both move on to better suited people.

You can probably guess, but things don’t go as planned and pretty soon, both are in over their heads. But you have to read it yourself to find exactly what happens.

The way that Burton dealt with Chelsea’s list was great. Burton never seems to let Chelsea or any of the characters take the list too seriously, which I think is how she pulls it off. If Chelsea were even a little more fixated on it, the book would fall apart. I liked that Chelsea’s friends nagged her about the list, especially when they all saw how much she liked Bash. I never got annoyed with Chelsea and her desire for certain traits in her partner; really a lot of her reasoning made sense and it came from a place of security - she wanted something that would last. She figured that if they shared some of the same interests and lacked a few variables (that crazy ex) that they would have more success. I also liked that she never once thought she could change Bash into the type of man she wanted. So often this is true of romance, that the hero just changes, like that to be exactly what the heroine needs. In Love After All, I really felt that both Bash and Chelsea compromised, which helped this book succeed.

It’s hard to find issues with this book, I liked it that much. I will say that the friends of Chelsea and Bash played a bigger role in this book than in the previous ones and there was the occasional moment that I couldn’t follow it all. But overall, Love After All met my expectations, made me smile like a doofus, squeal with unabashed glee and excited to return to this book again and again.

allingoodtime's review

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I’ve been long awaiting the story of Chelsea and Bash. These two have kept me smiling throughout the other books in this series and it is finally their turn!

Surprisingly, I was pretty annoyed by Chelsea in the beginning. The whole “perfect man” thing I get to a certain extent, but it seemed like she looked down her nose at any and all that didn’t fit into her parameters. Of course, Bash is so awesome he doesn’t let that bother him at all.

Bash kind of confused me in the beginning since he often noted he was NOT looking for a long-term relationship and never wanted marriage again. Although he was “helping” Chelsea on her hunt for the perfect man, it was obvious he wanted her for himself. It’s even his suggestion that they try out dating. I quickly forgot about my concerns in that matter because I got swept up into the Bash/Chelsea fun. So the incident that spurs the conflict between our hero and heroine smacked me upside the head almost as much as it shocked Chelsea.

My full review can be viewed at

jotyler2021's review

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Worst book in the series. I haven't hated a heroine this much in a long time.
To sum up: Bitches be crazy.

crazychriss93's review

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:D This novel has it all!

Hot, good plot, great characters, a lot of love and hope :D

Love the Hope series!! Good stuff!

ashesofabookdragon's review

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Super cute with a dash of steamy :)