ayearinbooksblog's review against another edition

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beaisabel's review against another edition

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What Shyima Hall went through as a child slave was absolutely horrifying; this novel is her recounting of these true events.

I would recommend everyone to read this!

amdame1's review against another edition

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Shyima was one of eleven children living with her family in Egypt. Her family fell upon some hard times. Shyima's older sister had been working for a family but was caught stealing. To make amends, Shyima's parents sold her as a slave to this family in her sister's place. She was only 8 years old at the time.

Shyima tells her story of the time spent with this family and the hardships she endured with them. She also tells of moving to the US and how she was eventually freed.

The voice is young and authentic. I feel like students will be drawn to this book by the title but the story itself will keep them engaged.

gladys_enmarte's review against another edition

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3,5⭐. Amplío en la reseña

nannybooks's review against another edition

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Reseñado en mi blog Nanny Books

Antes de empezar la reseña, quiero aclarar, que en ningún momento voy a juzgar la historia de este libro, simplemente, porque es una autobiografía y como tal, recorta notablemente toda valoración que se pueda hacer.

Esta es la historia de una niña que fue vendida como esclava por sus propios padres. Esta es la historia de una niña que sufrió maltratos de diversa índole. Una niña que dejó de ser niña, que perdió su libertad, su identidad. Esta es la historia de un rescate, de una joven estadounidense que conmemora sus desdichas de cuando no le importaba a nadie.

Es difícil entrar en el mundo que plantea los primeros capítulos de esta novela autobiográfica. El choque cultural es fuerte. Una vez superado ese punto, comenzamos a olvidar que en la actualidad Shyima es libre. Porque es tan angustiosa la vida que relata, que nos olvidamos de la fina linea entre ficción y realidad, nos conmovemos.

Narrada desde la primera persona, con un estilo sencillo y fluido, con algunos pozos neblinosos, propios de la carga psicológica pesada de la protagonista en esa época, pero que resulta cautivante e intensa.

Pero no todo el libro será sobre su esclavitud, también descubriremos como es, en Estados Unidos, el sistema de adopción, las burocracias de los juicios, la ayuda que recibió y fue fundamental para que Shyima lograra superar todos sus miedos.

Y a pesar de que la historia de esclavitud pueda parecer lejana... ¿Quién no ha escuchado en nuestro país de cierta gente que tiene "empleados" sin documentación, viviendo en las partes abandonadas de una gran quinta, sintiéndose agradecidos porque les dan "techo y comida"? ¿Nos olvidamos de los talleres clandestinos, donde hacen "trabajar" a niños en ambientes insalubres? ¿Donde se esconden a personas en carros y pasan la frontera ilegalmente para nunca volver y desaparecer, dejando a familias sin paz detrás? No, no es una historia que debiera parecernos lejana ni irreal.

Yo fui esclava es una lectura que causará impacto, que es una catarata de emociones constantes, que traspasa las páginas y que nos hace ver el cambio de niña indefensa a mujer valiente que es hoy Shyima.

candority's review against another edition

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I tried to enjoy this book, but something prevented me from doing so. I think the story is amazing - everything she went through and everything she accomplished is absolutely astonishing and I'm so happy for her. But this book was so repetitive and the writing was so dry, I just couldn't feel any emotion. She would simply state how she was feeling, but never explained anything fully. Never made the reader feel what she felt. I understand that it's a hard story to tell, I understand that she struggles with writing English - and I give her so much credit for doing it, but I feel like this story could have been much more compelling.

snarlet319's review against another edition

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So compelling. I don't know why people would treat each other this way, though.

cmoo053's review against another edition

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2 stars because Shyima's story is interesting and pretty harrowing. It takes bravery to share this kind of experience with the world. Only 2 stars because the writing was fairly atrocious. The narrative was disjointed, lacked depth, fluency and at times was painfully repetitive.

ashleyreads88's review against another edition

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CW: human trafficking, modern slavery, abuse

[b:Hidden Girl: The True Story of a Modern-Day Child Slave|18051084|Hidden Girl The True Story of a Modern-Day Child Slave|Shyima Hall|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1390166507l/18051084._SY75_.jpg|25331109] is such a heartbreaking, but must-read story. This book is a first-hand account of what modern-day child slavery is, and how it's still such a huge issue in the world we live in today. This book really opened my eyes to something that definitely needs a lot more attention than it gets.

ravenousbookeater's review against another edition

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This was so powerful and amazing.