
I Shall Not Hate: A Gaza Doctor's Journey by Izzeldin Abuelaish

rmarsonsmith's review against another edition

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challenging informative slow-paced


lmc168's review against another edition

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While there are some boring parts, this is a fantastic, if depressing, look at life in Gaza. Very balanced and insightful.

nancybeth's review against another edition

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A difficult read, but worthwhile and one of the most balanced looks at the Israeli-Palestinian conflict I've read. A great look at how healthcare and healthcare professionals can bridge the divide between people and play a great role in peace movements. The author is an inspiring and incomprehensible example of how hatred can be overcome in the worst circumstances.

gills_2022's review against another edition

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dark emotional hopeful reflective relaxing sad fast-paced


kurwaczytaj's review against another edition

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Příběh silnej jak noha od kulečníku. Poselství stejně lidské jako podobná zpráva, která vyšla z Palestiny před zhruba dvěma tisíciletími. Pouhá dvě slova ale co síly, lidství a víry se v tomto konkrétním případě za nimi skrývá. Dám ruku do ohně za to, že se v celém světe nenajde moc lidí, kteří by poté, co by prožili něco podobného jako Izzeldin neoddali nenávisti.
Existuje legenda, tuším židovská, kde tvrdí, že v každé generaci lidské populace existuje (většinou dvanáct) spravedlivých, kteří dávají Hospodinovi důvod, udržovat Svět v chodu. Pokud je na této legendě něco pravdy, pak je Izzeldin jedním z té skupinky.
Vyprávění je civilní a neplýtvá velkými slovy tak, aby vás to znechutilo. Líčení života v Gaze je hodně silná káva a to byl ještě Izzeldin jako lékař, někým, s kým židovští vojáci a úřady jednali přeci jenom o něco vlídněji, než s jinými Palestinci.
Pokud vyhledáváte příběhy z koncentračních táborů fungujících v minulém století, tak můžete mít trošku odstup od těch hrůz, které tam jsou popisované. Pokud čtete o dnešních koncentrácích nebo u této knihy, tento odstup nemáte. Události popisované v knize si můžete pustit na Youtube, případně pokud budete hodně chtít, můžete se dostat na nějakou jeho přednášku nebo vystoupení Izzeldina Abuelaishe. Škoda, že tento obrovský příběh u nás zná tak málo lidí...

sweetpeppah's review against another edition

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a window into the Gaza experience, written by a doctor who struggled every day to get his patients the care they needed, on either side of the wall. hopeful in emphasizing the person-person connections that are possible, that the political rhetoric and the finger pointing don't prevent individuals from finding common ground.

iffer's review against another edition

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This briefly explains some of the history behind the Israeli-Palestinian crisis, but, more importantly, puts human faces on the conflict. Izzeldin Abuelaish is a remarkable man, both in his academic and career achievement, as well as his resilience and determination not to hate, even after the tragic, and utterly preventable, deaths of three of his daughters. Unfortunately, Abuelaish also seems like the exception in these matters, and the account is a convincing argument that conditions need to change in Gaza not only to make baseline humane living conditions possible, but to also provide opportunities for hope for the future through education, and freedom from fear and harassment. The memoir is compelling, but the the writing sometimes makes the messages, though valid, sound trite at times.

joyweiler's review against another edition

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An eye-opening account explaining some of the background of the conflicts in the Middle East. Izzeldin’s incredible response to the loss of his daughters was a challenge to me, and to people everywhere to respond to evil with good. I also became startlingly aware of how much I take my safety and comfort in life for granted, and repented before the Lord for the ungrateful and selfish attitude I so often have about my own life.

deannepeter's review against another edition

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This was a very good book about a complicated situation. It gave a human perspective to the turmoil between the Israelis and Palestinians.

ccap's review against another edition

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Hard but important book to read.