
Kingdom of Ice and Bone by Jill Criswell

wendy327's review

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I received a free copy from Blackstone through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Picking up a few days after the first installment, both Lira and Reyker believe the other is dead, Reyker at the hands of mercenaries and Lira with her leap off the cliff in an effort to escape Draki. Both find themselves at a crossroads with threads of their destiny laid before them. However, without their other half, the two fight against these paths, aiming to chart their own way. As events in Glasnith unfold, both Reyker and Lira find themselves headed to Iseneld. But remember, Draki, the Dragon, is never far behind.

Jill Criswell expands on Beasts of the Frozen Sun by continuing the world building established in the first novel by allowing the reader to explore Stalwart Bay and eventually make their way with Reyker and Lira to Iseneld. And the land of Iseneld is not one to be trifled with as it seems to be built with the harsh, but beautiful, landscape of Iceland in mind, featuring everything from fields of flowers to harsh glaciers full of crevasses that can swallow an army whole. The settlements in Iseneld were no less fascinating as Fjullthorp, Dragon’s Lair, and Vaknavangur are explored along with the various peoples that live there. As the novel ends with various characters striking out toward The Haunted Isles, the world continues expanding in meaningful and important ways.

Kingdom of Ice and Bone also introduces several new characters, including Andrithur, Solvei, Brokk, Hilde, and several new Daughters of Aillira, most notably Alane, Keeva, and Bronagh. These characters help flesh out the cast of faces in Iseneld and allow the reader to feel as though they have entered another land. However, most of the focus remains on the main cast of Lira, Reyker, and Draki. As a reader, I particularly appreciated that Draki’s story is provided space in this novel. Draki was certainly a threat in Beasts of the Frozen Sun but a relatively unknown one, at least for the audience. In Kingdom of Ice and Bone, the reader is able to see what Draki means to those who serve him as well as the surrounding settlements in Iseneld. Despite a more in-depth view of Draki, the fact that he is a villain is never far, for the manipulative nature of Draki is front and center as he continues to move people around as if they are pieces on a gameboard.

And it wouldn’t be fair to discuss Kingdom of Ice and Bone without mentioning the bond that Lira and Reyker share. Beasts of the Frozen Sun set up a romantic partnership that was easy to root for. It was clear from the start of Kingdom of Ice and Bone that this would remain true. Criswell uses the plot beautifully to act as an authorial fate who continually puts Lira and Reyker in the same physical space without the characters realizing that their other half is still alive. As a reader, I know this is what kept me flipping pages long into the night since I kept hoping they would see one another or that a character they had both interacted with would drop their names so that they would recognize the truth. And while young adult novels often focus too much on the romance aspect, the love story here feels earned, particularly since Kingdom of Ice and Bone really leans into action and adventure with another hardship right around the corner. This novel was definitely darker, particularly with the choices made by Lira and Reyker at the conclusion of the novel.

As a whole, this was brilliant, heartbreaking, and all around amazing, even with the bleaker turn for both the characters and plot. Will I be tuning in for the final installment in the trilogy? I sure will!

queens_flame's review

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First off, thank you SO much to Blackstone Publishing for providing me with an advanced copy to read and review. Last year I got a copy of Beasts of the Frozen Sun from ALA and fell in love with the story, so I desperately had to get my hands on the sequel!

Now, if you haven’t read the first one, you might still be able to read this review, I may spoil just a leeetle bit.

Now, good gosh I don’t know what I was expecting from Kingdom of Ice and Bone, but it wasn’t SO MUCH DAMN PAIN. Lira and Reyker are separated at the end of the first book, each of them thinking the other dead through most of the sequel. It HURT. But I loved seeing their separate journeys and all of the growth they went through.

Their reunions were so painful, only for them to be ripped away from each other once again. This sequel was a non stop rollercoaster of pain, and if you thought it couldn’t get worse, IT FREAKING GETS WORSE.

My only complaint is that I hate the rapey vibes that the Dragon gives me. Like. Can we have a villain who isn’t a total predator? He can be bad without being THAT kind of bad, as we have already seen.

Anyways, I absolutely love this series. It can be a little confusing in terms of the worldbuiling/magic – but I blame my confusion this book on it having been probably a year since I read the first book. Be sure to read these back to back or give book one a re-read.

womanon's review

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This book was really enjoyable! I loved the pace of this, and I loved the plot. It was a bit predictable for me, however. Also: can we talk about Reyker? Oh my gosh I love him.

little_red_dragon's review

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Every scar is a story. When I die, I take my stories with me, written across my skin.

So, the best part of Beasts of the Frozen Sun was the relationship between Lira and Reyker. Unfortunately, the two spent most of Kingdom of Ice and Bone apart, so there wasn't the same dynamic. Instead, the book was much more focused on expanding the world to include Reyker's home (based on Iceland, from what I could tell) and character growth.

The tone of this was certainly darker than the first. While the plot was was generally fast-paced, there were some moments that grated on me a bit and seemed contrived. Also, the Dragon's magic is never explained, so he seems to just be able to do almost anything at some points? Perhaps I misunderstood, but I certainly prefer my magic systems to be a bit more explained.

Overall, the flaws in the first book certainly came back to haunt this one and it was missing some of the magic. It's fine, but nothing special.

books_over_everything's review

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Initial Thoughts
I was excited to dive into this book. I actually waited a while to read it because I wanted to have the third book in hand when I read (in case of a cliffhanger).

Some Things I Liked
Alternating POVs. Lira and Rekkar are not together for a large portion of the story so their different POVs made the world feel that much bigger. I loved that they each told parts of the same story and often didn't realize then their storylines were converging.
Romance. I also really loved the way the romance developed in this story. Lira and Rekkar knew they were in love but they also had things to do. Their love fueled them on their respective journeys but I loved their scenes when they were together.

One Thing I Wasn't Crazy About
The writing is heavy with names and terminology that made it a tiny bit hard for me to keep up with. The world building is quite dense and for a sequel, I felt like I still don't fully understand everything. I guess my criticism is that the world it a bit too dense.

Series Value
I'd definitely keep reading. But, I can't say how soon. I do want to find out what happens but this isn't a "drop everything to read more" series for me. I could easily not pick up book 3 for a while and be ok.

Final Thoughts
This book wasn't as good as the first in this series but I have high hopes for the third book. I will keep reading and I'd definitely read more from this author.


wordsareweapons's review

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing a copy for review.

Let's start with the things I enjoyed. I really liked that we got to see more of the world, especially the land of the Frozen Sun. There has been a lot of talk about this land so it was nice to spend some time there. We got to see more of the gods in this one as well. With more of the gods came a better understanding of the magic Lira wields, as well as the Dragon's magic.

Here are some thoughts that I had throughout reading this:
"Ok, so that was painful"
"Gah! Maybe they'll catch each other next time."
"REALLY?!?! Again??!"
"OMG y'all are blind"
"That was even more painful!"

Seriously though, the amount of turmoil in this book is just unreal. Lira and Reyker spend the entire book, minus maybe 10 pages, just circling each other and assuming the other is dead. At one point they are in the same town, and same battle and STILL miss each other. Then things happen, and we end up in the land of the Frozen Sun, home to Reyker and the Dragon. As you can guess from the above reactions, more tension and painful things happen. Then the end comes and you're just praying for a glimmer, just a SLIVER OF you get it? No you do not! The ending takes your bruised and battered heart and just rips it clean to shreds! I would have thrown this across the room, but it's an ebook on my I was left screaming at everyone. I'm also afraid there may be a love triangle (or square) on the horizon. Normally.even with emotional pain, I would probably rate this highly, however this honestly felt almost excessive. There could have been plenty of tension even with Reyker and Lira being somewhat together. I am conflicted. 3.5 maybe??

nikkiethereader's review

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Review To Come

trippalli's review

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Worst book I've wasted time to finish! Wanton violence, abuse of women and animals, sacrifices, thought this would improve;have the strong women in the book triumph because it was recommended or on femenist book club shelves. I was wrong. Terrible ending too. Blah

goodeyreads's review

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Wow, that one threw me through a loop. Goodness gracious. I still can’t believe that’s what happened and now I’m very concerned as to how this will all wrap up in the last book. I need answers. I need things to go a certain way! AH.

This was a pretty good middle book. Once again, loved the audio book. There was even more action and I loved seeing more of this world and where Reyker grew up. Getting more backstory on the Dragon and seeing an oddly humane side of him really layered his character. I love a good villain that has their own history to play into the plot.

My biggest issue was unfortunately how the romance. Reyker and Lira were good and set to find each other sooner rather than later, and instead, found each other after the halfway mark and only for a few chapters?! WHY. I hate when things are dragged out like that and they can’t actually work together. That was frustrating.

I love all of the Viking aspects and the writing is great. I find myself flying through the story because I adore these characters and feel connected to what is happening and wanting to know more. I’m excited to finish the third book soon!

Overall audience notes:
- YA Fantasy
- Language: very little
- Romance: kisses/make-outs to closed door
- Violence: physical altercations, magical attacks, murder, war themes

samantha_randolph's review

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4.5 rounded up