
Stray by Elissa Sussman

islandgeekgirl's review against another edition

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Aislynn is a princess awaiting her introduction ball. She's been preparing for a long time to be introduced to the suitors chosen specifically for her, to fall in love, to have her happily ever after. She will follow the Path, she will not stray. But on the night of the ball, Aislynn finds her life going in a direction she never expected, never prepare for, and the magic burning in her is threatening her Path. She must not stray.

I really liked the concept of this book. It was an original fairy tale with a main character that I found myself having a lot of empathy for and ended up really liking. There were some parts that were predictable but still enjoyable.

At first I was a little worried I wouldn't like Aislynn. Her blind devotion to the Path, obeying every word of her adviser and headmistress, the chants to help them stay focused, it all felt a little cult-like. But I did like her and the more she developed and grew as a character, the more I found myself liking her. I could understand her desperation to achieve a goal that had been set for her since pretty much birth(in this case her introduction ball), her frustrations at being bad at containing her magic, her desire to be good at a new goal given to her so she could prove herself.

Two other characters I really loved were Thackery, a gardener at the academy Aislynn is at, and Brigid, a maid at the same academy. Both were nice and had their own stories but also served as a way to help Aislynn see beyond her own little world. Another character, Ford, was also great and I kind of wish we'd gotten to see him a little more. Linnea, the princess Aislynn is supposed to become a fairy godmother for, was an interesting character. I'm still not quite sure how I felt about her. At times I really felt for her but other times I wanted to scream.

The world building was very intricate and it left me feeling like there was so much more that had yet to be told. We only saw one small part of this world that was created. From the series title and description, I'm guessing we're getting more parts of the world in upcoming stories, which I'm definitely excited about.

The plot was a little slow in the beginning but I didn't mind too much. It felt necessary to make us aware of the stakes and just how devastating the turn of events were for Aislynn. Once she arrived at her new academy and started interacting with the characters mentioned above, and some of the twists and discoveries began, it really picked up. There was a lot of action in the last part of the book.

I'm hoping(and guessing) that Aislynn's story will tie into the other books in the series. It's just going to be a long wait.

*I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

mournfulbliss's review against another edition

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Omg this contemporary fairytale

This book was a dazzling mix of every fairytale, fable, and nursery rhyme you grew up with. It brings in issues that are very real in today's world, and mixes it with some magic. I can see myself using this novel in the classroom.

rremer's review against another edition

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Interesting world which was underdeveloped and some story bits didn't seem to fit quite as they should.for example the ending didn't really seem to be one. I do think the characters and storylines have a good deal of promise, so maybe the sequel will fill things out more clearly.

amandathebookish's review against another edition

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This book has such a cool premise, is exacted well, is threaded with mystery and magic and everything I love. It's beautiful.

wordnerdy's review against another edition

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nicoley3's review against another edition

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I read this because I'm a sucker for fairy tales. I've been reading books like this since I was a kid.
This particular fairy tale was a fun read and had a unique plot. I loved that about it! But I was pretty disappointed in the way the story carried itself out. Reading this book was like eating a sloppy joe. Everything from world building to the climax and denouement felt incredibly ... sloppy. Throughout the story it feels as if certain background information is just thrown in haphazardly--but not even tied in to the story in any way--just to explain the presence of certain characters (crazy woman in the forest). And the villain's reveal AND demise took all of about 2 pages (maybe?) and answered basically one question ("who is the villain?") while leaving a billion more to be asked.

I wish this book had been better developed because I love what it brought to the table in terms of overarching plot. It left me hanging in a lot of other areas though. Maybe I'll read the next book ... but maybe not.

libellus's review against another edition

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Everything about this book was ok. I enjoyed Aislynn as a main protagonist and her evolution throughout the novel was really my favourite part of Stray. The other characters were not annoying but they had no dept. the whole fairytale retelling aspect was very interesting and well executed and I totally understand why since the author worked for Disney. I think the plot is the thing that bothered me the most. It just didn't have any 'high points'. There was no climax until the last 50 pages and it was pretty predictable. It still kept me hooked and I always wanted to dive right back inside this new and original world. I don't know if there is going to be a sequel since nothing is mentioned on Goodreads or on the internet but if there is I will pick it up.

jaymeshaw's review against another edition

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Read this fairly quickly... I really got into it! Super ticked that the 2nd one in the series isn't even written yet as this one ended on a major cliffhanger!

skundrik87's review against another edition

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aprilbooksandwine's review against another edition

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Stray was everything I wanted in a fantasy book. There's such an interesting world. The door is open for a sequel which you can bet your bottom dollar that if it exists, I will be reading.
Read the rest of my review here
Note: Review goes live in October