
Desert Heat by Elizabeth Reyes

mccorbin's review

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You know that we love Elizabeth Reyes here on this blog and we knew that we had to get our hands on her new book…and we did!

Damian, a detective (that’s sexy), meets Bethany at a speed dating session. There first four minutes together was nothing but a flat meeting but something in Bethany sparked a curious flame for Damian and after their second meeting, Damian knows that he wants her.

This book had me from the beginning. Reading how Damian and Bethany quickly got to know each other was so simple and cute; it all started with a missing hair clip. After the initial ‘getting to know you date,’ it seemed that their relationship started to build and build fast.

However, Damian started to notice that Bethany was hiding something from him and as much as he questioned her about her secretive phone calls or text messages, he always was lied to. I loved knowing that there was something going on that we were not privy to just yet, but soon it would be released and boy was it!

This is, unfortunately, where it lost my 100% attention. When I found out who Max was and what Bethany’s relationship was to him, I was done with Damian even knowing Bethany. But then to have Damian dig deeper and find out more, so much more that he goes to Bethany to get more information from her and Max drops more bombs, it just made me angry. Why and how would Damian still love Bethany let alone trust her? And then, everything was tied up in a perfect bow in the end…nope, I needed more anger from Damian and a longer ‘work it out’ period to really believe that this bow could be that perfect. He was never mad at her lying to him or keeping so much from him. It was like after he found out everything, he just decided to ignore it all. He threw away his career, he paid every debt off for her, and never once did he tell her that what she did to him was pretty crappy.

So, I will say that up until 70% of this book, I solidly loved it and wanted to know what was going on and how these characters were going to be affected by the secret drama lurking in the dark. However, I think the secret drama was rubbed me the wrong way and I seriously think Damian should have been more upset about the situation than he was in the book. All this being said, I still 100% love Elizabeth Reyes.

ivette03's review

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****A MUST READ***I was lucky enough to WIN this AWESOME book. How can I express the love I have for this book without giving too much away. Damian is HOT detective trying NOT to fall in love and Bethany is basically trying to make ends meet to help her family and has no time for LOVE. But you know LOVE it comes whenever it feels like it. There's a couple of twist and turns I didn't expect to happen but DAMN it was good! If the next book is anything like this book HOLY SH*T, it's going to be even better. Elizabeth is one of My Top 5 Favorite Authors! If I ever meet Elizabeth, I'm TOTALLY going to fangirl her ass!!<--I'm talking sh*t I'll probably be to nervous to talk to her. ;-)

pacelola's review

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Meh…. Our hero forgave to easily.

frahhn's review

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Nothing sexy about a hero who judges a 16 year-old-girl by her outfit choice.

shellygreninger's review

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solid 3.5 stars....full review coming this week