
The Bow by Hazel Storm

jerbrown's review

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This book was amazing. I have been addicted to this series since book one. I love that the characters and surroundings were explained in more detail this time. I didn’t think it could get better but I was mistaken. Storm outdid herself yet again. I can’t wait for the next book.

tashareads412's review

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Hazel Storm has done it again!! With so many stories to figure out and so many past occurrences coming back to people, it is like a mind field… in a good way though. Which I think is the perfect statement to describe this book based on where Vanessa spends time in this story. The Bow made me emotional and a book hasn’t done that in a long time. Even though the part I got emotional at was just a short little couple of chapters, the lead up to the event, especially if you have read the first two books, just makes the scene so strong and you just want to hug everyone involved. There are still so many questions that aren’t answered and I just want to know!! From the first page I was sucked into the story. We learn more about the characters and we see so many more of the backstories of the brothers. This book added a lot of context to the story and now I am more invested than I was before. I can’t wait to see what happens next!

mawgand's review

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A bow in two

This is book three in this series and I just keep getting more invested with Vanessa and her demi/ gods. Aroz may come off as a mama's boy and at her beck and call, but when Vanessa crosses his path he becomes just engrossed in her beauty as the other gods have. Vanessa can't stop herself from helping others and finds herself on the bad side of two revengful goddesses. I have truly enjoyed this series and can't wait for the final book to be released next week.

ameliachristen90's review

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This series gets better and better. I love these characters that Hazel has brought to life. This series picks up where the last one left off. Vanessa is giving a mission by the Queen but gets taken to the invisible palace (Upperworld) by Aroz before she is able to complete the mission. This installment follows more of Aroz relationship with Vanessa. I am excited to say that there is another book coming soon!

ash18235's review

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Hazel, you have done it again! This series alone is SO sexy and so full of life from the underworld to the overworld, and beyond! Vanessa seriously cracks me up with her input on her Gods and Half God, but they also have great opinions in their perspectives. If you are looking for a steamy book full of Life from all realms of Gods, please read this series! I am on my way to the fourth book and can't wait to see what else is in store or should I say Boxed! ;)

bookwitch92's review

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When I got to the end if this book I was go glad to find out that it is not the last book. When I saw that I was 90% of the way and there was still so much left to wrap up my heart started stopping. I was so glad to see that Vanessa continues to be a badness in this book and she just continues to grow even more. I loved reading about Aroz in this book and got to know that he isn't just an asshole. The ending of this book is definitely not fair but I'm glad to know that I don't have to wait long for the next book to come out. This book was super steamy and original. Each God and mortal has their own problems and different personalities and growth. I can't wait to see what happens in the next book and will be impatiently waiting!!!!

book_bermi's review

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This was definitely the best in the series so far! The spice was spicier, the story was more complex, and the many layers to the plot were weaved together nicely. New characters are introduced, and so many parts to the story begin to come together here. I think the romance in this third installment was also done better the rest, more passionate. There were several scenes that had me at the edge of my seat. Needless to say, I am definitely going to be picking up the next in this series!

shellyk51's review

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Hazel Storm has done it again. The Greek God series is one of my favorites. Funny, snarky and spicy...three of my favorite things. Vanessa, Grey Raef, and Aroz are at it again. The locations are great: good Hell, bad Hell, Overworld, and the Underworld. The new adventure to thwart Grey's mother has them working together (or so they think). Not all is as they think. A few twists may appear. Witty, funny and always a few chuckles, another definite winner. Highly recommend.

_clquiles_06_'s review

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The Bow (Her Three Immortals Book 3)
By: Hazel Storm
Genre:Mythology & Romance

Where oh where is book four?! This book was so good I enjoyed books two and three the most but I have to say this is a very enjoyable series. The bow is steamy and romantic and not for children.
I will always be a Grey and Vanessa fan, such an innocent soul Vanessa is a character favorite and an amazing female protagonist.
Why did the book end like that though?!
This book makes me want to grow wings!
Five stars for this quick and addictive read your not going to put it down.
I read it all the way through.
Hazel Storm has done it again with book three such a good series.

packarda's review

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The third in the Her Three Immortals series. I have enjoyed the books in this series, and this was no different. This book begins where the last one ended, Vanessa is standing in front of the Queen of the Underworld. The Queen of the Underworld has a task for Vanessa to complete, and she has exactly 24 hours to do so. This wouldn’t have been so hard if she hadn’t been thwarted.
I love the characters in this series. The writing is excellent and has me turning pages as fast as I can read. I love that this is a hot and steamy reverse harem story. Aroz, Raef, Grey, does Vanessa have to choose? Why can’t she keep them all? Romance, lust, kidnapping, quest, this book has it all! Thank you so much Hazel Storm, I am on the edge of my seat waiting for Book 4.