
The Broken World by James Oswald

bookish_benny's review against another edition

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Well... that ended on another cliffhanger!

James has created such an interesting world, bringing in unique ideas surrounding magic, world building and of course DRAGONS!

The story continues exactly where it left off and you can see that each characters story is slowly coming back together for one penultimate ending in the final book.

I really liked what happened with Melyn. I think his thirst for power and Magog tricking him into believing he was his God all those years was incredible. Waiting for the coin to drop on the page only moments after it dropped for me was satisfying.

I don’t fully understand what has happened to poor Errol and I would like to know how Clun has become some dragon killing, monster horse taming stud.

Ultimately this is an excellent book in the Sir Benfro series and I will be reading book 5 immediately so I finish this series satisfied.

timefliesaway's review

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Oof, my hatred for Melyn rises even higher in this book. Okay, to be honest, before I didn’t really hated him. Well, I did, but I couldn’t care much about him, he was rather just annoying. Now, I begin to rather hate him. He’s still annoying and so selfish, argh, it makes reading his passages sometimes hard. I really hope he gets what he deserves at the end.

Other than that, I’m glad Beulah got her magic back. Even though I’m on Benfro’s, Errol’s and Iolwen’s side, I could relate to Beulah being annoyed that a simple pregnancy took away her magic. I’ve never even been pregnant myself, but I guess I can imagine how annoying that must be. And, no, i don’t want her to regain the throne, but I’m simply glad she got her magic back.

melvin02's review against another edition

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Book 100 I read on Goodreads

aliceexmachina's review against another edition

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I wish I was better at writing reviews, so I could write something witty and clever about this wonderful, very well written book, and in doing so persuade people to buy and read it, from the very first book ofc.
However, this is all I can manage. I wish time would leap forward three months so I could get started on the last part, the Obsidian Throne.
Where's the Doctor when you need him? :O

bookish_benny's review

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Well... that ended on another cliffhanger!

James has created such an interesting world, bringing in unique ideas surrounding magic, world building and of course DRAGONS!

The story continues exactly where it left off and you can see that each characters story is slowly coming back together for one penultimate ending in the final book.

I really liked what happened with Melyn. I think his thirst for power and Magog tricking him into believing he was his God all those years was incredible. Waiting for the coin to drop on the page only moments after it dropped for me was satisfying.

I don’t fully understand what has happened to poor Errol and I would like to know how Clun has become some dragon killing, monster horse taming stud.

Ultimately this is an excellent book in the Sir Benfro series and I will be reading book 5 immediately so I finish this series satisfied.

lost_between_worlds's review

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So much happens in this book. It was an intense, but enjoyable reading experience. I can't believe I have to wait almost a year for the next (and last) book. I actually really don't want this series to end, but on the other hand, I'm curious how it will develop further and how it will end.

deannamorley22's review

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I hope the last book in the series gives closure to the story and answers because I have soooooooooo many questions.

aria13's review

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Started off slow but it really picked up- and that cliffhanger, wow.

bensblurb's review

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Well... that ended on another cliffhanger!

James has created such an interesting world, bringing in unique ideas surrounding magic, world building and of course DRAGONS!

The story continues exactly where it left off and you can see that each characters story is slowly coming back together for one penultimate ending in the final book.

I really liked what happened with Melyn. I think his thirst for power and Magog tricking him into believing he was his God all those years was incredible. Waiting for the coin to drop on the page only moments after it dropped for me was satisfying.

I don’t fully understand what has happened to poor Errol and I would like to know how Clun has become some dragon killing, monster horse taming stud.

Ultimately this is an excellent book in the Sir Benfro series and I will be reading book 5 immediately so I finish this series satisfied.

buchdrache's review

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Benfros und Errols Abenteuer neigen sich ihrem Ende entgegen. In „The Broken World“, dem vierten und vorletzten Teil der Ballad of Sir Benfro von James D. Oswald, spitzen sich die Ereignisse immer mehr zu. Benfro ist in einem Zirkus gefangen, Drachen einer anderen Welt greifen das Zwillingskönigreich an und Inquisitor Melyn führt mit grausamer Zielstrebigkeit den Willen seines Gottes aus, nicht merkend, dass er betrogen wird. Die Hoffnung für Benfro liegt erneut bei Errol. Sie beide wollen in die neue Welt entkommen, denn nicht alle Drachen, welche dort leben, scheinen wilde und grausame Bestien zu sein.

Erneut liefert der Autor wieder viele interessante Informationen über die Welten, die er geschaffen hat. Nicht nur zu Beginn eines jeden Kapitels gibt es Auszüge aus der Literatur der fiktiven Kulturen, auch im Text selbst ist viel gegeben. Errol und Benfro gelingt es, in die neue Welt zu fliehen, und lernen dort die Kulturen der dort lebenden Menschen und Drachen kennen. Damit bekommt Oswalds Welt mehr Tiefe und Komplexität.

Leider flacht die Handlung vor allem gegen Ende ab. Es wirkt zunächst, als ginge die Reihe ihrem Ende entgegen, was besonders dann etwas verwunderlich wirkt, wenn man bedenkt, dass noch ein Teil folgen soll. Wortwörtlich auf den letzten Seiten reißt der Autor jedoch das Ruder noch einmal herum und baut die Brücke zum abschließenden Teil der Reihe.

Leider ist das Ende vor allem in Hinblick auf Inquisitor Melyn sehr vorhersehbar und nicht so packend und überraschend wie in Band 1 oder 3.

Alles in allem fehlt ein wenig die Klimax des Spannungsbogens, sodass sich das Buch eher verläuft, als ein tatsächlich klar definiertes Ende zu haben. Das ist bedauernswert, da die Handlung an sich eigentlich durchaus spannende Elemente hat besonders in Hinblick auf den religiösen Fanatiker Melyn und seinen „Gott“. Dieses Mal hat Oswald leider das Potenzial seiner Geschichte nicht völlig ausgereizt.

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