
The Scent of Salt & Sand: An Escaped Novella by P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast

universalbookworm's review

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I recieved this novella from the publisher via Net Galley, in exchange for an honest review.

Overall, I really enjoyed this read. The tone of the piece reminded me of an Alex Flinn or Jackson Pearce fairytale retelling. Just with a unique take on the Siren, from Greek Mythology.

This is a quick read, however, Cast manages to pack a lot in less than 100 pages. There is family drama, unfolding mythology, conflicts of sisterhood, and even a touch of diversity by including a LGBTQ character.

The story might have had more impact if the author had expanded on how the Sirens were taught about men. There is an amusing reference to "those college boy romantic movies", which could have added to the satire Cast created by comparing the Human Realm and Tartarus.

One last note. I have not read the Escaped and House of Night series. This was my first experience reading Cast's work and I am intrigued enough to be curious about the original series.

I recommend this read for those who want to try Cast's writing style without the commitment of a full novel. Also, for those interested in a quick read with a suprising amount of depth.

justcrystalxo's review

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much more enjoyable then the other escaped novels... but doesnt include anything that ties it to the first two other then the fact that tartarus/ underworld was spoken about as thats where the being came from...

jeanz's review

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sadly it seems this novella is set further on in the series than I thought so it's a Did Not Finish for me. I will be two ng a closer look at the first two novels, though I did find the language and writing style too simplistic for my taste, and it's not because this is a teen aimed book as I have read other teen aimed fiction and thoroughly enjoyed it.

jessicacavin's review

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I really wanted to like this, but I couldn't. The story had glaring plot holes and the main character was irritating. I also feel that the authors have lost their touch and originality. There were many lines in the book that I could clearly trace back to a movie or TV show (Lafayette from True Blood and Snape from HP). They also seemed to have pointless characters in the story just so they could have the LGBTQ+ community represented.

feliciasink's review

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I received this book through NetGalley as a granted wish by the publisher Diversion Books. I also got it in exchange for an honest review. I’m thanking NetGalley and Diversion Books for granting me the wish and providing me with the copy of this book.

""Women," he huffed. "It's like they're a completely different species.""

This book did not feel like a novella. It felt like a book!!

This story was very captivating. A species fighting for their 'freedom' or 'curse'. A girl not wanting to participate in the family tradition, with human emotions. An exciting love story makes a thrilling novella.

I'm very happy to see Kristin and P.C. working together again, they make such a good team. Go Team Cast!! Their writing is intriguing and exciting to read. The story building was done very well, it captivated me multiple times.

I love how they portray the life of a siren. It's not easy to write for a species when there is a lot of information on them throughout history. One can easily portray them just a tad off and people could be offended. From what I know about sirens, Team Cast has written them in a very well!! But they also gave their own twist to the species and so this story was born.

This story is about a siren girl who doesn't feel like the others. She has orders to mate with a willing man. An order to break the curse that keeps them in Tartarus. While her cousins do the job, Melody feels like an outcast. She can't bring herself to sacrifice Dean. Yes, a siren with emotions!! The story continues with funny dialogue, steamy scenes and a race to keep her cousins from coming after Dean.

Will she succeed in keeping him save? Will she have the life she wants or will she be forced into the family tradition?

If you liked the first two books in The Escaped series, or you like the writing of either or both of these amazing women, this is a MUST READ!! I'm giving the full five quills to this novella and I surely can't wait for the next installment to be released. I'm hoping I will be as lucky with getting an ARC as I am with this novella and Moon Chosen, the first book in Tales of a New World series by P.C. Cast [review coming soon!!]


XoXo Felicia.
