
Neil Gaiman and Charles Vess' Stardust #1 by Neil Gaiman

mellowbeing's review

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I wanted to love it but instead it turned out to be a nice fairytale that I liked.

ishi_time's review

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I LOVED this book. I couldn't put it down and I read the whole thing in a day. This is the first Neil Gaiman book I've read, and now I'm looking forward to reading his other works.

This is obviously a fantasy story, but it's written in a way that makes me believe in everything I'm reading. It made me feel like if I travelled to the edge of the world, I really will find my way into a small town called Wall. Needless to say, the writing style is breathtaking and flawless.

In the beginning, I found the story to be completely plot-driven because it took me quite a while to familiarize myself with the characters. But, once I did get to know the characters, I found myself caring for them deeply.

One thing that I absolutely love about the characters was the fact that they felt natural and REAL. No character fell into any particular trope. They were all special in their own ways, but at the same time seemed to be perfectly ordinary.

This story was simply beautiful and whimsical and I highly recommend it.

britt82's review

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Wonderful fantasy book- I do love a good fairy tale. And the movie is good, too.

z_dubya's review

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I liked Stardust. I liked the simplistic, no-frills way that Gaiman describes the world of Fairie. I liked the interaction between the characters, everyone taking for granted that they're embedded within a fairy tale. I liked the villianess. She was cruel, beautiful/ugly at the appropriate times, and properly motivated. I liked Stardust and was thoroughly entertained; however, I did not love Stardust. I attribute that lack of emotion to two facts, one directly setting the stage for the next: I watched the movie before I read the book and the ending left me crestfallen. So much of the experience (for me) of a book comes from the ending of that book. Having watched the thrilling Hollywood ending before the simple, poignant, ending of the book left an expectation in my mind for what the close of this tale would hold. And I was let down.

I liked Stardust.

carolinemeow's review

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I'm genuinely unsure why I was surprised why this book was so good. I adore Neil Gaiman's writing with all my heart, and while I'm not sure where this ranks in all the books of his I've read, it lived up to the standards I've set for him and beyond.

The quirky writing that Gaiman has is something I live for, and so were the fairy tale/folklore elements - mythology and things associated with it being a recently acquired obsession. I have to wonder, is the copper beech tree Daphne? The tale the character told was pretty similar to the myth, but I haven't actually read up on her in detail.

I also loved how neatly everything tied together at the end. I always start out not paying much attention to the plot or what's happening in general, as I prefer characters, but the author grabbed my attention and didn't let go. Of course, I loved the characters as well, even the ones who I despised at first - Septimus, the oldest of the Lilim, Victoria Forester. The epilogue was the death of me.

This book was beautiful and everything was beautiful and just, yeah, I'm putting this into my favorites.

frantic_vampire's review

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Damn, this was a masterfully crafted piece of literature. I could not put it down! I'm not sure if there are enough words to describe how artfully crafted this book is. Neil Gaiman is truly an artist that has refined his craft with the utmost care for details big and small. I have fallen in love with yet another of his stories. This book is best described as an adventure through fairy, in which a boy (who never quite fit in) chases a fallen star. He finds friends and enemies alike along the way; he finds love and family and a destiny that he never thought possible. This book is seriously one of the best that you will ever read, it gets a five out of five stars from me.

marinazala's review

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** Books 257 - 2017 **

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3,4 dari 5 bintang!

Sebenarnya cukup telat saya membaca buku ini. Betapa tidak ini adalah karya pertama Neil Gaiman yang saya baca. Saya juga bukan penggemar fantasi selain harry potter. Bahkan sampai saat ini saya juga belum membaca buku the lord of the rings. Yah begitulah yang terjadi jika vakum membaca buku selama kurang lebih 5-6 tahun hufh..

Pada akhirnya saya menjadi penasaran sama Neil Gaiman karena ia rajin dicetak ulang oleh Gramedia dan teman2 saya pada menyukai buku ini. Untuk pemula baiknnya mrmbaca stardust dahulu sebagai pemanasan. Saya mencoba mengikuti alurnya yang sedikit aneh menurut saya karena banyak karakter yang bermunculan dalam waktu seketika dan alur ceritanya mulai kemana mana saya bertanya ini akan seperti apa ya ceritanya apa yang menjadi benang merah cerita ini dan sengaja saya tidak membaca review agar tidak mendapat spoiler hehe.. ternyata ketika lama2 diikuti saya menjadi lumayan suka dengan ceritanya. Well agak sedikit kayak dongeng sih tapi menarik untuk diikuti dan ringan pula. Banyak juga pesan moral yang saya dapatkan di cerita ini..

Saya jadi penasaran mau lanjut membaca coraline dan neverwhere jadinya!

lessthanwise's review

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Second Read:
So I've figured out what I don't like about most Neil Gaiman books. There's not enough action, and the little there is, is always so underwhelming. I mean honestly almost all of his books end in this anticlimactic, nothing fricken happens way. It all somehow gets resolved in some great way, and then he gives you this epilogue that just makes everything even worse. Since reading this the first time (which was my first Neil Gaiman book) I've read about 3 others, and think my opinion on his books are a little bit more informed. I will however continue to read him until I can for sure say that most of his writing just isn't for me.
However that being said, I do really like the idea of this story, and if you continue and read my first review below it will explain in more detail how this movie is incredible and seeing as it's based on this book, I feel it's only right for me to give it an extra .5 star for inspiring and becoming one of my favorite movies ever.

I'm counting this book for the OWLs Readathon and this will be for my Astronomy class. This is my 5th completed OWLs class.

First Read:
You won't hear me (or anyone really) argue this often, but I must say that in this unique instance, the movie is better than the book.
The Stardust movie is one of my all time favorites. I couldn't even tell you why exactly, it's just the perfect amount of romance, fantasy, and adventure that I love. It feels like watching and reading a fairytale.
However the book was anticlimactic. Maybe it's my fault for watching the movie a million times before reading the book, but the book just didn't have the action packed and romantic ending that the movie does, and it's kind of disappointing because some of my favorite scenes in the movie didn't even exist in the book. I will say though, that the movie took everything that was amazing about the book and made it even better.
Also surprisingly, this is my first Neil Gaiman book, I'm pretty sure I've ever read. I'm not sure how I've never picked one of his books up before, but I just never did and well here I am, and I think this was a good one to start off with.
Besides it not reaching the movie standards, I thought learning more about the background of this world off the town of Wall was soooo interesting. It being a Faerie realm and having fantastical creatures and deadly woods and magical elements was amazing, and will continue to be one of my favorite things about the story. Also of course the feel of the book. Gaiman writes in a way where it feels like a fairytale, and honestly if I took out the small amount of explicit things mentioned in the book, I could definitely see this being read as a bedtime story. For slightly older children if anything.
Anyways, this book was really good, but it can sadly only stay a movie favorite instead of a book favorite.
PS. DEFINITELY go watch the movie if you haven't. You might not like it as much as I do, but I just think it's so amazing and everyone should see it at least once.