
Girl Magic by T. Jackson King

pjonsson's review

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This is a rather simple story. It is more about flashy magic and fantastic creatures than any form of deep story or character development. Having said that, I did enjoy the book as an escape from reality in the same way I enjoy rather unintelligent but special effects loaded action movies.

The book blurb is somewhat misleading when it states that “Janie Wilmott never believed her granny’s tales of magic and supernatural creatures“. From page one Janie works in a bar where supernatural creatures abound and she is bloody well aware about this. What she is not aware of is that she is one of them.

Janie is very much a kick-ass girl already from the start and once she has discovered her magical abilities she quickly takes it to the next level…and the one above that.

As I wrote, this is a rather simple read and throughout the book Janie is pretty much thrown into one dire situation after another when various supernaturals challenges the new witch. There is not really much story behind it and very little depth.

But it is a fun read and I for one quite like when various creatures discover that they’ve bitten over more (much more) than they can chew.

Unfortunately the book is somewhat dragged down by the authors desire to cater for various groups on the woke side. The feminist messages are not really very subtle. Nor are the ones about sexuality. I could not care less about whether the main protagonist is hetero, lesbian or bi and I really do not need to have her preferences thrown into my face every so often.

Just to add to this the author just had to throw in a bit of creationism and of course the creator is a she. A shame really. The book would have done well without all that nonsense and a bit more real story instead.