
Bad to the Bone by Vivi Anna

themarishale's review

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While I liked this novella well enough to finish it, I have read better.

Had the author given the characters an established past or put them in a situation that gave them a chance to get to know each other a bit, I could see how easily they fell in bed together. However, this was like insta-Stockholm Syndrome, and for the sake of future readers of this series, I do hope Vivi Anna gives an explanation for how Garrick turned Olivia.

sunnydee's review

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Bis kurz vor dem Ende hat mir diese kostenlose Kurzgeschichte richtig gut gefallen. Das bisher beste KurzEbook was ich in letzter Zeit gelesen habe. Die Hauptprotagonisten arbeitet in einem Rettungswagen und wird zu einer Verletzten gerufen, die mehrere Schusswunden in der Brust hat. Die Frau hat überraschend gute Vitalwerte obwohl sie eigentlich schon fast tot sein müsste. Außerdem läuft eine silberne, klebrige Masse aus ihren Wunden. Auf dem Weg zum Krankenhaus verunglückt der Krankenwagen, das letzte was Olivia sieht bevor sie ohnmächtig wird, ist ein Monster. Als sie wieder zu sich kommt, befindet sie sich gefesselt in einem unbekannten Raum.
Es gibt hier also eine ordentliche Story um die erotischen Szenen herum. Sobald es allerdings zur Sache geht, wird es schnell darauf reduziert und die Handlung wird ab dann leider unrealistisch und etwas abgehakt. Den Hintergrund der Szene am Ende wird nicht erklärt und lässt einen ratlos zurück. Es gibt hier einiges an Gewalt, aber es war noch okay. Die erotischen Szenen sind sehr männlich dominant geschildert. Ich könnte mir bei diesem Buch durchaus vorstellen den zweiten Teil zu lesen, allerdings auch nur wenn er irgendwann einmal kostenlos zu haben ist.

Meine Wertung:
4 von 5 Sternen (diese Wertung ist nicht vergleichbar mit meinen Wertungen von komplexen Ebooks und Büchern, nur im Vergleich mit andern kostenlosen, kurzen Ebooks!!!)

kashumaru's review

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This book has a decent storyline tough I felt it should have been extended. I am glad there is another book and I am looking foward to seeing how it progresses.

I only disliked that Olivia was a swishy swashy character at first but she slowly changed into a strong setted one which made my end result for this book.

tammywaggs's review

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This book had all my favorite components until about half way through:
1. Crime/mystery. There was a mystery component and it had all the markers of being great until it fell apart.
2. Paranormal. I loved how real the EMT scenes were at the beginning and how the look at the werewolves had a new essence but again even the paranormal part fell apart.
3. Romance. The romance could have been good but at the midway point it fell for all the contrite romantic things that happen in every other romance book and in an old way. Sometimes authors can go the contrite route but they bring it back around and make it new, that did not happen in this novella.
4. Thriller and moments of suspense: they were there but not well done.

I was really liking the book and its characters until the halfway point. Then it all fell apart for me. A good novella, no matter how short, does not leave you annoyed and yearning for the first few pages when you finish.

Overall, I'm glad it was free and I'm disappointed. There was so much potential and then it all fell apart.

ncchris's review

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Short little prequel. Made me want to read the next book, Hungry Like the Wolf.

emilyhei's review

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EMT Olivia Jordan responds to a call only to find herself chained to a bed and unnaturally attracted to the man holding her captive. Garrick Blackthorn is protecting all shifters and needs to find out what Olivia heard and saw, but he had never expected to find his mate.

I enjoyed this but it had such an abrupt ending I felt torqued. I wanted to know what happened next, the chemistry between Olivia and Garrick is off the charts. Hoping this story finishes in another book.

s_books's review

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This story was short but good but it ended just when things were getting good, to entice you to read the next one, of course; not really a stand alone.