
Sign by Lou Rera

clairereviews's review

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Review: Sign by Lou Rera Publication Date: 24th June 2014
Publisher: Mirador Publishing
ISBN: 978-1910105214
Jim Thompson received a phone call from a dead man-a man he watched die one drunken, adulterous night while out of town on business. Jim's wife, Deirdre, doesn't know his secret. Neither does Detective Frank Gibbons, who is hot on the case of the year-old crime. In this supernatural thriller, Jim's past surfaces through his guilt and lies. As Detective Gibbons closes in on the truth, Jim and Deirdre must run from a malevolent stalker in this terrifying horror tale of deception and murder.
In 'Sign', we follow Jim and Deidre on their ill-fated weekend away to discuss the issues within their marriage. Both characters were well written and convincing, especially Deidre.
The various parts of this story were told in a convincing manner with great attention to detail. As more things started to occur on their journey, everything seemed very scary as I was continued to read into the small hours of the night. Appropriate references to 'The Shining', 'The Twilight Zone', Stephen King and Clive Barker were well placed and warranted, as I couldn't ignore the shivers running down my spine as I turned the pages.
At the same time, Detective Gibbons is following up on a year-old murder case, slowly linking the clues together and getting ever nearer the truth. I found the Detective to be a likeable character, while the rest of the police department were background characters that didn't really feature.
Well written, Sign is an impressive first novel from Lou Rera. With twists and turns aplenty, an unsolved murder, horrifying events, more than a touch of the supernatural and some truly terrifying scenes, Sign will appeal to fans of thrillers, crime, supernatural, paranormal and horror. Lou Rera is certainly one to watch.
I'd like to thank Jules for her recommendation of this book.