
Age of Bronze, Volume 1: A Thousand Ships by Eric Shanower

missmarketpaperback's review

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After owning this for many years, I finally read it! Yay! I really liked this re-telling, especially after reading the author/artist's reasons for interpreting different things certain ways. I loved how he interpreted Thetis for instance. But I found this retelling to be very heteronormative, which made me a little sad. I much prefer the Song of Achilles' Achilles. I loved the outfits and the way he stitched the different narratives together.

richardmtl's review

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I've never been much interested by the Classic studies, other than a brief period when I was fascinated by the Romans as a teenager, and when we studied Greek legends in elementary school. This book came really, really close to changing my mind. Although I found the large cast of characters to be a bit confusing, I was still drawn in to the story. Even though I found the artwork to be well done, and I'm curious about the actual battle tactics used during the war and would be interested in seeing the author's interpretation of it, I don't know that I'd have the patience to sit through a lot more character exposition, but that's my "failing", if you will, and does not reflect on the book. I'm giving this 4 stars for the author's effort and for the quality of the research.

libraryleopard's review

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Hmm. Interesting, I guess, but I'm never a huge fan of uncolored graphic novels and I also question the decision to not show magic or gods on-page but still have they drive the story like in the original myths. Also, at one point I genuinely could not tell Achilles and Deidameia apart, so, uh…

I will probably pick up the next volume, however, since the action should get going.