
Hunting Blackbeard by Pandora Pine

bexbookrex's review

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Loved it!

Great book! Exciting adventure with good friends, a beautiful love story, and lots of hot sexy times! I highly recommend it!

xanthe87's review

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I am really enjoying the Lost Treasures series. Right alongside some great characters and relationships, we get to be there are historical searches are underway for lost treasures. Book two focuses on Memphis and his search for Blackbeard's treasure. In order to help him and the family, he takes on Tynan and his boat to help them locate and get to the the coves that are out of reach by foot.
There's an instant connection between the two men upon meeting, though for me things moved a little quicker than I was expecting. There was tangible excitement from both men as they have dreamed of Blackbeard and his story for years, the chance to find anything to do with the famous pirate not to be missed.
Pandora writes an fantastic and interesting story with a lot of information and backstory for Blackbeard including his time not at sea. I'll be honest and say I have no idea what may be fact or fiction but it all works so very well together, really drawing me into the plot and possibility of buried treasure. As with the MC's relationship, the pacing of the action was slightly off with a lot happening towards the last quarter of the book and not evenly across the story but it didn't detract from the story itself and how enjoyable it is to read. We get Cairo, Magnus and Dillinger along for the ride giving Mephis unconditional support but also a lot of fun and excitement with the search.
Definitely a must read from me. Fans of the first book will enjoy the second in the series, though it's not necessary to have read I think it will enhance the experience as you get to know the characters and their relationships.
I received an ARC and am happily giving a review.

bookanonjeff's review

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To The Victors Go The Pizza Rolls! Ok, so that title is an in-joke from the prologue of this book. But it is also indicative of the fun of this book. More on the romance side than the adventure side (vs the first book in this series being a bit more equal between the two/ maybe slightly more on the adventure side), this book keeps the romance as the central piece while the adventure is more there to drive the romance plot along than anything. Some very interesting commentary about reviews included that while overtly are about a character's business, almost seem as if the author is speaking to the reader directly about more real life situations - I've certainly seen *many* authors saying much the same thing in real life. Excellent work, with some interesting angles for the third book in this series - I will be intrigued to see if Pine goes that direction or just uses it as set up for the obvious third book main character's overall arc in that tale. Very much recommended, though do read Book 1 (Finding Alexander, also a 5* read) first.

ktomp17's review

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This was such a great book. I loved Cairo in the first book, but I definitely think Memphis is my favorite twin. He was so sweet and down to earth. Tynan had been burned before, but I was glad that he was able to put his past a little behind him so that he could trust Memphis and his team. Looking for Blackbeard’s treasure was cool. Loved the book and the growing relationship between Tynan and Memphis. Hope we can find a love for Magnus now. ❤️

I am voluntarily reviewing an ARC provided by the author

rowan108's review

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Hunting Blackbeard is the second book in a great new series written by Pandora Pine. This book focuses on Memphis, who always wanted to find Blackbeard’s treasure. I can’t tell you if he finds that specific treasure but he does find Tynan. Tynan and Memphis are kindred spirits; he too has been hunting Blackbeard since his childhood.

I felt that Tynan and Memphis had a little bit of insta-love and the relationship didn’t have the same build-up, as I am used to from this author. However, it is easy to see that Tynan and Memphis fit.

I love how Pandora weaves her characters together. This story focuses on Memphis but everyone from Finding Alexander is still there and working along side Memphis and Tynan. The historical aspects of these books are well researched and believable. Pandora has really done it yet again. She has given us a fast paced, well-written story with romance, action and adventure.

isalaur's review

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Great story, glad to return to these characters

This follow up to Finding Alexander concentrates on Memphis Vanderbilt, twin brother of the MC from Alexander.

After their success in Egypt, Memphis finds himself at a loss and decides to go back to a childhood dream and look for the treasure of Blackbeard the pirate. He and his brother Cairo, Cairo’s fiance Dillinger and their best friend Magnus head to North Carolina’s Ocracoke Island where they meet up with Tynan Seneca a dive instructor and boat owner who they hire to help them on their expedition.

A lot of the book centers on Memphis coming to terms with his relationship with his now deceased father and Tynan has similar father issues. Tynan also has a slimy ex who has left him damaged and that creates problems between he and Memphis.

The relationship develops quickly but the author does a nice job detailing the emotional journey. The mystery and investigation surrounding Blackbeard is interesting and I like the way it builds. It seems to go a bit too easy making you wonder why no one else has figured any of this out before though Memphis does have an advantage.

The two crisis moments are so freaking easy to predict. The relationship crisis is practically a requirement in this type of story so it makes me a little sad that we ended up there. It’s too pat. And the suspense story crisis is so clearly predictable that it is annoying as no one as experienced as these guys would allow the circumstances that allow it to happen, particularly given the recent events that serve as a crystal clear warning. The whole thing seemed so anti-climatic and made the ending of the book something of a let down. The message at the end is uplifting and sends a great message. I just couldn’t help but feel like something was missing given how I usually feel after one of this author’s books. I’m hoping there is a book three with Magnus’ story and things pick up again.