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parsnip_road's review against another edition
Laura är flera år äldre än Matthew O’Brien plus att han har ett rykte om sig att snabbt gå vidare till nästa kvinna. Så hon håller gärna förhållandet hemligt och funderar på om hon inte borde avsluta det.
Matthew, däremot, anser att det är dags att sluta gömma sig och göra det hela offentligt. Han bryr sig inte om åldersspannet och han vet att det är Laura han vill spendera resten av livet med.
När så Laura meddelar familjen vem hon har ett förhållande med händer det hon hela tiden trott: att fadern menar att hon skämmer ut sig, familjen och - viktigast av allt - banken!
Så hon säger upp sig. Och avslutar förhållandet med Matthew…
Nell, familjens matriark, skulle hemskt gärna vilja besöka Irland och Dublin igen innan det är försent. Så hennes söner med respektive samt barn och barnbarn åker till Dublin för att fira jul.
Eftersom Laila är syster till Abbys man och har varit som en i familjen under alla år får även hon följa med. Något Matthew tänker dra nytta av - men inte på det sätt hon tror…
En mysig berättelse med julig bakgrund och kärlek i vart och vartannat hörn. Både där man räknat med det och på nya platser.
Matthew, däremot, anser att det är dags att sluta gömma sig och göra det hela offentligt. Han bryr sig inte om åldersspannet och han vet att det är Laura han vill spendera resten av livet med.
När så Laura meddelar familjen vem hon har ett förhållande med händer det hon hela tiden trott: att fadern menar att hon skämmer ut sig, familjen och - viktigast av allt - banken!
Så hon säger upp sig. Och avslutar förhållandet med Matthew…
Nell, familjens matriark, skulle hemskt gärna vilja besöka Irland och Dublin igen innan det är försent. Så hennes söner med respektive samt barn och barnbarn åker till Dublin för att fira jul.
Eftersom Laila är syster till Abbys man och har varit som en i familjen under alla år får även hon följa med. Något Matthew tänker dra nytta av - men inte på det sätt hon tror…
En mysig berättelse med julig bakgrund och kärlek i vart och vartannat hörn. Både där man räknat med det och på nya platser.
momomo1112's review against another edition
At first I was skeptical and expected super cringy cheesy, it was cheesy but cute cheesy, the story flowed well and it was a quick read
jrkrell's review against another edition
Rounded up because I liked that an older woman and younger man overcome societal judgement. Also touches on the grandmother rekindling a relationship with an old flame.
ebenducci's review against another edition
Another fun book about the O'Brien's ad their search for love. This one centers around the fmaily friend Laila and Matthew, one of the grandsons. The family is over in Ireland for Susie and Mack's honeymoon and the pressure is on for a wedding to take place at Christmas before heading home.
booksreadbydeepti's review against another edition
Another beautiful Christmas O'brien story
in my words ....A Christmassy Irish sweet & love freaked salty romance :) <3
in my words ....A Christmassy Irish sweet & love freaked salty romance :) <3
leasummer's review
Another great edition to the Chesapeake Shores series. I haven't read all of them or in order, but it could be helpful as the characters of each story and background characters in this large family based series.
Christmas themed, set in Ireland.
Christmas themed, set in Ireland.
nicrae1216's review against another edition
BORING!!!!! I usually love her books but this one bored me.
jbarr5's review against another edition
An O'Brien FamilY Christmas by Sherryl Woods
Laila Riley's father ran the bank. She used to have a job there til she hooked up
with playboy Matthew O'Brien. Now she will work at the Inn doing their accounting
The whole family each had their turn at talking to her to get her to change her mind and go with the family to Ireland for Christmas.
It finally worked and she just loved Ireland and how Matthew was the tour guide and knew so much about the country. All of them would show up, 1/2 of them in the first batch. Other half in a few more days.
Love how throughout the whole book I am updated on the other members of the families and their lives as it's all intertwined. I know I've missed a few in the series but I can kinda catch up with them anyways.
Love how the scenery is described, makes me feel like I'm on the
trip with them.
And Nell, the leader of the O'Briens meets up with an old boyfriend while in Ireland and they spend some time together and even have a coming of the clans-a huge dinner party. One rebellious woman has been settled by one of the O'Briends much to everybodys astonishment.
Even though some in the family thinks there will be a wedding in Ireland there are just too many problems and obstacles to overcome with Liala and her father.
Crackers-all right! Love those things! Ah the Christmas Blessing, what a treat!
Wow, always something going on: Christmas morning announcements: a wedding, one is expecting a baby, donating gifts to the less fortunate, and another wedding in the works.
i rate this book a 5 for all the down to earth things that occur, just wish I had a fairytale wedding day.
Laila Riley's father ran the bank. She used to have a job there til she hooked up
with playboy Matthew O'Brien. Now she will work at the Inn doing their accounting
The whole family each had their turn at talking to her to get her to change her mind and go with the family to Ireland for Christmas.
It finally worked and she just loved Ireland and how Matthew was the tour guide and knew so much about the country. All of them would show up, 1/2 of them in the first batch. Other half in a few more days.
Love how throughout the whole book I am updated on the other members of the families and their lives as it's all intertwined. I know I've missed a few in the series but I can kinda catch up with them anyways.
Love how the scenery is described, makes me feel like I'm on the
trip with them.
And Nell, the leader of the O'Briens meets up with an old boyfriend while in Ireland and they spend some time together and even have a coming of the clans-a huge dinner party. One rebellious woman has been settled by one of the O'Briends much to everybodys astonishment.
Even though some in the family thinks there will be a wedding in Ireland there are just too many problems and obstacles to overcome with Liala and her father.
Crackers-all right! Love those things! Ah the Christmas Blessing, what a treat!
Wow, always something going on: Christmas morning announcements: a wedding, one is expecting a baby, donating gifts to the less fortunate, and another wedding in the works.
i rate this book a 5 for all the down to earth things that occur, just wish I had a fairytale wedding day.
caraheard's review against another edition
I love books set in Ireland but the fact this book was set there was useless. It could have been set in any hotel anywhere since the only significance Dublin got was the mention of pubs, Guinness, and Irish coffee. No mention of Dillon's accent. No description of the area other than the dreary weather and pretty seaside. And absolutely no reference to how anyone looked. You have no description of any character so there is no way to build what I refer to as the movie in my head. And not once did they say what the difference in age was between Laila and Matthew. It was mentioned all through but no details of how old they were. Maybe all this was stated in precious books, which I haven't read. And unfortunately won't be reading. This is my diet book by Sherryl Woods and it may be my last. Even though I have the next in this series. Several people has reviewed this saying in can be a stand alone. But throughout reading it I felt like I was missing important pieces of the story.